"Alice!! Alice!!. Alice what is wrong? Alice, please talk to me. Alice, you are not saying anything. Alice please talk to me, my love I have seen someone he said he is coming. Honey please stay with me, you can't leave me, you can't do this to me, not now Alice." Thomas screamed with every little strength and air in his lungs that the neighbors could hear his bitter outcry and rushed to the house to see what was happening, but only for them to find Alice in Thomas arms lying with her eyes open looking at the celine of the house.
Thomas couldn't hold the pain
anymore, he couldn't believe that the only thing his wife was looking for, for the past seven years would be the reason for her death. How did it come to this, how did he let her become the shadow of herself.
Thomas cursed himself for leaving her alone so she could catch up with Rebecca. He wished he had stayed with her, then the pain she was feeling wouldn't have gotten to this.