Xia LingYun(6)

Xia LingYun stared at void blankly for a while, he wanted to go back in time and kick himself out of elevator and throw him down as fast as he could before he could see that man.

He knows himself too well, today , nothing was in his control. That out of 'God knows from where' goodwill for a person .He knows if it was someone else , he might feel repulsive even looking at such ugly face.

Worst was his silly blank behaviour.Wiping his face upwardly with his palms , he tried to calm down.

At first he thought he really has such a heavy taste . He might like people and such ....ummmm...indescribable face at that.

Then thinking about it again, its not liking for a lover or a freind, more like he liked his adoptive grandpa caring about him.

Like he wanted to show off his achievements and get a praise.

After an hour of contemplation, he still couldn't figure out anything .

He gave up . ...huff.


The sudden system sound startled him from his reverie and he opened the notification panel.

After opening, his mouth was wide open to fit an egg .

[ Assessment Mission 2 : Go to BaiLong pavillion.

Reward : Obtained.

Draw x1 ( Golden wheel)]

[ Hidden mission : Successfully show off your wealth.

Completion Rate : A

Reward : Hidden Draw×1 _____]

[ Ding ! Skill Etiquette upgraded to advanced level .

Unlocking Immersive experience ]

'system baby ! you are my love baby '.

System was puzzled. He needed to maintain his data which was getting garbled too much these days.

{ It must be host who is not right .}

The poor system.

Clicking on the ' Draw ' on the system panel, he waited nervously . No matter how calm he was in his everyday life , in the end he was still an underage child who was never was able to seek excitement in life.

The surrounding space disintegrated and reintegrated into a misty white room. The screen before him showed two options.

One of normal draw and other of a Golden Wheel draw.

Clicking on normal draw , A group of innumerable cards all in black color with an unknown pattern on thier backs floated around him constantly orbiting around him. Although he couldn't tell which card was what , he still felt this sight was an amazingly beautiful scene.

The system told him to pick a card to draw.

Randomly picking up the nearest card, the misty white room turned to silence once again.

[ Hidden Draw ×1 : Completed

Reward : Black card ×1 ]

His excitement couldn't be hidden anymore, hastingly clicking on Black card info ,

[ Black Card ×1 : A one time use prop card.

Usage limit : 72 hrs

Spend Limit : 15 million ( CNY) ]

His eyes glowed at this amount . He wasn't irrational person , he knows how much of an oppurtunity is this 15 million for him if put into stock market and various buisness. To spend money is to make money.

He also could buy an apartment near his new school .Taking a deep breath and looking at another draw chance , he was expecting much of a surprise already . It's not that he was dependent on system and us thinking of getting anything for nothing . It's just he's more like a gambler , losing 3 games and won the fourth, he may be happy to fly.

And he knows , up until now , whatever the system did was beneficial for him.

He , Xia LingYun , is not an ungrateful person. Neither is he someone who doesn't know how to cherish .

Afterall, it's always been something taken away from him , it's rare he gets something and someone thinks for him. He would be a fool not to cherish it.

Clicking on the Golden Wheel draw, the surrounding space changed once again. This time, a spinning wheel with golden aura all over it stood in front of him.Although he couldn't see what he would get, that didn't diminish his excitement the slightest.


Thinking in his mind, the rotating wheel stopped with a needle pointed to one of the many sections in the wheel.

[ Congratulations to host for getting Blind box ×3 .

Please work hard and come again host.]

After getting back his room , he excitedly clicked on warehouse, he knows this blind box games.

Retrieving 3 metallic black boxes from warehouse , he opened first one with a click and then he click two other boxes too.

Looking at the red notebook floating in front of him , a car key with a lightning symbol on it and finally a rectangular card , the size bigger than his palm with it's front that looks like a wardrobe of a luxury villa , he looked in daze at this all.

[ Congratulations host for getting a single family villa .

Villa no. 8 , Inner city Road, Jincheng , Worth 180 million CNY

Note: Bound to host and cannot be resold.]

[Congratulations host for getting ThunderBird GT-800 series sports car worth 14 million CNY .

]Note: Bound to host and cannot be resold.]

[ Congratulations host for getting a luxury outfit package(small) worth 200 million CNY

Note: Bound to host and cannot be resold.]

Although he was in daze looking at these rewards, his lips twitched at the last remark (small) at the package worth 200 million. He finally found a sense that this is truly a wealthy system ah~

Although these things couldn't be sold , he wasn't planning to sell them anyway. Packing up his things , which amounted to his household registration that was still under his dead adoptive grandfather's name , his laptop , the only better outfit which he wore on his body and his smartphone .

He took a subway first for an hour and then took taxi to the villa area in the inner city.

According to system , his car would be placed in the garage of villa . He would have to place the card in his room to get the outfit package .

Reaching at the gate of community , he was stopped by a security gaurd. Showing his red notebook of ownership of the villa, he got a pass and the attitude of gaurds was much more respectful.

After 15 minutes of walk, he reached the door of a 3 storey villa with a large garden and underground garage. The villa was decorated with Blue orchids and refreshing lavenders which he liked most . He had an urge to hug the system and tell him how cute its meticulousness is.

He laughed at his childish thoughts.

Scanning his fingerprints at the door , entering the villa was like entering a new world to him.

Just a few months ago , he might never even see a car much more so owning it. Now he owns a car which he doesn't even know how valuable it is in terms of status than it's monetary value.

Thinking about things, sorting everything out , he calmed down.

Looking at the dazzling 6 to 7 figure outfits lined up in his closet, he was stunned and then kept quiet.

He didn't say a word , he didn't complain neither did he praise.

He remembered what system told him at the very beguning .

Law of equivalent exchange. There's no free lunch in the world.

The more he gets , the calmer he becomes. He can't promise much , but only through practical actions could he prove that the system's investment in him would never go to waste.

Once again firming his resolve to do his best , he went to sleep in his new home which he truly owns.


"hah....huuuuu"....Panting and stopping for a second ,he resumed his running all the way until he reached his door.

Wearing a comfortable black sports outfit coupled with his fair white and delicate looking skin already made him look like a young idol star.

'This 6 figure sports outfit is really comfortable' he thought so and went back to wash up.

It's been a week since he started living in his villa, at first he was unaccustomed living in the large spacious bedroom , but soon he found the feeling. Humans are adaptable creatures.

The inbuilt gym at villa is already a boon for his fitness.

Running 10 km in morning and doing morning exercises. spending 8 hours on each of the 5 skills in the system space , he was already having very fulfilling days.

Today was the day he planned to search for an investment agent for himself. In two years, he would be of legal age to manage his own money and properties but until then he could only find alternatives. His current little property is already under the gaurdianship identity created by the system.

He was learning and improving at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Except calligraphy which was the biggest challenge to him.

According to system, he have to find his own style to upgrade calligraphy to intermediate .No one ever taught him and he never had a real life systematic training for these things.

Having breakfast , he browsed some news and then dressed himself up again in a casual outfit.

He found himself fond of black colored outfits. He never knew his favorite color, he didn't have the luxury to choose one.

Now that he knows , he indulges himself to this little willfulnes.

Black full sleeved round collar T-Shirt with a cut for buttons streched to his upper chest, Light blue denims ,A black leather belt with a white gold buckle , sneakers in black and white, a platinum watch with black metal engraving in the middle of the strap and dial.

Clothes do make a man. Looking at himself in the mirror , he didn't shy away from praising himself.

The system was amazed too . Although the host it chose was after carful calculations and considerations. It still felt good at the reward of these days' hardwork.

The temperament of host has gone earth-shaking changes in past months.

The generous gestures, elegance and nobleness exuding from his everymove , politeness and restraint , youthful facial features and early maturity due to past hardships.

Not only the temerament is not condradictory and gives a sense of violition . It blends perfectly with each other and brings more of a sense of mystery than contradiction and sense of disobidience.

When Xia LingYun was admiring himself in the mirror , his phone vibrated .

Looking at the caller , he picked it up immidiately..

" Mr. Xia , We had an appointment at GreenWood Café today at 11:30 AM " A slightly older woman's voice came.

" sure ". he answered.

After disconnecting the call, he retrieved the black card from his warehouse, looking at it for a while , he put it back into the warehouse grid.

The voice was of Cang Sui .The day he got black card , he already had decided how to use it.He knows the rule . How to use money to make money . After searching for a few days , he found Cang Sui's information on internet . After making an appointment to meet her , he was waiting for her call.

Looking at the timely call, checking the time which shows 9:49 AM , He found a random book to read .

The more he was exposed to the outside and bigger world , the more he knew how insignificant he was , staying in an unknown corner where no one would know him, no one would care about his life , no one would mourn his death.

He wasn't reconciled at such worthless life anymore. His ambition grew with his own growth. Wanting to leave a mark on this society , to leave an unhealable scar to world if he leaves , to be a shining star if he stays.