Ch 158: Keeping him in [pt2]

Now that both of them have ended up orgasming, they were much more relaxed. As such, Diantha tried to calm their kiss down a bit. She wanted this moment to last for a little while more.

But that was her opinion and Yohan seemed not to share it with her. His mouth snapped back at her with passion when she tried to pull away from Yohan.

Their tongues intermingled with each other and pressed for dominance which Diantha pretty much gave in to. She allowed Yohan to do what he wanted now.

“Are you getting distracted again? I guess I will have to try harder to make sure you do not get bored of me.”

Yohan sounded amused when he made that observation. Diantha instantly flushed as soon as she heard Yohan’s attention on her body. It was a dark gaze that caused her to squirm in discomfort.

No matter how many nights she spent with Yohan, the passion she felt did not seem to dwindle even a little bit.