For his stay at the Abstel mansion, Yohan was given a fully furnished room with a lake-facing view. The room was too fancy for it to be located in any normal wing.
That alone told Yohan how influential and important the Abstel family was in the kingdom ranking. Even their servants enjoyed luxuries that normal people could not even think of enjoying.
‘Well, it will not take long before it is all mine as well. Lady Rui will have to fall.’
Yohan was not interested or worried about his competition. Hans knew what was good for him and had ended up taking the oath Yohan had wanted him to. Now he was in Yohan’s court.
As for the other two? They did not look like much, to begin with. Yohan should not have too many problems with them.
Yohan went to sleep with an open mind but he was still vigilant. He made sure to ping Hans to keep him updated. The head butler would try something funny soon enough.