The party was finally in full swing. It had taken a long time of preparing but finally, all the important people of the empire had ended up gathering around the same hallway.
This was an annual party that was hosted by the Abstel household but no one missed the true purpose of this party - to show off the friendship between Rui Abstel and Freshia Wells. Even the queen had been invited to this party.
Every one pitied the poor Abetel heiress who had been put into such a difficult situation by her friend. She had been all but forced to make such a move.
And even though Rui Abstel did not feel like there was anything wrong with supporting her fiend, the gathering did not think the same. They saw it as a betrayal by Rui of their believed the queen and her choice.
“Poor heiress Abstel. She is being taken advantage of.”
“So true. I did not think that cunning fox had it in her to manipulate her friend like this.”