The celebration started passed hours ago yet the two important guests are leisurely talking at Prince Sal's room, not caring on what is happening on the commencement. Leonthera is sitting on a long divan near the enormous mattress where Caelum is lying askew— right hand on the head while the elbow is supporting him with straight gaze at the princess infront of him.
"We really do like chambers, huh?", Leonthera said while sitting with her arms leaning on the back rest on the divan. She is now well-dressed and wearing the long coat from Caelum's attire. It is locked by the belt on her waist. Looking like a noble woman.
Caelum shrugged. Being used at her unladylike attitudes, he ignored her tone and position. "I didn't have a choice.", he replied, not even thinking of a reason.
"How did you know where I am?", she asked. She doesn't remember anything but her hunger and the water. Whenever she thinks of what happened, the only thing she could do is to curse Victrina.
The lad smile. "A hunch.", he said proudly.
Leonthera frowned. "The fuck? Well.. if you think about it...", she paused. ".. you're just stupid if you didn't figured it out.", she declared convince.
"And you're stupid for asking 'how' did I know where you are.", he replied, annoying her.
The princess yawned. "Mhm? Do the knights didn't even notice my absence?", she asked confused.
"Seeing them not panicking for guarding the castle or the hallways.. perhaps they weren't a knights from the castle or they were bought by your lady.", he explained, remembering the two knights without the engraved simbol of the castle on their chest armor.
Leonthera think and looked at the ceiling. She inhaled deeply and look at Caelum's eyes instantly with sterner look he never seen before.
"What do you want?", she asked directly. The prince didn't move an inch nor look surprised.
Leonthera didn't think negatively on his reaction. The prince looked like he was expecting the question that made the princess felt at ease. Since the day they met, even in the shortest time, she could feel the prince carefreeness when he is with her. Caelum also always accept her unladylike, impropriety and her etiquette in everything. She was also wondering why he didn't tried to escape nor distance himself when they met at the town and act like he was comfortable with her.
'Does he know me before we met or is it really just a coincidence?', she asked herself, still suspicious on his intentions.
Caelum sitted on the mattress then looked at her again. He smiled and looked behind him where an old furniture is standing. Beside it is two wooden swords.
"Are your wounds hurting?", Caelum asked.
The princess shake her head. "I'm good as new."
"How about a.. second round?", he asked and jump to leave the bed opposite where Leonthera is sitting.
The princess raised her brows. "You really doesn't like boring deals, huh?", she asked then stand and walk around the bed to get near at him.
Caelum nodded and laughed a little. "There's always a way to make things interesting.", he said and throw a sword to Leonthera. "Let's make a rule..", the princess nodded and pointed at him with her palm.
"You make!", she said with boredom.
"...if the sword touch any parts of your body, you shall ask a question and the other should answer.", he declared. She agreed and stretch her neck, hand and stomp her feet.
They positioned with metres distance between them— observing each other and thinking of a move. Leonthera who always loves to initiate attack straight forward that made Caelum avoid it and attach at her side. She also blocked it with her sword but the prince slide his sword to hers and immediately swayed it at her left foot. Touching it lightly.
"What happened inside your chamber?", he asked looking straight on her bright shining red eyes. The sword is still in her legs.
She didn't move but answered. "She punished me from my runways before.", she replied honestly and attacked him that made him retreat and make a distance.
They again continued like a music after being played. Caelum didn't notice the string on the upper left side on the bed pillars, when he swing his sword, it got stuck and give Leonthera an opening to point the sword on his neck.
"What do you want?", she asked with a glare, giving him the bloodlust she always used when torturing her enemies.
Caelum felt the shiver in his spine. He noticed the difference of her simple minded businesses. It was.. terrifying. He act as normal as he can.
"I want nothing but to help.", he replied. Unsure on his answer and saw how unsatisfied Leonthera on that. "I mean, in my nature. What I want is you. But.. you're different and not as someone I could desire after meeting you.", he answered honestly without a doubt.
Leonthera nodded. When the prince saw her satisfied gaze, he then attacked her with his strength. She was now walking backwards, retreating from his strong attacks but she countered it all well by speed and movements. They fight for minutes before Leonthera touch Caelum's ear.
"You're just a rake then?", she asked. Hearing Caelum's answer on the question that is always bothering her, she couldn't think of anything she wanted to know.
His intentions are now cleared, it was all true he loves women and seeing him fighting with her in equal foot can make her feel his nature. She thought about the past, Caelum didn't report her nor making a reason for her to be executed. It is also impossible for him to want her to be his wife. And, by her image as an invisible and nameless princess, it was impossible for him to recognize the princess.
Caelum smiled. "I am.", he said confidently and attack again to make his chance. They exchange blows and movements, making them enjoy.
"Why did you let her do that?", Caelum asked.
"I was sleeping when she tied me, beat me when I am helpless and make me sleep again by a water."
"What a fool you are."
"I am."
The princess asked. "Who do you like among the princesses?"
"Perhaps Princess Folia."
"Tsh! Don't spit shit! I think she despise you."
"Well, a hunch."
Caelum got the upper hand. "Why did your lady locked you?"
She was silent for a minute. Still looking for an answer. "Perhaps the reason is the king. I might kill him there myself, you know."
The prince didn't asked further and tried to change the burning emotions in Leonthera's eyes.
"That would be messy."
He asked again. "How did you know Prince Sidus?"
"We met at the dungeon.", Caelum was surprised by her answer.
"Beat me."
"Why did you go in the town? When we met..", she asked while catching her breath.
"I have this arrangement with a noble lady in a cabin."
"My, my!"
The prince breath deeply before asking. "Why do you join this tournament?"
"Are ya' stupid? To be an empress, obviously!"
"Are you serious?"
"Beat me then I will answer you."
"Why emperor?", Leonthera asked calmly.
"What do you mean?"
"Mhm.. you can be a king or whatever more peaceful than this."
"It was my father's desire."
"How about yours then?"
"I desire what my father's desire."
"Hey! That's pair of questions."
"But you answered it..."
Caelum asked. "Why do you join the tournament? Except for the reason of the position. Clear enough!"
The princess smiled. "Great question."
"Answer it with greatness then."
Leonthera pointed the sword Caelum's holding on her neck.
"To die..."
No one talked nor tried to fight back. Caelum was taken aback and the princess seems she's just waiting for him to recover. For the prince to hear her unexpected goal, he realized why she is not fighting back nor planning to revenge.
She was ready to die.
"But... why?", he asked looking at the floor. No courage to take her serious gazes head on.
Leonthera is hesitated to tell him her reason yet she still confessed. "Because with my disappearance, people will stop chasin' me and my beloveds will be save. It sounds coward or unreasonable but the only reason I live is to die."
Caelum looked at her when she heard it with sincerity. He cannot question her plans nor her decisions. He didn't know her for a long time. She just appeared in front of him, pull him to a festival, and help her in many kinds of trouble. He walked towards her slowly.
"Do you want a hug?", he said that made him blush a little.
Leonthera laughed wickedly. "Is that a joke?"
He was serious.
"Of course! Who will like to hug someone as cold as you.", he said and act humorously.
They both looked at the door when someone unlocked it. No one move nor tried to hide— both prepared to a guest. Leonthera think of a reason if they need to say one. She is thinking to blame Caelum and destroy his reputation as the prince. On the other hand, Caelum is thinking to blame Leonthera for entering the wrong room and use his key on Sal's chamber as an evidence.
The door opened and a young man appeared.
"Goodness gracious!", he exclaimed when he saw a couple of different species in his room. "What insolence you did Caelum!", he said with confusion then looked at the lady sitting carelessly on the end of his bed. "And with a princess.", he scold the other while looking straight at them. He locked the door before walking closer to them.
Sal looked at Leonthera and bowed. "Princess Leonthera, what did this young man—", he was interrupted by a complain.
"Hey, hey! What's with this blaming?", Caelum declared.
Leonthera laughed silently for Sal not to notice.
"You are the only one I permit to enter in this room but I never expect—", Sal tried to argue.
"But I never did anything wrong!", the other prince said.
"How come then she is wearing your coat?", Sal asked interrogating.
Caelum looked at Leonthera. "Why not talk now, my lady?", he asked with sarcasm.
"He drag me here when I am helpless.", the princess answered in a feeble voice.
Sal glared at Caelum. "Evantonia?", he asked furiously.
The other prince sighed. "You really did believe her?"
"Of course! She is a princess and a lady at that."
"I'm a prince and your friend."
"You are, but taking advantage to a lady who's in—"
Leonthera laughed wickedly that surprised both of them. They both stared at the lady who's laughing savagely.
"What a deafening laugh.", Caelum commented.
"You both have an amazing friendship. I was envious.", she said and stand up. She looked at the young man in front of her. "Your friend help me somewhat. I was being chased, again and he saved me. Don't worry about me when dealing with this friend of yours. We ain't like each other.", she explained with the nod of Caelum.
Sal remembered the day Leonthera jumped over a high place to escape on someone. To her lady Victrina.
"Permit me to answer, Princess Leonthera. Everyone is looking for you.", he said politely then looked at his friend. "And to you too, Prince Caelum.", he said that made the other prince shrugged. Not caring about his announcement.
"Just take this young lad with you.", she said and raised her sword to point Caelum. "I'll run away.", she smiled.
Sal was surprised by her declaration and attempt to talk when Caelum stop him. "Let her.", he said that made Leonthera wink at him, he answered it with a frowned. "You know where is the stables?", he asked then fix his attire.
"I know better than anyone.", she said confidently and looked outside the window.
"Don't try to jump there. The celebration is being held at under this room. Jumping would just make them notice you.", Sal said that made her retreat from trying to jump.
"Then where?"
"There are no knights at the left hallway. They are all occupied on the back and front of the castle. You can sneek at the kitchen's window or the storage where the wines are being hidden.", Sal explained carefully for her to understand it clearly.
Leonthera smiled and pat his shoulder. "Thanks, young man! I will now take my leave.", she said gently then bowed. When she's about to leave, she looked at Caelum.
"The day we will meet again is the day of the tournament. Be prepared to be defeated... by me!", she declared with conviction.
Caelum smiled and cross his arms around his chest. "I might also prepare a napkin, in possibility you cry.", he said confidently.
The princess nod. "May the best man win.", she then left.
"But she's a woman?!", Sal said with confusion.
Caelum laughed.