Ch 208: One blow after another [pt2]

"But we do have a way to know where he is right now."

The noise broke out in the room after the leader’s declaration that the culprit for the queen’s attempted murder could be located. Yohan felt his heart skip a beat as soon as he heard all that noise.

He was aware that he could be found out at any time if he was not careful.

But despite all his worries, Yohan did not let it show on his face that he was worried. He simply stood still behind Lady Rui.

“Oh, so you know how to get the culprit? Do tell us then.”

Someone in the room asked with a satisfied voice. Yohan did not bother looking up to see who the speaker was. He neither cared, nor wished to know it.

“Well, we do know the culprit and we can catch him. But there is a ‘but’ in this situation. The only one who can track this man down is our queen. But she refuses to get involved for some reason. She is also not giving us a reason for her refusal to do so.”

Yohan’s heart steadied as soon as he heard that.