Chapter 8 – Weird

I remember very well, Hyacinth said, that we will mind our own business, but the truth is, I was very much in charge of her and her idiosyncrasies.

I accept that I cook the food we both eat. When I come home from school, I will be immediately greeted by her clutter because I was paid for cleaning that but what I can't be used to until now is her habit of walking in the house with just a towel wrapped around her body after taking a bath.

She didn't get dressed right away and wandered around the house while a book rested on the top of her head, which she does to maintain her excellent posture. I found out that she is a model here in the Philippines and in other countries.

There was also a time that I was just so startled when I entered the washroom, and she was there, soaking in the bathtub while its curtain was open. She doesn't even know how to lock. What a relief that she always had bubble bath, so I didn't see anything that shouldn't be seen.

I'm also the one who washes her undergarments.

Yes, there was a washing machine and a dryer, but I was the one who folded them and organized them in her room.

If she only knew that I wasn't really a real woman, she would definitely want to sink into the ground after doing all these things. I might not even be able to get out of here alive if that happens since she's a man-hater.

She's also too clumsy. She sometimes accidentally dropped glasses of water after slipping from her hand.

Well honestly, I imagined she would be rude like other rich people, but she's actually not. She's somewhat different from those rich folks. She laughs too loud whenever she's watching T.V., and there's something funny in it. She also sits on the sofa I can't even explain how unladylike she does things. There was no modesty in her.

She never got tired of watching T.V. She cusses a lot when romance was the theme of the film. Often, she changes the channel right away when that's the movie genre then repeatedly says that men are worthless and are jerks that they should not be given love. Maybe, she was cheated in her previous relationship that made her hate men.

She's always here at home, and only once did she go out of the dome to hang out. She seemed to have quit her job, so she has a lot of free time. When she came home, she was sometimes drunk, but she didn't bother me.

She just hung out outside while gazing at the flowers. She spent few hours staring at those, and what she always looked at was the flower hyacinths, which have the same name as her.

What bothers me whenever she does that was I need to watch her actions when she was like that. She might suddenly destroy the flowers due to intoxication. But it's a good thing she never did it.

In the mornings, whenever I was watering the plants, she will follow me like my tail.

I don't know what's she's thinking, so once, I offered her the spray hose I use, thinking she might want to try it too, but she just shook her head and told me to keep doing what I was doing. She's really weird.

But the thing I hate the most about her was her obsession with watching horror movies. It's too much!

I'm not a coward, but I cower in fear with horror movies. I don't even want to hear any sounds from those movies. But I hear those every day because of her. She also sets the volume of her speaker too high that I will not have a chance not to listen to it even my door is shut closed.

Because of that, I'm getting the assumption that she was a psychopath.

Who is in a right mind will watch a horror movie then laughs? Someone is being eaten by a zombie, or there is a jump scare; she will laugh. You'll even think she's watching comedy films with how she laughs with excitement. Another thing, she roots for the scary villains who are chasing the hero victims instead of the latter.

Who wouldn't think she's nuts?

Even late at night, she still doesn't stop watching and keeps on laughing, so I couldn't sleep well frightened from the sound effects of those movies.

Fortunately, our Christmas break at school has started. Even I lose some sleep because of Hyacinth, I can rest on the swing under the tree after my chores.

I was there on the swing hanging out while she was inside. I even slept here once because the surroundings were pleasant.

But the good thing was even though she's somewhat a psycho, she didn't interfere with me or asked any questions about me. She only talks to me when she wants me to cook food. Well, she always says that she prefers my cooking than foods from expensive restos she knows.

Actually, I have no difficulty in my disguise since she does not enter my room without notice. The only hassle was just when I leave the dome, I need to disguise myself as Terry, then I'll change to my uniform in a washroom not too far away from the University.

That washroom I use in changing was for men, and I enter therein Terry's disguise, which made some men stunned whenever they see me thinking I was a woman. I, on the other hand, was always nonchalant and went straight to the cubicle to change.

It's just annoying since my uniform creased inside the bag, but I've got no choice to wear it since I can't leave the dome in a men's uniform and be seen by Hyacinth.

I held my last school classes before going on vacation that way so she won't catch me.

But this Christmas break, I made myself busy with another job. I got so much free time, so I added another source of income, but I don't neglect the dome. I leave Hyacinth food before I leave so she doesn't go hungry in the afternoon.

I'm a serving staff in a restaurant a bit far from Tagaytay. It's only seasonal employment, but the salary is high, so I applied and got it.

A few more days passed without getting caught by Hyacinth. I didn't realize it was already Christmas, and for others, it's a particular day, but for me, it's just like another day that will pass as well.

I woke up early to start my morning routine, cleaned the house, and then watered the flowers and of all the work I do here, this is my favorite. My eyes were full of reflections of colorful flowers here in the dome.

After I watered, the tiny particles of water glow on their petals, making them even more beautiful. That made me smile, and as a gift for making me happy, I turned on the speaker I had placed on the side of the pathway near the flowers. I played a song that could be heard around. I do this every day to make the flowers bloom beautifully.

After that last chore, I went on the swing and sat there to rest. I swing myself that made the tree on which it was attached shook, and its pink flowers fell on me. It was so fun being rained with these flowers.

Suddenly, Hyacinth came out of the house.

Her waist-length blonde hair was tied, and she was also wearing earphones while holding her phone. She was wearing a black sports bra, and her jogging shorts were also black. She will definitely be jogging there in the nearby park here at the dome. That was her routine every morning.

The sun shone on her that made her fair skin glow. To compare, my skin tone was pale due to overwork and lack of sleep. Only now have I recovered since when I lived here in the dome.

I could have ignored her, but she looked at me, and she caught my eye.

She walked in my direction, so I was kind of puzzled. Often, she would just go straight out of the dome every morning even though she sees me sitting here on the swing.

What does she want?