261: Revenge complete

The little goddess tried to run away while her two ‘would-be’ killers argued. This was her only chance to run away.

But as soon as she tried, Huye stopped her attempts. Her body created a barrier between the outside world and the little goddess. The goddess tried to get past Huye with her powers.

Blinding light flashed in the room and the little goddess used this opportunity to change directions. But Huye was not even phased. If anything, Huye’s impassive eyes looked bored but fierce.

“For someone who talks big, you sure are powerless when it comes to actual fighting. I wonder how long you will last against me in a fair fight.”

Huye punched the little goddess in her stomach. It caused the little goddess to lose momentum and she fell to the ground.

But before she could make any other move, her hands were bound by something and she looked down to see a chain holding her in place.