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Episode 10- Frankenstein

The Freaks came and got the corpse of my brother Andy, then they just walked away. What was going on? "Well will do our best to honor him", Mechanic said. "What're you going to do with him"? They didn't say a thing, they just kept walking. I stared and watched them leave. I got up and my friends took me home. "I'm so so sorry Ashley girl", Sally comforted me. "It's fine, it's not your fault", I cried. About 2 weeks went by and nothing happened.

I was still grieving my brother yet the pain started to go away. I was sitting down talking to Bruce and Sally.

Look", someone shouted. After that, there was a bunch of loud commotion. We got up and went outside. "What's the yelling about", Bruce shouted. Just then he froze and so did Sally. I looked at them both in confusion, then I turned to what they were looking at. It was Andy, standing there alive and well. Next to him were 4 other people. 2 girls, Mechanic, and one with fire for hair.

Then 2 guys, Marine and one with frozen hair. You could clearly see Andy's head had been sown back on. He had two metal knobs sticking out the left and right of his neck. His skin had turned a bit green. He was a complete Frankenstein! "Andy", I shouted. I ran towards him and the ice and fire Freaks guarded him with their arms crossed. "It's okay, she's my sister", he told them. They stepped out of the way and Andy hugged me. "I'm so sorry Ashley". "What happened, how are you here"? "I'm just like the rest of the freaks now".

"I'm un-dead", he said sticking his hand out. "Now I go by Frankenstein, and I have powers". "Even though you're not from RingTown"? "Exactly", he said, a small electrical wave coming from his finger. "That's so cool", I laughed. "Well, I'm just happy to be back, and a part of a pretty strong group". "Yeah, I'm so glad to have you back", I smiled. "Don't go die on me again". "I'm alive as long as I have my electricity". "Okay, well I'll see you later okay"? "Okay, bye sis". "Bye, Frankenstein".

"Well ain't that something", Sally and Bruce laughed. "Yeah, I can't believe they were able to bring him back". "Yeah". I felt someone step on my skate, they were brand new. I turned around and saw Inko, she had two large holes in the back of her shirt. "Well who shot you up R.E.M"? "Maybe it was her parents, or it could be if she had some", Sally joked. "Are you just mad because I left you to rot in jail"? "Ya damn right I am". "Well maybe you should do something besides talking a bunch of shit"!

"Ugh, I'm not gonna fight with a bitch like you", I told her. "What"? I pushed her, "A bitch"! She punched me in the face and fell backwards. She did a 360 kick and hit me in the stomach. I flipped, kicking her in the neck. She got up and punched me repeatedly. Andy heard the commotion and came back over there. "What's going on"? He ran over and pushed Inko. "Oh hey there Andy, how did it feel being dead"? "I think you should ask your parents that". "Calm down pretty boy, don't get cocky now".

"That's difficult". He shot an electric wave at her causing her to twitch and shake. Bruce, Sally, Andy, and I all laughed. That's when she stopped twitching and her blood-red eyes glowed. She held her hand up to him and it turned red. A large explosion came out and hit Andy. Andy got off the ground in confusion, "What the hell"?