episode 30.5

"Merasmus" returns to the legendary eternal man empty handed, and it appears that the legendary eternal man's name is "Donlo".

Merasmus:-[kneel]forgive me for coming empty handed, my lord.

Donlo:-it can't be helped, can it? Looks like I have to go down there myself.

Merasmus:-[surprised]my lord, if your identity is revealed.

Donlo:-I have it all under control…there is one that didn't mind about me, or maybe I'm wrong.

Merasmus:-no, there is one who did not mind, I'll take you to him right away.

At the "Ever frost" everyone went to look for "Wreck" in the blasted areas even "Landy" tried but couldn't find a trace of where he is, "Donlo" visits the "Ever frost to meet "Klai".

Klai:-[sweat]no good, we can't find him here not even a trace, but how's that he's alive after taking a blast like that?

Donlo:-still searching for him? Thought you were joking around.

Klai:-there is no time for jokes sir, that boy is important, [surprised].

Donlo:-…hmph, just now you realized I'm not from here?

Klai:-I'm sorry, it's just…you looked like that man from before, the servant!

Donlo:-you mean "Merasmus"? yes I asked him to bring me the boy.

Klai:-[surprised]so you must be the legendary eternal man, it's an honor but we searched all of these areas, [think]there is one option left and that is to look for "Masmur rods".

Donlo:-"Masmur rods" you say!?

Klai:-yes, they are wishing tools that can be used to grant wishes, "wreck" explained it all.

Donlo:-…he told you about "Masmur rods"…but did he tell you how they are made? Or he didn't know himself.

Klai:-all he ever said is they are ancient creation that he's trying to understand.

Donlo:-he is not wrong, however did any of you happened to hear voices?

Klai:-what do you mean?

Donlo:-it all starts for the youngest among you, from around 10 years old or less.

"Klai" brings "Tika" to meet "Donlo".

Klai:-this is my little sister "Tika", she is 10 years old.

Donlo:-…you heard it, didn't you!? The voices, they say the salvation begins.

Tika:-[gasp]…I…I heard it.

Donlo:-then you know what the rods are that he does not know about…if you still haven't told him it's still your call, I'm heading back now[leave the planet].

Klai:-what did he mean? What voice were you hearing?

Tika:-8…they are 8 voices, 8 members, 8 rods…"Wreck" didn't know about it.

Klai:-[gasp]no, don't tell me.

Tika:-they are…souls…of heroes.