Beginning in the planet of the knights called "zilgaiya" , a young boy wearing green sleeveless leather shirt with white fiber scarf and a tough black pants , and he is only 11 years old , he has a spiky hair and has pitch black iris , his name is "wreck veganson" , is about to duel with a friendly swordsman by the name "Kuro" , wreck won the knights duel by finding some openings.
Wreck:-I see that you dropped your guard , that gave me an opening.
kuro:-oh come on , one more time.
Wreck:-have patience "kuro" , if you keep repeating you might end up falling , also your making your opponents feel boredom.
Kuro:-seriously? You think I'm not ready to claim my victory?
Wreck:-well I see you tried reading my moves , you can always keep that in mind.
Kuro:-are you telling me that you memorized my moves then fought? That's your secret?
Wreck:-if you had kept your guards and your timing in check you might be stronger than before…you know? Now I feel like I wanna travel once more.
Kuro:-what? You're leaving? Why now?
Wreck:-because "kuro" there is no more objectives in mind , even though I might not be returning to "skarven" till I become 18 , I could usually try to find someone or a legend who can show me who I am.
Kuro:-"wreck" , you can stay till tomorrow if you would like.
Wreck:-yeah you're right , I can travel tomorrow then , I will trust you to do one thing…I want you to keep my pet , getting him involved into this is so much…distracting.
Kuro:-you can count on me , I can see his true colors due to shapeshifting.
Wreck:-even on a size of an ant?
Kuro:-even on a size of an ant.
"wreck" and "kuro" waited till tomorrow then left the kingdom ready to move one , then went inside of a cave where there is a drawing of a door on the wall with 12 symbols called the "egress gate".
Wreck:-well , this is a good bye.
Kuro:-I don't know what to say…it's an honor to meet you "wreck veganson".
Wreck:-I'll see you somehow.
"wreck" touches the "egress gate" and says "prleosa" then the gate opens , at the time he gets in the gate closes , "wreck" starts running , in the "egress gates" there is nothing but solar skies and ground , the stars and planets can be seen in the ground only , "wreck" stands on a planet the looks like planet earth but different in other ways , it's like the ocean is only on one side and 3 lands with different seasons.
Wreck:-this planet is much weirder than it looks , I will just gonna go ahead and role with it ,[inhale] "prolpoli".
A gate opens up for wreck to go in , the gate takes "wreck" to a random wall in the land of spring where a village of the "south nation" , "wreck" finds normal humans
Living in normal lives in the iron age.
Wreck:-(is this what they call humans? They have different color of their iris , and they are so much like "skarvenians").
"wreck" sees people using library license to get in the library.
Wreck:- (and somehow stupid when there is something such as license for libraries , although their language and the words are pretty much the same as in my world , good thing I know many languages).
A young boy wearing normal clothing who is the same age as "wreck" , his name is "yaguto" , falls on the ground getting beaten up by thugs while everyone are looking , "yaguto's" big brother who is a year older than him by the name "shimarai" , came and was shocked when he saw "yaguto" being tortured.
Wreck:- [surprised](his brother? Looks like they do watch each other , but he must act fast).
"wreck" waited for "shimarai" to act , "shimarai" did not move and just watched his brother as he suffers , "wreck" went to save "yaguto" from the thugs.
Wreck:-haven't you had enough?
Thug:-where did you come from?
Wreck:-why don't you ask them that?
The thug got pissed and tried to hit "wreck" , "wreck" dodge and pointed at him.
Wreck:-look around you idiot , you're being watched by everyone , they are giving you the looks , you better stop doing what you were doing and walk away.
Thug:-who made you the boss?
Wreck:-who made you torture children? You look like you enjoy doing that.
Everyone freaked out
person(1):-you disgust me.
Person(2):-I say these men shall parish.
Person(3):-he shall not harm anymore children , get him.
Wreck:-[oops] I think I've taken it too far.
The thugs got frightened and ran away and a few people chased them , the rest ignored and continued on where they were going , "shimarai" meets "wreck".
Shimarai:-thank you for saving my little brother , uh…friend.
Wreck:-sure , I are sure that's your brother?
Wreck:-you froze , brothers always watch for each other , you were the one who's supposed to save him.
Shimarai:-I…I didn't know what to do , I can't fight.
Wreck:- (here is at least some objectives I might see in this planet , I have to teach those two how to defend themselves , and others)…boy , you might see me as a child but I can teach you how to man up , I promise you into making both of you strong.
Shimarai:-[happy] alright , but…we have to take permission from father , my name is "shimarai" by the way.
Wreck:-pleasure to meet you "shimarai" , (I'm not going to tell anyone my real name though , my nickname is worth it) , my name's "komi".
"wreck" follows "shimarai" to the hospital , before they get inside "wreck" smelled something familiar.
Wreck:- (what's that smell? "skarvenian" properties? No , it could be possible that we have been in this planet before).
Shimarai:-something wrong?
Wreck:-no , let's move on.
"shimarai's" father is a warrior who was the master on controlling fire , he also has a daughter who is a year older than "shimarai" , "shimarai" father's name is "kudorai" , "kudorai" daughter's name is "stella" , as they meet in the hospital they were shocked about "yaguto".
Wreck:-"yaguto"? (that's his name)?
Kudorai:-my son! Who could have done this?
Wreck:-there were thugs sir , his body is not in a good state , it will be hard for him to breath.
Shimarai:-father , this boy saved "yaguto's" life , he said he will teach us how to fight.
Kudorai:-what's your name kid?
Wreck:-I'm "komi" sir , it's nice to meet you.
Kudorai:-I'm "kudorai" , is "shimarai" serious when he said you'll teach them?
Wreck:-trust my skills sir…not my appearance.
Shimarai:-father , give us a permission to go and train with him.
Kudorai:-…I will only allow "yaguto".
Shimarai:-wait what?
Kudorai:-I trusted you "shimarai" to protect your little brother and what I get?
Shimarai:-I…[sad]I'm sorry.
Wreck:-you can't always be sorry…but you can prove yourself worthy.
Stella:-sorry to interrupt you all but "yaguto" is not feeling well.
Wreck:-don't you worry , I'm an expert on healing.
"wreck" heals "yaguto" , the others were surprised .
Wreck:-what's up? why are surprised on seeing this?
Kudorai:-you're a "ki" user!