episode 17

This episode goes back to the year before "Tika" was born, "Klai" and "Kira" were sent to the "Ever Frost" by "Fate", they both were following a gentleman.

Gentleman:-so, you're new around here from the five nations land, hope you enjoy living here at the "Ever Frost", it is always cold around here.

Klai:-look at how many clouds are there! Won't we be able to see the sky?

Gentleman:-[laugh]…clouds don't fade around here, even if a wind "ki" user tried to blow them away, you're being silly if you ask a question like that.

Kira:-so where are you taking us, mister?

The gentleman stayed quiet until they met "Fate".

Fate:-…good after noon, children…do you know me?

Kira:-a weird guy with a weird face?

Klai:-is your name…"Fate"?

Fate:-guess the boy knows better, hey mister, take this girl to a dojo, and make sure she doesn't do anything weird.

Gentleman:-yes sir, I'm on my way, come with me blondie.

Kira:-and what about my brother?

Gentleman:-he will be okay, don't worry about him.

The gentleman leaves and takes "Kira" with him.

Fate:-as for you boy, you will be working under me for now, just how many Intelligents do you know ?

Klai:-"Kudorai", "Idna", "Mi", "Fa", "Li", "Asura", "Aimon".

Fate:-so you know all of us…your father, is it "Honzo"?

Klai:-yes, I am "Klai" the son of "Honzo", is there anything else other than my identity you want to ask?

Fate:-we are taking some investigation out of this village nearby, if you can help us on that we can help the village.

Klai:-I would like to help you on any conditions needed, so if this investigation is somewhere easy maybe I could do something.

Fate:-good, now let's go suit up and have a research for the problem, after we go can you tell me what "Ki" user are you.

Klai:-yes sir, I'm a wind "Ki" user, that's all I can do.

Fate:-that is fine by me.

"Fate" takes "Klai" to a place nearby the village and sees a big frozen lake with a violet glowing orb deeply underneath it.

Klai:-what is that thing glowing underneath?

Fate:-it is what I'm trying to find out, an unknown object glowing inside a lake, if we can go take it out we would try knowing what it is.

Klai:-negative…the ice is over a subzero, breaking the ice will not do any effect because it closes after a second or two, so if we close up the place by stopping the wind from touching it.

Fate:-then the ice will be easy to break without closing itself, to stop the wind we need earth "Ki" users.

"Fate" uses earth "Ki" to build a barrier against the wind.

Fate:-so, how do you know that stopping the wind would stop the effect on the ice.

Klai:-back at home me and my pals use to experience stuffs that we don't know, now that the cold air is no more we can move on to going inside the lake, however if we run to the middle of the lake now the ice will break and it will be hard to get out.

Fate:-so that's it! We have no way on getting that thing.

Klai:-I do have one idea, but I don't know if it might work or not.

"Fate" made a hole in the beginning and another at the end so "Klai" can hold his breath then dived in the lake and grab the orb after touching it some ancient knowledge just gone delivered to his mind, "Klai" got out of the lake with the orb.

Fate:-are you okay boy?

Klai:-[panting]that was too reckless of me, but I'm okay now…you could have stopped me.

Fate:-I'm sorry kid, I didn't mean to drag you into sacrificing your life for one thing.

Klai:-since now we have…this, what shall we do with it?

Fate:-we're gonna do some research about it.

"Fate" takes "Klai" to the dojo where "Kira" is already drunk and plays the role of a pirate.

Kira:-[drunk]arrrr, give me yer gold.

Fate:-what is it this time?

Gentleman:-I don't know what happened, she just found a bottle of alcohol out of nowhere.

Fate:-who would leave an alcohol hidden? Weren't you suppose to set up the rooms before she could get in? [sigh]just watch over this one either will you?

Gentleman:-will do sir, I will not fail you again.

"Fate" takes the orb to the headquarter where "Asura" and "Aimon" are there.

Asura:-well then…you look like you found something.

Fate:-I found this.

They both tried to see through it and felt nothing about it.


Fate:-what did you find?

Aimon:-it's empty.

Asura:-it looks like this is not going to do anything anymore.

Fate:-[surprised]what? This is not possible; it was glowing in violet under a frozen lake.

Asura:-you took it from there? That explains it.

Aimon:-maybe this is not just empty…but transported to someone else.

Fate:-so in that case…looks like I wasn't looking through what I was doing…which means I let the boy have what he shouldn't have.

At the time the gentleman and "Kira" were sleeping "Klai" wakes up unconsciously and opens a cabinet, then focused his "Ki" on his finger to make a wind blade to draw and write the symbols, then at the morning "Fate" enters the room and wakes "Klai" from his bed.

Fate:-good morning.

Klai:-oh, good morning sir, is there any tasks for me today.

Fate:-boy…when you touched that thing…what did you see.

Klai:-…I…I don't know what I saw, there were symbols everywhere.

Fate:-[surprised](or maybe he got cursed right after he touched it, now all the details is within him and he does not understand what it says)…did you somehow wrote the symbols somewhere.

Klai:-[surprised]what? I don't remember doing that, was I sleepwalking during the night?

Fate:-(he maybe is, but why didn't he tell me that sooner? [surprised]…or maybe he couldn't speak of it).

10 minutes later "Kira" and "Klai" are having a breakfast while "Fate" searches in their room, once he found the symbols and signs saying 'all hail the legendary eternal man'.

Fate:-[shock]my god…is this what I was searching for? I heard of a story about a man with the eternal power who cannot age or have limits on anything, he was a long called legend since he never showed up in this world.

"Fate" went back to the head quarter.

Asura:-so…what did you find?

Fate:-the rumors are true…the legendary eternal man does exist.

Asura:-[surprised]huh? For real?

Aimon:-the rumors could be true, and another thing is that the boy has no clue on what's going on right now, is he?

Fate:-of course not, he doesn't even remember writing it, it's like he was possessed by some kind of demon.

Aimon:-you better keep an eye on him before he even does anything crazy right now…losing the kid means losing the honor of responsibility from not taking things seriously.

Fate:-all I can do now is wait.

Asura:-you can say that, but what you should look for is when will it take control.

At night "Kira" went to sleep and "Klai" wakes up unconscious again and this time he went out of the dojo then off to the same lake, "Fate" went spying on him, "Klai" stands at the middle of the lake then hits it with his wind sphere attack, the surface of the lake froze up and the whole top shattered then the ice shaped into a generator device, "klai" raised his hands and began extracting nature energy then sensed the presence of "Fate".

Klai:-[unconscious]your name is "Fate", I presume.

Fate:-he sensed my presence?

Klai:-[unconscious]you have the ability to manipulate your energy and create a very strong barrier that only you can break, this is why they call you "Fate" the unbreakable.

Fate:-are you unconscious right now? It seems to me that you were lying when you said you don't remember doing things.

Klai:-[unconscious]"Klai" is asleep the one who is in control…is the soul who was trapped in this frozen lake for years.

Fate:-…then why did you pick this body? Why haven't you taken mine?

Klai:-[unconscious]…simple, if I've taken yours then there will be no possible way to warn you…draugers everywhere and a man eating human will appear after 12 years…you and the other Intelligents will not be around, but there will be a new hero who would save this land.

Fate:-you can see the future? What do you mean by we won't be around?

Klai:-[unconscious]tell your daughter to send a boy that looks like "Kalibur Alverice" to come here…now be careful, every action should be done correctly, if not then the world is at risk…do you see this thing I'm holding right now? We need the thing that I was trapped in to be thrown into it, this is a sorcery of eternal flames, once this is complete use your special ability to grab each one of them safely.

Fate:-who are you anyway? And why do you intend to help us?

Klai:-[unconscious]it's a shame I was born unnamed, and never thought to give myself one, for the great or good a smile is what I want every human to have, in order to do that I must lead a new hero here.

Fate:-…I know there will be danger and all, but why a new hero.

Klai:-[unconscious]…all Intelligents will be executed, but one will be remained, although the new hero is none other than an expert outsider.

Fate:-this is unspeakably relevant, if you're telling me all this and it's kept unknown for anyone does that mean?

Asura:-we're being tossed aside .

Aimon:-I tried to calm him down but all he did was wonder what you were plotting, "Fate".

"Asura" and "Aimon" appeared out of the woods.

Fate:-you heard everything?

Klai:-[unconscious]since the message has been revealed to other Intelligents the boy is not going to save the "Ever Frost", the future has been flipped from good to worst.

Fate:-good to worst? in what way?

Klai:-[unconscious]all that is evil will conquer the whole world and the boy will be slain, it will happen because they counted you as traitor.

Fate:-me? A traitor? How?

Asura:-"Fate", if you're gonna do things that you don't know it does mean that you're bringing some unknown things against us.

Aimon:-I respect you "Fate", I really do, but if you're working on this alone you do look like a bad guy around.

Fate:-wait, we can do this in another way, I'm keeping you out of this because it's a message.

Asura:-yeah right, we all die and the new hero will stick around alive and will be the only one who will work on every danger.

Fate:-we can do this, we are not just gonna die for nothing, what was going to happen should happen in the future.

Asura:-[angry]enough talk, from now on I am not gonna let what will happen to happen, you will die today.