Asaph was more worried and Aunt Maxi shocked at how the tooth was turning into a turquoise blue amulet. Through out the formation process, the two pair of eyes kept on looking from the glowing tooth to the boy who kept on turning on the bed, he looked as though he was in a bad dream fighting off unknown powers. The amulet at first started out as loyal blue then it elongated and turned to white and after a little while, it turned to blue green, letter G appeared in the middle of the letter and it fully formed a Shaped curved around the edges to look like a key to somewhere. “What’s Happening brother in law?” Aunt Maxi worriedly asked Asaph, he stood up, shook his head and looked confused too, both clearly knew that their the boy dreaming on the examination bed was extraordinary but couldn’t comprehend what was happening at the moment or explain that that lay on the table in the place of the tooth that Aunt Maxi had extracted.