243: An imposter [pt3]

“Oh, I know everything about Lady Rui before I served her so I cannot say I was disappointed. Rather, now I need to decide what I want to do to you.”

Yohan looked toward the girl in front of him. Freshia was a good chess piece but he had observed her enough to know that she was not a game-changer. She might think she was good but she lacked basic observation skills.

Between her and Rui, Yohan still preferred Rui to be the superior one. But that might change in the future depending on what Freshia does and what choices Rui makes.

“Oh, don’t worry. You just need to see if I am worth investing in or not, right? In that case, I will show you that I am the right choice all along. You just wait and watch how I get rid of the head butler.”

Yohan did not care about the head butler any longer but it would be amusing to see the head butler being bested by his pawn.