episode 41 The bell

After the fall of "Eblees" and the "Laughing Demons" "Tika" began healing everyone, "Wreck" was stand bit far from them, staring at "Eblees".

Wreck:-…well then…this isn't what supposedly have to be, they took me in just to use my past against my will and pride…it's time.

Yaguto:-[grab arm]…where do you think you're going? Aren't we in a small deal?

Wreck:-…this deal shall wait for now…I'm going to find "Ghufran", I'll fight him head on.

Yaguto:-you're missing the point, I'm not going to let you do this all by yourself…from how much you've grown this is unfair.

Wreck:-[angry] what the hell would you know about that?

Yaguto:-[yell] says the instructor who pushes his disciples aside, do you think it's your mess that you could just try to fix it behind our backs? Just think about it.

Wreck:-…I'm doing this because the "North West" nation shall have a new ruler who would cooperate with all, defeat "Ghufran" then we're done here, I'll look if there is time to even let you take the challenge and go home.

Stella:-what happened to you? You sound like our entire training was completely came to no sudden reason.

Tika:-"Wreck"…from the past during our training you never done this…if you don't give them a chance you won't be able to help them succeed.

Wreck:-don't stop me, the moment I'm done in this world there will be nothing left to do here, I'm never going to come back.

Yaguto:-since when you became such a coward? You ran away from your past until now, and yet you're still running away.

Wreck:-you're not just gonna disagree with me till I end this, would you?

Yaguto:-in the of fact there are some similarities between the 2 of us that you don't know, the day you were gone that "Legendary Eternal Man" just stopped by to see you, you who weren't there, you made "Masmur" rods…but he told us that the rods are made of hero souls, since you were gone you hurt yourself…just like what I did.

Wreck:-[sweat, confused] the "Legendary Eternal Man" is looking for me? The one who can do anything with a snap of a finger…came to "Urgatha"! what else did he tell you?

Yaguto:-look, are you an expert or an idiot, because my father is a rods now thanks to you, face it "Wreck"…there is no heroes left, you either stay as the only hero…or make some of them who want to be heroes? That's the left you can do, right?

Wreck:-…fine, I'll give you a chance to proven yourselves, 24 minutes…24 minutes is maximum amount of time, so try taking these bells from me, but if you lose I'm going to end everything my way.

Yaguto:-deal…and if you lose you better regret everything you've said, plus you won't fight the king of "North West" nation till we're all down.

Once they made their agreement, they stood in the middle of a flat area in order to prepare at their positions, "Wreck" grabbed some dust and turned it into 3 bells.

Wreck:-so…3 bells this time…it means no one will be disqualified, your great opportunity.

Shimarai:-don't you worry, because it won't be like last time.

Stella:-we're stronger than before, so don't you go easy on us.

Yaguto:-we were preparing for this very moment, it has been day after day, wonder how are we going to get those bells from you, we were even training with other friends that helped us figure out a way, now we can pull some new trick up in our sleeves.

Wreck:-oh is that so?!...let's find out.

"Wreck" takes at step towards them, "Yaguto" starts with a scythe slash then "Shimarai" started shooting from far, but none of them seems to work in him.

Kira:-so the trial here is about catching the bells! Nothing seems to work against him.

Klai:-…that was just the beginning, it's a warm up call before going all out.

Samuel:-"Yaguto" is able to catch me tons of times right now, but seeing this might make me look like a bluff to him.

Shanks:-if I know "Wreck" he's usual harsh when it comes to this…well he looks like he's playing fair but once you get a closer look…he's always planning on escaping this situation.

Armel:-to be honest with you, don't you think it's uncomfortable to stay here in the "Red Sand"? I feel like I want to go home right now.

Blake:-I miss my job, in fact it would be great if I just had a partner in a ring.

Samuel, armel, shanks:-says the gladiator boy.

Blake:-don't call me that.

As the battle continues "Stella" was gathering a big amount of metal sand from the ground, turning the ground into a trap for "Wreck" so they can take the bells, but unfortunately it didn't work because of his shifting capabilities, "Yaguto" covered the ground with flames then "Shimarai" shoots underneath, making it a surprise attack for "Wreck".

Wreck:-you're even risking the bells by heating and twisting the fire!

Yaguto:-think again, it's a surprise.

"Wreck" escaped by lifting the ground and making the arrow hit the rock, keeping him away from the ground, "Stella's" sand just grabbed "Wreck" again but from the rock he's standing on.

Wreck:-[sweat](no way! She had the entire ground covered with sand metal so that my escape becomes impossible).

Shimarai:-no escape this time.

"Shimarai" was going to shoot him, "Wreck" moved the rock to block the arrow then "Yaguto" threw his scythe and separate the bells from him, "Wreck" shifted the rocks and sand metal into rope and grabbed the bells with the rope then bounced knowing that the flames on the ground would fade.

Samuel:-man, that was close!

Shanks:-didn't know they would pull this off, the attacks looked inevitable.

Blake:-so sand metal grabs him, wind arrows blast him and flames hurt him, how will anyone escape that?

Kira:-are you going to called it something like a "Zero Escape"? "Wreck" prevented everything just like that.

Klai:-not everything…look closely at the bells.

Kira:-I don't see the difference.

Klai:-"Stella" just stuffed the bells with few of her metal sand.

Armel:-nice…but how will they take it from him? He seems to be a bit…cautious!

Shanks:-yeah, you're right…how are they going to take those bells.

"Yaguto" and "Shimarai" tried to snitch the bells from him, after some distraction the bells are already out of "Wreck's" hands and set flying towards "Stella", "Wreck" shifted a piece of rock into a powerful magnet, it made the bells go back to him, he destroys the remains of metal sand that was in it.

Armels:-figures, this match will be over soon, he'll kill "Ghufran".

Tika:-don't doubt too much… "Wreck" hasn't won yet… the point of this battle was to work between one another, learn how to cooperate and work with your surroundings… find a way to catch your enemy off guard with everything you've got.

Wreck:-this battle will be over soon enough, you only have less than 2 minutes to catch these bells.

Yaguto:-well actually…2 minutes is enough to win this.

Tika:-…if you were at their place…what would you do?

Armel:-well I would say I will confuse my enemy so that my friends could get close, the moment they fail I bug in in the last second.

Shanks:-this could be the idea of cooperation, but it sounded like you were to take an advantage of your friends.

Samuel:-he's right, "Armel"…what if it makes you feel guilty?

Armel:-I could think of another plan, something like doing the opposite of the first plan, I risk myself so they can defeat the enemy.

Blake:-watch and learn buddy, this one will get intense!

"Stella", "Yaguto" and "Shimarai" made a mixed-up tornado surrounding "Wreck", "Yaguto" jumps in then an arrow gave him a boost to launch himself very fast and caught the bells, they canceled the tornado so that "Wreck" can see that the battle is over.

Wreck:-[sweat]…you…caught the bells in the last second.

Yaguto:-the last second, huh! [laugh]…we finally beat you after all this time…you were trying to avoid this moment this whole time.

Wreck:-wha-? No! that is not what I meant to do.

Yaguto:-ha, knew it, you're assuming that we would lose even if you made it easier and let us win this! Didn't you?

Wreck:-[angry] oh shut up.

Shimarai:-good thing you were serious at this match, the last few matches was a bluff, I just felt it!

Stella:-now you know how strong we are, so don't go doubting us every single moment you see us.

Wreck:-[sweat] I uh…I'm sorry I doubted you.

Yaguto:-what was that? Speak up louder I want to hear it.

Wreck:-[yell] ah fine, I was wrong, okay? I'm sorry, I won't doubt you again.

Shimarai:-ah, it's fine…just try to have faith on people, wasn't that what they taught us back then?

The rest came down to see them, "Tika" wasn't happy that she came towards "Wreck" and punch him.

Tika:-[pouting] why are you so mean against your disciples? Weren't you supposed to treat them like they are capable.

Wreck:-[laugh]…yeah, my bad…really, I didn't mean it that way.

Tika:-[smile] good thing it all worked out in the end.

Shimarai:-alright then, let's go back to that restaurant and get for ourselves some lemonade, we could celebrate the return of our instructor.

Shanks:-yeah good idea.

Armel:-let's go then, this place is exhausting…and it's hot.

Blake:-yeah, you're right, I hate it here.

Klai:-alright everyone, back on "Landy", were travelling now.

All of them hopped on "Landy" but "Tika" and "Wreck" stayed for a while.

Tika:-…this wasn't as you expect it to be.

Wreck:-yeah, you caught me there.

Tika:-so why did you do it?

Wreck:-…because I'm the capable shifter, I can shift anything.

Tika:-but you couldn't shift them willingly, you had to make it harder for them… "Wreck Veganson", being an instructor doesn't mean you should be the only one to play the heroes! At this end you look like you want to count them as if they're all weak.

Wreck:-I…I didn't mean to be the party pooper around here, I just wanted for everyone…[sigh] I just wanted for everyone to be safe, can't afford to lose another friend when I'm there.

Tika:-[short laugh] even though you call yourself an expert you're still a dummy.

Wreck:-even if I'm an expert you can't tease me.

Tika:-let's just go now everyone is waiting.

Wreck:-…you go on ahead, I'll catch up in just a few seconds, just want to look at this place for a moment.

Tika:-it's fine, but don't keep us waiting!

"Tika" went and hopped on "Landy", "Wreck" just wanted to stare at the area they battled on.

Wreck:-[surprised](this is getting really fast and slow at the same time, I don't know why…at first there was one disciple that I could train to protect his family, the 2 came in after a human resurrection, what am I? I just broke the rules of human resurrection, then came out the answer that "Mas Mur" rods are actually hero souls, it's all upon my knowledge to know that, then what of my dark past? Was it worth killing you, "Benjamin"? can't seem to recall that a black orb tool appeared coincidentally…if only I didn't have those eyes) …screw it…I'm no hero, and I will travel again.

"Wreck" leaves the "Red Sand" with the others.

To be continued

At season 4