229: The town trip [pt1]

“H-How could this have happened to me? Tell me this is a joke and I will get my funding soon. Head butler, please don’t do this to me now.”

Lady Freshia had gone to the bed with a conflicted look on her face and she had woken up in an even worse mood. It was all thanks to the latest piece of information the head butler had given her.

Lady Freshia’s dress budget was too huge of a burden so it had to be cut down to accommodate other necessities. Lady Freshia had never been this humiliated before.

She knew that it was not the head butler’s fault that this ended up happening but he was the only one nearby who could take her anger. So that was where Freshia aimed her frustration.

“I know you are annoyed Freshia and I am so sorry that this had to happen. But we need to save the Abstel family’s name as well. We cannot allow this party to be shabby. You understand me, right?”

Rui sounded sad and apologist which made Freshia reel in her temper and consider her actions.