Kaizel Emel Asteria(1)

The lump of golden mist floated in the void. The more golden mist ket coming towards it in waves. Suddenly light blue mist kept float towards it and started condensing in front of it. After a while , a blue bipyramidal crystal formed in front of it. That was the positive enery feedback from host.

It mechanically picked the crystal and threw it somewhere in the void. While the mist was silently floating in a place , In a distant void , another lump of white mist with a mixture of golden and blue mist in it was silently floating. A significant number of golden and blue crystals surrounded it. focrefully sending blue and golden mist into the floating mass.

The Floating golden mass gazed at the codes that started flashing around it , trying to find the one it searching for .

Looking at the red code again , it dove straight towards it and disappeared from the void.

The white mist in another lump suddenly moved a little . Then it turned still again.


" There was a flood in the southern part of The dukedom . Your Excellency ! we do not have enough funds ", An old man said in a sad tone.

" Your Excellency ! Should we ask Count Echethier for assistance ?", A gentleman looking man said.

In the office looking hall with a medieval vibe , A young boy of Twelve or Thirteen years in age sat on the main seat behind the giant desk filled with various files and papers in a disorderly way.

The boy was soft and can make people pity him by looking at his dropping shoulders and small stature, It's just those cold eyes which seemed almost lifeless didn't match with his age.

He looked around coldly at everything.

The show played by people. The mottled walls of this almost life less castle.

Broken wooden floorings somewhere , Dust filled servants quarters , pitiful number of gaurds , and greedy subordinates and relatives who thought only about filling thier own pockets.

They thought him only as a mascot.

He was raised strictly by his parents since he started to recognize people and words. For the Duke and Duchess , Honor of Asteria family was above all else. Everything about him was controlled ,

They wanted him to become a perfect future Duke and bring Asteria Dukedom to a new glory. His father was an excellent lord , there wasn't a doubt about it . But he wasn't good at politics , More so was he an utter failure of a father.

His mother was more like a carefully carved doll than a human.

The Azure Empire is further divided into four dukedoms. It's just the first emperor of the new Azure attacked Asteria , The war lasted for two decades and the empire finally signed a treaty with Asteria kingdom.

Asteria became a subordinate of Azure empire and was reduced to a dukedom rather than kingdom.

Since then , Asteria always kept itself in absolute neutral position. A small kingdom was reduced to a territory with a pitiful numer of army and the resources that were ceded became an unhealable scar on the territory.

The Royal family of Asteria couldn't keep thier kingdom, but their pride didn't allow them to bow down further.

Carving their hiers and reputation became a new obsession. A Head must have no flaws.That was what they wanted to create.

More so were they obsessed with purity of their bloodline.

Each main family must marry the designated branch family member to produce an offspring.

Everything became a norm. The territory was slowly isolated and became where it was only left an empty shell.

No matter how much of bloodline they awakened , at the end of the day , it didn't change the fact that Asteria was nothing but a puppet Azure manipulated to stimulate it's subordinates .

The people of Frega believe that all humans posess God's blood. Each awakening of bloodline happens at at age of Thirteen.The Royal family itself presides over the testing ceremony each year at the founding day for aristrocratic children at the age. The one's with best ability are already poached by the royal family to work for them .

'tsk.Clever thieves' he sneered.

He didn't blame his Father and mother for being that way , that was how they were carved all their life.

He didn't hate them , He felt nothing . He hates , hates the Azure Royal family for not letting go even after centuries. They peeled thier skin , drank thier blood for generations but still didn't let go. If he didn't know the truth , he might think that Asteria family was a puppet.

But he found out two years ago, Asteria family was a gaurdian family . A family that gaurds a treasure . A treasure that could summon the Dragon God , granting the summoner three wishes.

Although it didn't tell what price must be paid, That didn't hinder people from cveting the treasure.

Even at the worst of the times , The Asteria Royal Family never used the treasure, he would be a fool to do such an unsure thing. He never wanted to rely on this source of disaster that cursed Asteria for generations.

Kaizel Emel Asteria , That is his name. The only son of Duke and duchess, and currently , the Duke of Asteria Dukedom.


" Silence ", he said in a childish but cold voice. But no one would think of him as child . People could get married at 16 in Azure empire. At the age of thirteen , after the awakening ceremony , one would already be considered an adult.

" Your excellency , we are just stating the truth", the servants in the office said and walked away without any respect for the new duke.

A year ago , he took office as the new Duke appointed by the Royal family of Azure since Duke and Duchess, who were travelling North, died in an avalanche. Buried in the snow , when thier corpses were recovered, they were already dead.

No one paid the new heir a mind, the already empty treasury was looted clean. The servants left one after another and knights division was more of a group of drinking buddies.

The only remaining people in the castle were either hopeless who had nowhere to go , or spies who were placed in the castle.


He was tired. This was too exhausting for a child of his age.

Closing his Beautiful amber eyes , he rested for a while and walked away directly towards the master bedroom.

Standing in front of the mirror, he ruffled his black hairs , washed himself , ate a bowl of porridge and went to bed.

He should have been served by servants for these trivial matters and eat delicacies placed on dining table in the hall, but he wasn't . That was how much neglected he was in the castle . He thought and turned to his side , curled up and fell asleep.


[ Ding ! Binding successful . 'Show off the wealth system' online]

A strange cold sound entered his ears like the sound of devil. The tone was without ups and downs. Although he didn't know the language, he was magically able to understand the voice in his mind.

He just couldn't understand what this meant.

'who's there ' he asked coldly.

[ Plsease calm down host. Show off the wealth system is an assisstant and guide for host to gain ultimate wealth and show it off]

' What would you get in return ? Don't tell me you do charity' , he sneered in his mind.

[ Positive energy feedback] , the system replied coldly .

'Allright , what do you want me to do ' , although he said so , he was already planning how to get rid of this devil who stuck to him .

[ The system will analyse the data and compile it before coming up with an optimum plan for host to become a truly wealthy person . Please wait for 12 hours . System standby ]

the system said without paying any mind to the thoughts in hosts mind and its voice disappeared.

Looking at the voice that came and went without paying him any mind, Kai became wary , but he also knew , he was tempted.

This would be gamble for him . If he didn't choose to cooperate with the devil , those azure might eat him clean and won't even spit out the bones.

At this , he was truly similar to the previous duke . He cared about his people just as his father did.

Staring at cieling in daze , he didn't know when he fell asleep .