255: The end of it all [pt2]

As soon as Huye had heard the words that were spoken between Yohan and Freshia, she knew she needed to warn everyone.

There was no love lost between her and the little goddess but Huye knew that the resistance had come to depend on the foreigner. And as such, Huye wanted to make sure the little goddess understood what was happening.

But Huye did not get to go far before the veins decided she would make a tasty snack and started to collide all around her. Huye had to take a deep breath to curb her fear.

“Well, look who we have here. A small rat is sneaking around the place and doing as she pleases. I wonder what gave you the courage to run around like this.”

Yohan had caught Huye with his magical chains and she could not escape them. She was trapped in her place and her face looked terrified of Yohan. Yohan tried hard not to laugh at Huye’s discomfort but he could not help it.

Huye was just too funny sometimes and especially when she thought she could outsmart Yohan.