2.3 A New Start



My sight was blurry, I can't see clearly…


Whoever called my name gradually became clear…

Recognizing the voice…


It was my mom.

"Honey, you're going to be late for school…" She was seating at the edge of the bed while patting my head.

"What time is it?"

"It's seven in the morning…" She smiled, as rose from my deep slumber.

"Your dad agreed to take you to school…come on you must hurry…"




I screamed and jumped out of the bed. I fell on the ground knee first.

"Honey! Are you okay?!" My mom held my arm and supported me until I can sit on my bed…

"What are you talking about? Alex… you must be having a bad dream?" My mom patted my back as I continue to recall what happened last night…

"Where's Hana? She's in trouble…" I rested my head at the palm of my hand, my head hurts. Feels like two nails are being hammered in my skull…

"What are you talking about honey?"

"Where, why…?"

"You went home last night and told us, you bought all the materials that we're delivered at our doorstep, and you walked Hana home…" My mom said.

"There we're guys attacked us on our way home…and I left Hana there…and, and…" I couldn't digest what was happening I can't speak any words properly.

"You've been what!?" My mom was surprised.

My mom might have a panic attack so I told her that we should talk after school. She agreed and told me to get ready for school, my dad already packed the materials in his van. She kissed me on the forehead left my room.

What the hell was happening? It wasn't a dream… it's not! Not! I quickly took off my shirt, and look at the mirror. There it was, the hand marks from last night. As far as I remember…


My head began aching, it was excruciating. I need medicine.

"Hey, Kid! Hurry your ass up! I've got work too!" My dad screamed from downstairs.


I took my towel and ran towards the shower almost slip but, manage to take a bath. I can't even process what was going on. I'm going to school so might as well ask Hana what happened. After getting out of the shower, while drying my hair using a towel, I opened Rina's chatbox.

"Are you home? Chat back"

"Hey, I'm done practicing"

"Hey are you here!?" with an annoyed emoji

"Fine! Don't reply just call me if your home or already awake, hmp!"

"Sorry just woke up, I'll be on my way to school, forgot to tell ya we have foundation day"

I then switch my contacts to Hana. Calling her…

"It's just ringing" I muttered. Still no answer, I canceled the call and proceed in putting on my uniform. After that, quickly ran downstairs. I saw my mom holding my back and my socks, rushing towards her then grabbed my things.

"Thanks, mom!"

"Alright, be safe…" she replied then wave at me while going for the door.

After closing it I can see my dad impatiently waiting outside. After wearing my socks and then my shoes, I ran towards the car. He then entered so did me.

"Thanks for doing this…" while putting on my seat belt I said while my dad is starting the car, noticing the other materials at the backseat I felt quite relieved.

"We just need to hurry, I'll be late…don't expect me to help when you bring out whatever materials that are in my car" He blurted. Rubbing my hands, side to side, and blew on it, I'm cold.

While putting on my hoodie, my dad suddenly said something.

"What the hell happened at your arms?" I forgot to cover my wounds, now trying to think of an excuse.

"I fell, PE subject stuff…" I replied then quickly putting on my hoodie.

"Okay…" Then suddenly he pushed the breaks and began pressing the stirring wheel. He rolled down the car window and screamed.

"Hey! Get out of the way! Can't you see it's a red light! Why are you guys even crossing!?" I covered my face with my hood. Thinking myself if some of my schoolmates saw me inside with an old angry guy having a street rage. A newborn issue might spread in the school. Telling myself it will be over soon…I closed my eyes and took a nap.

"You don't need answers…I'm already here"

I suddenly woke up because of a man screaming.

"You don't need answers…I'm already here!" He was talking on the phone, I think workmates? Another trouble at work for sure, maybe some guy slacked off again. Shook my head then Rubbed my eyes, I noticed our school building is near. Taking out my phone and saw my chatbox it was unusual to see Philip's chat.

"Where are you, you idiot?"

"We're all here by the gate waiting for your ass!"

"Hurry up!"

Never did reply, the car stopped at the school gate. And there I saw Philip and his couple of so-called "friends" waiting for me. Telling my dad it's okay, I'll handle it and told him to open the trunk.

As soon as I left the car Philip ordered his friends to help me unload the trunk and the backseat. After the materials in the car were lifted off. My dad pressed the gas and didn't even say any word before leaving.

The guards told us to went straight to our classrooms and just skip ID checking because of how many the materials were. Philip then smiled at the securities and thanked them. Some students were staring at Philip and his group of friends with sparkling eyes and smiles that reached up to their ears.

I was called a "sucker" for a while because I'm carrying the other materials and helping Philip.

"Heh? He's helping? And hanging around with Philip? That's low…" some students said while in the ID line.

We eventually arrived at our classroom. My classmates cheered as Philip and his gang. Entered with the materials they brought upstairs.

"Just as we predicted! You are great, Class rep!" the others cheered on Philip and the others.

"Settle down guys I'm just doing my part that's all, buying this and all other budgeting stuff…" Philip wore an embarrassed look on his face and smiled.

"A little help from Alex...using his dad's car to bring it here…" He then followed. The class didn't even say anything they just continued praising Philip and helped then unload the materials from the paper bags. I put the last two paper bags on the ground near the podium along with the others and went straight outside. I need to find Hana…

Her classroom is located on the fourth floor, using the stairs, then ran towards her class. Every classroom has small windows that you can take a glimpse of the students if the class is already starting or not. The challenging thing was you have to tiptoe to see, who you want to see.

Reached their class and took a peak…

"She's absent…" I knew it! starting to worry, I bit my thumbnail like a hamster eating its veggie food. Is she home? She must be, right?

"Hey! Pervert!" A guy approached me, looking at her ID he's Hana's classmate.

"What are you doing here?" he then asked rudely.

"Is H-Hana here…?"

"No…she's absent, what's your relationship with her huh!?" then grabbed my uniform collar and threatened me.

"You're doing things to her huh!?"


He lifted his arm, balled his fist, and was about to punch me…

"That's! enough Reggie!" A girl exclaimed with a strong tone. Coming from their classroom, she approached us.

"Go back to our classroom…if not I'll report you to our class representative, she's absent for this day, so you know what that means right? I'm in charge…"

Reggie let go of me but with a force, so I dropped butt first on the ground.

"Tsk, what did Hana see in you…Pathetic…" He muttered and went into his class.

So, she was the class rep, after all, trying to get back on my feet the girl who defended me from Reggie offered her hand.


Her hair was brownish with a hint of black, I knew from the start it was dyed, freckles on her face, her eyes were black, she was wearing a greyish hoodie, designed with an old man wearing a white lab coat, holding a green squared gun, and a boy wearing a yellow shirt with blue pants, running away from aliens. What a cool design.

"Don't mention it…" her lips are pink, as she said her regards I saw she was wearing braces.

"She's not here you know? I don't know why… so it's useless to come here" turning around then walk toward their room…

"Can you, check her, for me?"

Nodding in agreement, she just smiled at me and entered their room. Nothing letting my hopes up, I think I'm able to befriend somebody. I hope… Never caught her name though.

Returning to my class, because the bell rang so homeroom is starting soon. Returning, just like any other day I just sat and listened and never paid attention to anyone. Our adviser arrived and discussed, what will happen at the upcoming foundation day from Wednesday to Friday. We are allowed to move and do whatever we want for the past three days. All the classrooms on each floor and other builds are open for fun and other activities. And other fun and exciting stuff.

More opportunity to sleep then. Because we're allowed to stay in our classrooms as long as we want to. The only problem is, it will be noisy because my classroom is presenting as well. And I think Philip will order something so I think my chances of sleeping more is becoming even more impossible to happen. Our teacher discussed the rules and regulations also, no alcohol, cigars, and other harmful to students.

Then I just face down like always, head down, and continued listening…