"Edwin?" She called, slowly. with a bright tone.
Thomas folded his brows trying to understand her expression when she suddenly rushed to Edwin's bed and he immediately turned to see Edwin's eyes open and also hugging Alice back.
"Ohh My Edwin!" Alice cried, hugging him tightly.
Thomas was shocked and surprised to see Edwin awake again but the whole impression was nothing like Edwin's own.
He could feel Alice's happiness, and the relief of seeing her son alive again.
But it was not the same, it felt different from Edwin's usual state of being happy and content to live. Something was missing.
His face was blank and emotionless. Thomas could hear the faint sound of his heartbeat but couldn't tell if it's real or fake.
The pulse sounded fast but slow. He also felt like he could hear Edwin saying something and the words were muffled.
Thomas could not figure out what was wrong with Edwin and the rest of that day Alice acted distant and cold towards him.