New York

“This isn’t a house. It’s a library.” Hulio said.

“Correction, it’s the Great Library of New York,” Katherine said, looking wonderingly up at the old building.

Rina walked up the steps gesturing everyone to join her. “Iriel is paranoid. He would never let a bunch of witches and assorted supernaturals,” Rina said, glancing at the twins and Raena and Iris, “Ever enter his home. We arranged this as a meeting place should the worst ever happen.” Rina said, as she stepped towards the front doors.

“And has the worst happened?”

I narrowed my eyes at the new voice looking around for the source. Iriel stepped out of the shadows of one of the lion statues that flanked the entrance his arms crossed. He looked darkly at our group, before his eyes landed back at Rina. “What happened?” he said sharply.

“We need your help,” Rina said turning to look at Julio and Hulio. Iriel took one look at the two of them before he started to smile.