Xia LingYun(1)

In the dark night , a little lump of Golden mist whose form or shape could not be recognised kept floating in the atmosphere.Around it , dense codes like data from a super computer flickered from time to time. A code suddenly flickered red and flashed past as fast as it appeared but the mist caught it just as fast . Suddenly the mist seemed to stop and then disappeared in place .

A boy in his teens looked left and right and jumped off the high wall in No. 3 middle school.Looking at the sloppy looking boy with thin body and gloomy aura all over the body , the boys waiting near the wall shuddered but they still held on to stance .

The boy with silver studs and punk outfit and screaming 'ruffian' all over his body walked out in front of the group.

"Xia Lingyun ! You finally got caught in my hands ....do you think you can run after touching lao tzu's woman "

The gloomy boy who jumped over the wall called Xia Lingyun kept his head down but his fists clenched.

He skipped class today just so he could go over to his part time job and earn extra money . He did not have anymore money to pay his tution fee. If he didn't come up with money sooner , he might have to drop out of school .

Xia Lingyun really wanted to ask God why he was hindering him everywhere from birth to today. He took everything from him.

He doesn't even know who gave his father is or why his mother threw him away.

Was he that useless to her . Or was he too much of a burden.

Suddenly a fist came over and hit his stomach making him spit out saliva from his mouth and curl up.

"Little bastard ! See you around Lao Tzu's woman again and see if lao tzu don't send you to your ancestors once ."

" Beat him up and see if he comes again " ordering the boys around him , the boy turned away from the alley .

Behind him , voices of fists and kicks hitting flesh and low inauadible painful grunts kept coming.

Slowly the footsteps walked away from the alley . Looking blankly at the backs of boys walking away and his 'friend' among them , Xia Lingyun did not feel any sadness. He couldn't feel it anymore. He wanted to laugh but wounds stretching out made him grunt in pain .

He never knew human nature could be so sinister. What else could he not understand now.

He Qinya is a Queen bee among the girls in Class F in no. 3 middle school . She is from a wealthy family and beautiful face with apricot eyes and tender white skin. Always laughing pleasantly and helping everyone makes her a Goddess among boys not only in class but among many seniors .

Two days ago he was walking among the corridor in teaching building when he heard quarreling sounds. At first he was curious and took a look but looking at the two figures entangled near the building , he decided to stay away from the mess.

Just as he turned over to run , a girls pleasant voice came over and quickly ran to him . As he woke up from the surprise, He Qinya took his hand and told the senior year boy ,

"I'm sorry senior . I'm not interested in forming a relationship in school . My freind is not good at studying and I intend to give him extra lessons , Why don't we talk again some other time ".

Looking the senior whose eyes could spit fire and He Qinya who took him as shield. What else he not understands.

She took him by hand and ran and as soon as she turned the corridor , She threw away his hand in disgust .

Looking like she was looking at some disgusting bug , she carefully wiped her hands.

He didn't feel anything nor was this anything new to him.

In his mediocre life where he neither has a family nor relatives and no money , who would want to associate with an existence like him who is riddled with bad luck all over his body.

He didn't know that the scene of him walking the corridor with his hands holding He Qinya's hands was seen by Qiao Siming . Another rich second generation suitor of He Qinya and then this all lead to today's situation .

Sun set and night fell. He carefully picked up his tattered body and took step by step to his rented room of roughly 20 square metres with a small bed by the wall , a broken desk and a chair with clothes piled over it to wash for today.

Carefully applying medicine on his wounds, and wiping his body , he lay down on bed and stared at the cieling in daze.

Thinking about everthing and thinking nothing.

Suddenly a sound made him startle and sit up jumpingly stretching his wounds again.

[Ding! Binding 5% ...34%....78%....99%...]

[Ding!Binding 100%...Binding succesful]

[ Hello host....Show Off The Wealth system online]..

"who ? "....His heart almost leapt to his throat.

"Come out", looking vigilantly at his surroundings , Xia Lingyun was in cold sweat . The icy mechanical voice without any emotion can make people shiver.

[ Host does not need to look at his surroundings. 'Show Off the Wealth System is directly connected to host's consciousness and has no material entity in real world .]

Listening to the sound again that came from depths of his mind, Xia Lingyun finally looked relaxed. Although he was vigilant to this unknown thing , He knew that he couldn't win against something that is invisible to him .

"What do you want ? " ....According to a system novel he once read , these unknown things that forcibly bind without consent of host make people depraved and then take thier luck and soul.As he was visioning a sadistic story between a demon system and naive host , the system spoke again,

[Host does not need to worry .The host is selected by the system in accordance with system laws and host and system are in sybiotic relationship during the contract period. ]

Visibly relaxing, Xia Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief and finally calmed down and thought avout things.

"Looking at this way , You are a show off the wealth system , are you going to give me money? , What do you want in exchange ?"

[Please do not insult the system , Host. Wealth system is not a Prodigal system or smashing with money system .

The system is digital elf which is a dedicated guide and listener to host until the ultimate mission is completed.

If the host fails to complete the ultimate mission , the host will be obliterated to compensate system for energy loss]

" Fuck !what do you mean by obliteration? I didn't tell you to bind me " ....Xia lingyun said through gritted teeth.

[Ding ! Lack of ettiquette detected.

punishment : Electric shock ×1 ]

Sizzling sounds kept coming in Xia Lingyun's mind and he bit his lips in pain.

Fearfully looking blankly around , he finally had a sense of reality of what this system thing is.

"What do you want ?" ....he growled.

[ Law of equivalent exchange. The system will help host reach the pinnacle of life and become a true wealthy person.The host needs to complete the tasks given by system and will be rewarded equally as per the completion rate of given task.

Host must understand that according to humans , 'There's no free lunch in the world'. Please work hard to show off your wealth host ]

"I don't have any wealth ".

[ The system will help host gain wealth but it depends on how hard host works . To be a wealthy person does not mean only money. Host must understand that anything that truly belongs to oneself is one's wealth.

Health .Time .Knowledge. Money.Temperament. Character. Personality. These all factors make a person truly wealth. ]

[Host can talk to system with thoughts . Please think 'system panel' and host will explore futher until system formulates a plan suitable for host to become a wealthy person.]

'panel' , thought Xia Lingyun in his mind and a transparent blue screen showed up in front of him . trying to touch it ,his hand passed through it.

[Name : Xia LingYun

Age : 14 yrs 7 months.

wealth: 86 (CNY)

Health: 3.4/10 (poor)

■ Body : 0.9/10

■ Mind : 3.4/10

■ Spirit : 0/10

Talent : ???( to be determined)

Skills : -


◇ Draw

◇ Learning Space

◇ Warehouse _________]

"What does this mean , system " , he asked.

[ The system turned all aspects of host into numerical data according to average human data of this world for convinience of host. ]

'why is my talent in question marks ?'

[ Host has not tried many things to determine hosts talent in any of aspects. Please work hard host ]

Looking at the data which covers almost everything about him

Xia Lingyun expressed his satisfaction . Clicking on warehouse and looking at empty grids , he switched to draw , the grey draw button slapped him back to reality .

Finally switching to learning space , his head turned dizzy and there was blackness in front of him . At this point , Xia Lingyun just wanted to say .


in capital letters.