Ch 210: Transfer of duties [pt2]

“O-Of course I can get everything done. I am an exceptional butler after all. Lady Rui, you can leave everything to me.”

Hobbit was swallowing blood at this point. His tone did not match his words, nor the worried expression on his face. Hobbit had gone paler ever since he had heard Lady Rui’s comment but the female ignored him.

Instead, she turned toward Yohan and flashed him a relieved smile.

“See Yohan. Everything is sorted out now. So I hope you will not have any other thoughts in your mind when accompanying me next time.”

The glare Hobbit gave Yohan was acidic. It would have been enough to kill him if glaring had that power.

Unfortunately for Hobbit, glaring did not have that power and Yohan was given another day to live. He could not help but flash Hobbit a cheeky smile in return for his efforts.