2.1 Unusual Gathering

Texting Rina and telling her that I won't be able to go home with her after school hours because of the foundation day fiesta material shopping. She agreed and texted me to be careful on the way home. The weight of this responsibility feels like a huge boulder is on your back, one mistake can lead to unimaginable consequences. For some people, it's just a piece of cake, but regarding in situation right now in this school I'm standing on. It's not easy to think positively.

But there is one person that I can count on, thank God for that. So switching from messages to contacts I called Hana and I'll try my best to convince her to accompany me. The phone rang and rang as my shoes squeak while walking in the long corridors, the janitor moping on our class floor gave a wave and mouthing "take care". I wave back and giving him a slight smile. Then he turned around and continued moping.

"Hey…are ya just going to stay quiet or are you going to spit it out, why did you call me?"

Not noticing that Hana already answered my call I quickly answered back before she flips off again.

"S-sorry… got distracted, I'll be straight here…can you come with me now?" I turned left to use the stairs while waiting for Hana's reply.

"W-Where?" noticing her background was a little bit noisy I can tell she's still in her classroom.

"I need to buy materials and designs of our classrooms in this upcoming school program, can you come with me?"

"What about ur girlfriend huh? Why don't ya call her?"

"I think she has volleyball practice in this time… she's applying for varsity, but no worries I already called her" After letting out a sigh, Hana replied.

"Ok…Sure, but…can you wait for me at the school gate? I'm still on cleaning duty…"

A sign of relief, I thought she's going to turn me down because every student in this school is currently busy with the upcoming school activities. I guess I'll have to treat her something, like a token of appreciation.

"Gotcha' I'll wait for you…bye," She didn't tell me anything, both of us just hang the phone, reaching the ground floor I went straight to our school gate and waited for her. Still the feeling of anxiety is still cowering up in my mind.

Seeing students coming out from the campus I decided to lean my back on the nearest wall while waiting for Hana, this sucks because there's no bench or even commuter's sheds outside our school grounds so I have to stand while waiting for a person. It was four-thirty in the afternoon, the atmosphere was pretty good not too many cars passing by, so you can see the sun setting from a distance. The ball of light illuminating it's orange and yellow waving color, birds chirping on the trees at the sidewalks. The afternoon breeze was peaceful.

While distracting myself just to kill time by looking at people walking by, some students coming out from the gate averted their gazes at me. I can hear something like, "Bro don't go near that dude, he's disgusting", "Hey, wait a minute let's go in another direction, that's the peeping tom…" and other words that don't soothe your mind, entered my ears. Ignoring the mumblings I continued staring at the orange and purplish sky.

"Hey! How long are you going to make your brain fly!?" Popping out of nowhere Hana blurted out while approaching my spot.

"Nothing just enjoying the afternoon atmosphere…" Replying while lifting my knapsack on my right shoulder.

"Heh? What's that you're new gimmicks? Weirdo…Hihi…"

"It's better than looking at yo ugly face though…" Then walked in the direction where the city mall is located. We have to start walking, if we don't, we'd be coming home late.

"HA!? You're the one to talk with your vegetable lookin' head!" annoyed Hana replied.

"Hey! Wait-"

Noticing that my distance is becoming even farther, she walked even faster to catch up. Walking side by side she pushed me to my right. Almost tripping, I quickly held on to my balance.

"H-hey W-Whutt! Was that for!"

"A little payback…" Smirking she replied.

"Hey, hold this for a second". Hana tossed her back right in front of my face, then pulling out a piece of ponytail, she started fixing her hair.

"You, done?"

"Just a second…" Then while walking, she flips her hair directly on my face.

"PFFT…Blehh…What is wrong with you?! Pfft…Some of it got in my mouth…''

"Alright, I'm done!" Then she giggled, we stop at the pedestrian lane.

"What's that hairstyle? You look like a horse…" While handing over her bag I decided to tease her more.

"This is so much better than yurr! Einstein looking hair!"

The signal turned green. We walk forward, tipping my toes while walking I can see a glimpse of the mall sign. Walking faster we eventually reached our destination, good thing our town mall is near our school. It's quite convenient for us since the mall is quite big. We won't be having a problem buying what we need.

The guards checked our bags before entering, earlier I dump all the garbage in my bag before going out, our classroom, since I'm always the one leaving last. No classmate of mine can see the embarrassment inside my knapsack. Good thing I remembered throwing it because if not, the guards in this establishment might look at me, weirdly.

"So…Can I see the list?" Upon entering the mall Hana spoke with an urgent tone.

"Oh…Ah, wait". Pulling out the folded piece of paper in my pocket, then giving it to Hana. While unfolding it Hana, widen her eyes.

"W-What is this!? This list is too long! Look…It almost reached the tile floor!" Hana was pissed seeing the list and already noticed that it was Philip who made me do this.

"Can you please…for once in your freaking life! Have some backbone!" Noticing people drifted their attention towards us, I grabbed Hana's hand and started walking.

"H-Hey! I'm still spea-"

"Look, you know I can't do that, please just help me with this?" I spoke lowering my voice.

We reached the escalator and stepped on it to the second floor.

"I-I know but…Please I can stand that you're being a pushover all the time…It's not fair for you, because you've done nothing wrong from the beginning. I know you will be in trouble when you revealed everything, but is this okay with you? Not being able to stand up for yourself? I'm not always around you know!?"

I couldn't answer her, she's right I can't be always like this. But regarding the situation, I'm having. All the lies Philip planted in all the students, it's hard standing up for yourself when the whole environment is already turned its back from you.

I can't do anything.

"S-Sorry for dragging you here…and seeing how pathetic I am" Giving her a slight smile I replied.

"Did you even tried reporting to your adviser? Or even to other teachers?" Hana still annoyed crossed her arms.

"I tried even last year but…It might get worst…"

"Yeah since, our first-year days when the incident happened some teachers even assist Philip's investigation" Hana letting out a huge sigh, noticing were already on the second floor we walk off from the escalator, then headed towards the supplies store.

Piles of boxes, wallpapers, and other supplies that are significant to designs stumbled at our sight. Looking at the size and the list of what we will buy it's not going to be easy carrying all these things, still, we decided to buy the long Santa Clause looking list that Philip gave me. Seeing Hana using her calculator on her phone to check if our money is really totaled, looking over her shoulder I decided to check myself if it's legit.

"So…How is it going?" Asking Hana while my hand rested on her left shoulder.

"I can't check, for now, we must collect all the materials in this list and see it again for ourselves" looking over me Hana replied.

"Alright let's go then…"

"I'll ask the store clerk first, then we will be on our way" Hana put her phone away then asked me to follow her.

"Hi…Good Afternoon" Hana pressed a little bell, as the bell sound lets out a cute little ding. A woman around in her twenties stood up from her black roller seat.

"Oh, hi! How can I help you?" her face hanging a huge smile as she replied.

"Can you please assist us here is the list of the things we should-"

Hana and the store clerk exchanged information, after the long and detailed conversation, the clerk decided to assist us until we could finish our list. That's nice of her to do that that could ease our problems for a while, now my only problem is how we are going to carry all after we are accomplished our task. I'm going to deal with that later, I need to man up first, and help the ladies carry the materials.

"Hey, can you carry this for me, Alex?" While exploring the isles in the door, Hana asked me to hold a big cardboard box. Trying to fit the big carton in the large cart that we can borrow. As we continued to add things to our cart, noticing were getting too much space. I decided to get another big trolley.

"I'll handle the second cart, wait here," I told Hana, she nodded back and accompanied the store clerk while getting the second one. Rushing near the cashier area and spotting the lines of trollies, quickly pulled it and rushed towards the aisle where I left Hana. Thinking of it we may be getting close to finishing this early, since the store staff is helping us we can pull this off nice and easy. The wheels of the cart are all I can hear until reaching the aisle where I left those two.

Seeing Hana's face being red and the store clerk who is assisting us from the very beginning laughing her stomach out, I began to wonder what are they talking about.

"You two seemed gotten a little close huh?" They both looked at me and the store clerk laugh.

"Nothing, nothing…by the way looking at your list you guys are almost done, but…" The clerk took a glimpse at the carts and sighed.

"How are you guys going to carry this all?" She continued.

Hana and I both stared at each other. I already thought about it, but still. I can't think of a way how to carry this mountain looking materials piled up inside our carts. Then the store clerk suddenly spoke up which made my heart released all the worries I've been carrying since I saw how numerous the materials that were about to take home.

"Our store offers delivery to home services, since you guys have so much in your hands, after shopping the supplies you need. I'll be fixing everything, is that okay with you?" Smiling at both of us while crossing out the materials we need on the list.

"That will be great! Thank you for this!" Hana jumped in excitement and turned around then facing me, she elbowed me on my stomach. It was just a light tap.

"Let's get going we must finish this early. Look" Showing her wristwatch in-front of me. It's already six in the evening. So we need to phase this up quickly. If we don't the train station will be full of people mercilessly pushing each other to get home, and since it's Monday, I don't want to experience it. We kept looking for the materials and crossing out every stuff, that is written on the list. Feels like we're buying the whole store on this. The one thing that is missing is background montage music.

Hana tossed me tapes, rulers, Manila papers, rolled newspapers, glues, and every stuff that is known to man when it comes to designing. I just followed them both and just catch whatever they throw to my face, starting to worry again, I began checking the price stickers on the items in our cart. Most of them expensive, remembering what Hana told me earlier that she doesn't have a clear calculation on what is the total of all.

"Hey! Romeo! Heads up!" The Store Clerk suddenly throws a pair of crepe paper right at me. Almost slipping right off my hands I still manage to catch it.

"Hey kid, assist now, daydreaming later!" The clerk said, I just smiled back and shook my head. Then continued assisting them.