1.2 My Invisible Hell

Standing on the train station platform, minding my own business I put on my earphones then plugged it into my phone and listened to some music. A lot of students from different schools came in and out of the platform, I observed quite a while, enjoying the music and waiting for the train and Rina, suddenly-

"What the-"

The pain came running down my back. Feels like being smacked by a thick belt. I glanced back and saw Rina, in her PE uniform, with an icy glare and an annoyed look she approached me.

"What the heck!?" while trying to hold my back because of the agony.

"That's for calling my 'fatty' you nerd…" She pouted. I know I'm her boyfriend but come on stop with the non-stop bullying already? Well, I guess I can't help it though I'm the one who started it.

Then like a female boxer in every television fight, she rapidly punches me on my arm.

"Hey! Ouch…what was that for? I know I called you fatty but is that really necessary?" Replying to her while holding my arms upward to hold her punches.

"Nah. I just wanted to punch you that's all" she replied then grabbed my left side of my earphone then listened to the music I've been listening to.

"This vibe is nice…what's the title?" she continued to listen, well I guess she liked the indie genre after all.

"Oh, uhm…it's Rex Orange Cou-"

The blaring sound of a horn covered the station, the train is here. The train eventually reached the platform then slowly opened its doors. I grabbed Rina's hand while she's not paying attention because she's still listening, we manage to scoot inside as we entered the train, but it's kind of hard because people are stuck for a while inside the train like sardines in a can.

The train eventually ran. It was hot even the aircon is running.

"You're wearing a sweater again? Aren't ya hot or something?" With a teasing tone, she glanced back at me smirking.

"Hey, you should pay attention to your surroundings" Scratching my head just to show her how annoyed I was.

"It's okay I know that you're not leaving me behind" giggling softly while taking her phone then played a game.

I pinched her cheek she didn't react, still playing the game. Feels like I'm being a dad instead of being a boyfriend.

Well, Rina was my classmate since pre-school we've been close since we're kids. When we were little troublesome cubs. I don't usually go outside and play, I'm always aiming for the exit. Sprinting like a cheetah until reaching my home after school, and not hanging out with anybody. Since my step-father always talks rude and badmouthing me all the time. About how I ruined their lives as a couple, and how bratty my attitude was, which, is not a 'fact' by the way…Well… at some point. Because of that, at an early age, my insecurity when meeting people was high as a mountain.

But she always approaches me whenever I go home alone and always played with me in school. Time flew by fast our relationship developed into this.

The rest is history, I don't always love being close to people that are pushy like other human beings out there. But if it's her I would make an exception.

After around six minutes or more, the train station announced the upcoming station platform, slowly the train stopped and opened the doors slowly. As she walks out she suddenly kissed me on the cheek. Flabbergasted, frozen at my spot until she eventually walks out of the train then giving me a make face. My face is red I can tell.

I couldn't reply anymore because the train's door closed already and we started moving. While unplugging my earphones then putting them back in my pocket.

"Jeez…" I let down a huge sigh then texted her.

"Don't forget to eat lunch, just because you have volleyball practice doesn't mean you have to skip food hours alright?"

My phone buzzed I didn't expect a fast reply.

"Okay, just text me when you're going home I'll wait for you at the station as always"

Sending me, with a red sparkling heart emoji.

"Ayt" Then putting a white emoji heart.

Our conversation ended, I arrived at my station the doors slowly opened then a lot of people struggled to get out because it was the last station.

Like I said, we've been classmates from pre-school to middle school.

But it all changed at our final grade at middle school when she received a scholarship at a prestigious university. She's a good volleyball player, despite her power and skills in the field, there are improvements that she needs to learn to be much more skilled in the future.

So… when our high-school year came, she decided to go to the university where she got invited. Me on the other hand, I just supported her decision despite it can be scary and anxious in our relationship.

Still, I need to support her dreams, I can't be the one to hold her down because of my anxiety problems.

After a five minute walk from the station and simultaneously crossing the smoky roads that can make your face itchy, I reached our school gate. THE UNIVERSITY OF WEST KNIGHTS. A big colorful sign is plucked at the side of our gate. I think it's because of our upcoming foundation week. Never paid attention but, thinking of it maybe that was the reason.

A long curve line of students stumbled upon me I have no choice to stay in position. Looks like the ID system is broken so we have to wait a little more. A soft voice called me at the back of the line.

"Hey, Alex!" the girl exclaimed while waving her hand signaling me to wait for her at the gate, replying by giving her a thumbs up without saying a single word. I eventually reached the ID station, I tapped my ID while the guards checked my bag. While waiting for the guard to return my knapsack he stared at me with a worried look.

"Hey kid are you aware of this?" he then showed me my knapsack, I took a glimpse, I saw a bunch of trash, junk food wraps, crumpled paper, and even banana peels in it.

Damn it I forgot to check my bag earlier I was distracted by what happened at my house.

As the security guard tried to help me with my garbage problem, I can hear other students laughing behind my line but I just brushed it off. I got out of the ID station and waited for that person.

A blonde-haired white petite girl wearing a yellowish hoodie approached me.

"Quite a ruckus back there huh?" crossing her arms and gave me a worried expression.

"Yeah forgot to check my bag earlier. It's not a big deal don't worry about it Hana" Giving her a faded smile while scratching my left cheek.

"Shall we get going?"

"I think we should"

"Those guys are bothering you again huh?" Hana asked me. While walking to the hall towards our classroom, another worried look from her. I tried answering by using a premise of excuses.

"…no there just playing along with me that's- Hey, what are you doing!" As I was about to deliver my excuse Hana grabbed my left arm and pulled my sweater's sleeve upward. I was trying to hide but she knows I'm lying.

"I knew it" clicking her tongue she patted my head with a little force.

"Just don't tell anyone alright? I already cleaned the wounds, I went to the clinic last week" I shook my arm counterclockwise as I did that, my sleeve went down.

"Last week? You could've just called me yesterday and assist you!"

"I was out in with a cold yesterday so I didn't contact you…" Walking side by side she then glared at me, I can see from her brown eyes that she's angry. I put my both hands up…

The flopping sound of our shoes, along with other students, covered the atmosphere as we use the stairs. I think we got distracted because of our conversation that's why we didn't manage to use the elevator.

"Okay, okay… I'll call you whenever I'm in trouble promise" averting my face with her gaze. Feels like I'll be turned into a stone if I glance back at her.

"Jeez… you could just call me yourself yesterday I saw you seating alone in your class during lunchtime" Hana grumbled but this time with an embarrassed expression on her face, I don't know why but her ears are turning reddish tomatoes.

"Wait, I've told you, right? I was knocked out by a cold, so I didn't go to school, are you high or something?" confused what she said earlier I stood my ground.

"What?! You're not making any sense. It must be you I know where you sit. Forth row at the left, beside the window right?" She continued her acclaims.

We continued our walk I was about to ask her a bunch of questions regarding the ridiculous statements, but I noticed we arrived in my classroom.

"Let's stop here, I'll go up now the fourth floor is a pain, I will take the elevator from here see you, Alex!"

"Oi, wait!"

She ran towards the elevator section I did not stop her I was in front of my classroom so it would be a hustle to chase after her. Still confused, I set it aside for later discussion. Opening the door and entering my class, walking inside, and as always, empty.

As the door opened, a cool breeze from the air conditioner tickled my face. Entering the room I felt relieved because nobody was in the room but me. But every peace has its chaos so I'll enjoy this peace for a while.

I let down a sigh, then sat down putting my bag beside my chair then using my arms to cover my face I pretended to take a nap. About a minute or two I can hear the door swung open a couple of guys entered the room laughing hard and making weird noises, they covered the four walls of our room with their annoying and noisy fiasco. Footsteps approached me I know what was about to happen I took a deep breath and rose my head.

"Like always, he's here already! Don't forget to lock the door…"

Four guys circled me, this kind of feeling resembles a seal cornered by a bunch of great white sharks on a block of thin ice. As my head stood straight one guy wrapped his arm around above my neck. Looking left and right. Only five of us are in the room.

"Hey Alex c'mon you know what to do, just give it then with don't have any problems within the day" He smirking then laughed along with his friends.

"Can't you just give me a break just this once?" I spoke up quietly.

"Huh? Don't give me that face you weirdo, Pfft…well no, I don't want to give you a break. I just want your allowance that's all… you're our little piggy bank"

"Yeah, yeah! And it's rude for a piggy bank to talk back!" One of the guys said.

"Just this once Philip, I'm low on cash right now"

Suddenly Philip held my hair then gripped it tightly. He called his three other friends Robert, Mark, and Emman, then commanded them to search my bag and find my wallet.

Jokes on them I left my money at my house, made myself a homemade lunch I only took my train card for commute purposes. They've been doing this for almost a year, so a break from their selfish and fake attitude wouldn't hurt, but here we are…

After about a minute of searching my bag, they found my wallet took it, then gave it to Philip.

"Let's see then what amount I will be holding for today" smiling and giving me a cold look, he opened my wallet.

"What!? Why you little…hold him up Mark, Emman guard the door!" Philip ordered with an angry tone. Our classroom has a soundproof wall after all, so other classes will not hear what's going on in other rooms. Struggling I couldn't get out of the arm lock Mark is doing.

"Now listen here you little scumbag, don't you start acting smart on me do you understand?" Then all of a sudden Philip gave me a right blow on my stomach. Coughing my lungs out, he once again held my hair then tilted my head upward, face to face. He punched me on my left cheek. I bit my lip to hold the pain. Still, he's holding my head up.

"Now, this is one of the lessons I've been teaching you since that day, if you don't want your life to be a living hell over and over, you better do what I say ya got me shrimp!?"

I think my life's been hell since that day, and even before this school added to my problems, I nodded to answer his threatening statement. As soon I agreed they left my spot and ignored me like nothing ever happened. Laughing and speaking to each other while walking in front. Then my classmates arrived one by one after that. Since one of Philip's pawns is guarding our classroom door, like always, they don't have the slightest idea what was happening every morning.

Well if you put it this way, nature has a funny way of doing things. In the jungle, if you're at the bottom of the food chain. You will have many struggles headed in your way. It's kill to survive or be a chunk of flesh lying on the ground waiting to be devoured. Same thing as society. If you have nothing to offer on your plate. People won't give a damn with you, or worst. Take advantage of your social status.

Our adviser opened the door, my class noticed while on her way to the platform, all went back to their sits and sat quietly. She went up to the podium and started talking.

"Next week is the school's annual foundation day fiesta, where is the class representative?"

"Here Ma'am!"

The Class president raised his hand without any hesitation.

"I trust that you are handling the class with your plans?"

"Yes Ma'am I'm on it, but still a lot is going on at the student council" Philip replied, with an embarrassed look.

"I understand, I have ideas for our class, so make sure to drop by at the faculty. Let's discuss it there"

With a confident and smug look, he then blurted. Still putting on that face of pure and goodie two shoes attitude of his.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

I can hear my classmates murmuring about "How cool Philip is" and "How handsome he is with his Goldilocks like blonde hair" something like that.

"Okay homeroom is done, please bring out your science books"

The class started as usual. Philip is our class representative and the president of the student council of our school he's the living embodiment of the "Perfect Student". Some of the students, his the top-tier superstar of this school.

After the whole planning for the school foundation day and our Science schedule, I left our classroom and headed towards the restroom, walking through the corridors a girl greeted me with a wave. Walking in the opposite direction she stopped.

"Long time no see Alex! What have you been doing lately?" She let out a smile and a cheerful voice.

"…Oh… Uhm, nothing much just doing what I want to do that's all"

She's Annie Anderson the former president of the photography club where I used to go last year on our first year in this school.

She's supportive in every club activity, always letting down a helping hand, and always putting on a charming face. Got to admit she's cute, with all the black long hair, the way she smiles, how beautiful her skin, and even her personality gets me.

But still no.

"It's been a while since the issue…are you still holding up?" she looked at me and gave me a worried expression.

"It's okay, It was hard but I'm dealing with it until now…" giving a slight smile.

"If you need anything, I'll lend a hand always alright?" She held my hand and smiled. She's too close her fragrant smells like an expensive lavender perfume.

I just nodded.

"I'll be going now Alex~Park, duty calls bye~bye!" She left.

After the unexpected encounter, I left the corridor and went to the bathroom, the smell of chlorine and piss entered my nostrils. Entering the stall I did what I have to do.

Last year I was a member of the photography club. I really love taking photos and cinematic worthy scenes that smooth's my inner being.

And since I don't have many to call friends, I mostly spend my time around the campus taking photos of flowers, insects, and students who are enjoying their time at the garden area with friends. At that time, maybe I could picture myself in that kind of scenario.

But it's too late for that.

Given our sheer privileges because of our club's efforts. The school gives us permits and even funds to support the photography club, every time our school has a big convention or programs, the photography club is the first to be called when recording the events and making memories through using lenses and editing skills.

Last year's foundation program we're assigned to have a meeting along with the student council, that was my first time attending such meetings with the high authorities in the school. We are gathered at a big meeting room only reserved for the student who are assigned, planning the schedule. We are guided by none other than, Philip Clay the representative of the first years. He was wearing a bright smile, teachers were patting his back, and left and right praises. Even our upper classes are pleased to see him.

"He seems famous huh?" I tapped at Annie's shoulders and whispered.

"Yeah, he's been in the student council ever since middle school in this university. His sports track record and academics are off the chart! No wonder he's the most elected…" her expression was rather praising.

"So you're into younger guys huh?" I whispered.

She smacked me on the head, it was painful. I scratched my head a few times and didn't say any word. A teacher who is standing at the podium clapped simultaneously to get our attention.

"Okay we're about to start, please make sure to pay attention! This is important, make sure to take notes to remember the parts! The first to talk is Mr. Clay the representative for the first years, then the Second years, and lastly third years that's all!' the teacher back off then Philip took the podium and started talking.

"I'm Clay Philip, the representative of the first year…As a part of the student council I will be handling the budgeting and even the club funds from the school for our foundation festival… so we can have a smooth and fun year!"

After the planning and speech Philip gave around five minutes, he bowed and all the students and teachers clapped their hands.

"I have to take a picture for the forum…Oh, damn it!" Annie while opening her bag exclaimed.

"You forgot right?" I said.

"Yeah I forgot, can please get it?" She then asked me with an adorable look. Averting my gaze I just nodded, I stood up and went towards the exit.

Upon closing the door, I sprinted to the long corridors towards our club room, since all the club members and leader are in the meeting all club rooms are empty. Ours on the other hand is located on the fifth floor of our school. So it's tiring to go up since it's the last floor in our building.

The meeting room was located on the third floor so this time it's easy to go up without your lungs gasping for air. Reaching the fifth floor and headed towards my club room. I was about to enter our room I stopped, dead on my tracks.

"The door is unlocked? But why?" I muttered. Eh…maybe Annie forgot to lock it again. Letting out a sigh then holding the doorknob.

"Oh yes, the idiots bought it!!" A voice coming from inside our club.

"That voice…that must be…Philip" slightly opening the door I peeked inside. I saw Philip, Mark, Robert, and Emman. All laughing and squealing.

"Handling the School club funds. And taking just a portion for ourselves is brilliant!" Robert exclaimed in excitement.

"How did they get here so fast?" I wondered. That reminds me, after the whole speech thing downstairs, Philip and his friends quickly went out. Still what the hell are they babbling about!?

"Those idiots are clowns. Giving all their trust to me… well I have the perfect cover…I've been building my 'perfect reputation' since middle school…" smirking and giving a confident cocky look Philip exclaimed in-front of his friends.

"Just a portion so they will not notice! Still, money is money!" Mark followed. Letting out a cocky laugh. It was annoying.

I just stood there frozen in shock at the 180-degree switch of their attitude of the most looked up students among my year.

Not noticing I've been listening for a while…

"Hey! Someone is at the door!" one of Philip's friends pointed out in my direction. I was about to make a run for it but, two of Philip's friends ran quickly eventually opening the door and grabbed me by the collar, and pulled me inside like a kid being dragged under the bed by the boogieman.

"Make him sit…" Philip commanded giving a cold tone. Robert and Emman took a chair, then made me sit on it. Then two of them each arm holding my shoulders.

"Close the lights also, and for the love of yer!! mother!! Lock the door!"

Philip grabbed a desk chair and sat on top of it. Beside him is Mark pointing a flashlight at my face. Closing my eyes, it was too bright.

"So…you heard?" Philip asked.

I didn't answer I just pin my head down.

"Answer him, you nerd!" Then Mark slapped me in the face. The four of them laughed.

"P-Please… I-I won't say anything I promise! Just let me go!" I exclaimed.

"Puh-Puh… Please!?" They laughed.

"You know 'Promise' is just a word commonly used for manipulating people right? So I doubt that you will keep your mouth shut…" Philip replied.


"Shut the Hell up your annoying" giving me a terrifying aura and a cold look Philip exclaimed.

"So…What are you going to do Philip?" Mark still holding the flashlight.

"I have an idea…"

The four of them gathered…

"If you tell everyone what you hear and saw in this very room, I'll make your school life a living hell, I will give a certain example of how your life will become if you say a single word in the future…"

Philip ordered them to let me go, they took off their muscular arms around me. I can feel the air coming into my nose properly now.

"Why are you here in our club room in the first place if you don't want to get caught?" Continuing to catch my breath I asked.

"Well, your stupid club leader always forgets to lock your club room…it's our fault too for being irresponsible in this certain matter".


"Now leave, I don't like seeing your face…"

Leaving the room, they threw a bunch of things at me. I never looked back. People always wear a mask to cover their true nature. It's inevitable to do that because in the world we live in. The only problem is, we don't know what kind of monster we might discover while uncovering someone's thick mask.

I learned that a hard way last school year.