Three hundred thousand years ago, the Dynasty of Solis was ruled by the four Elemental kings; Nyxsa, Ghob, Djinn, and Paralda.
As per the four elementals, there were four groups of people. They were : the Salemanders ( the fire benders ), the Undines ( the water benders ), the Gnomes (the earth benders) and the Sylphs ( the air benders).
They are respectively touted by the Salemanders who were ruled by Djinn, the Undines who obeyed Nyxsa, the Gnomes whose king was Ghob and the Sylphs who answered to Paralda.
Other than the ones who ruled, there were the Magos Celestes, the ones who had the magic to enter or exit the Celestial world. The Mayongs, the ones who controlled black magic. And the last but not the least, the Mentes, the ones who could control and read minds.
They ruled in peace among each other. Although the Elementals were the only ones who had the authority to rule, the others did not complain. Also the ones who ruled were represented to be the royals as they were the pure blood lines of the founders. Even among the elementals, only one leader was crowned the king whereas the others had to submit to them.
The Salemanders were the strongest among the four elementals and hence were the ones who would be crowned. Not that the other elementals were less capable, but the fact that they had to battle one on one against the strongest and win over him made them step back from the thirst of power.
The Elementals were allowed to marry anyone in Solis. They may be Celestes or Mayongs or even another elemental of different power. As for the normal human kind, they stayed away from these magical creatures. Humans feared them as they were aware of what these mystical ones were capable of. They never made any contact with them. Hence a huge barrier was established in between the two beings.
Neither the humans dared to step to the other side nor did the Elementals go to the human territory. Since they wanted everything was bound to be this way for a long time, they made a rule that in case a human and a magical creature would ever fall in love then neither of the two sides would accept them.
Which only meant that they would be killed brutally along with the hybrid offspring.