Ch 181: Escaping the crime [pt1]

The situation outside the facility had not been pretty, to say the least. Yohan had some idea of what had happened but even he could not say for sure what had happened.

Most of the buildings and streets looked as if they had collapsed on top of each other and there was unnecessary debris everywhere. The world looked to be post-apologetic which was a direct contrast to how it had been just hours ago.

“The conductors stopped working somewhere around an hour ago. You can imagine what happened next.”

Khole did not have to elaborate for Yohan to get the whole picture. It was like imagining a world without electricity but worse since even everything worked on Magi craft in this world. There was no sense of physical labor anywhere.

A world that had adapted to the magi craft this perfectly could not survive in its absence. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

“Wow, so we did this? I knew we were dependent on magi-craft but darn, this is too much even for me to imagine.”