At Monday school break "Yukine" is in the art room sitting on a chair and looking at the window while someone draws him.
Yukine: … I met this boy … an expert like me, "Yamazaki" told me he lazed around during the IGCSE, the only thing I don't get is that he got to third place and not first.
Shijima: an expert who lazed around but still reached third? Doesn't that mean he was cheating?
Yukine: I know…but the way he said it, 47 exams and 30 excellent, that made me think…is he capable of memorizing studies? Does such a person even exist?
Shijima: [stop painting] it seems that person you're talking about is a cunning one, perhaps he was able to snitch "Yamazaki" from your hands.
Yukine: perhaps…it was kinda strange…but who am I to envy him?
Shijima: your painting is ready [show painting] …thank you for waiting, now rest assure.
The moment she showed him his painting he instantly disappeared.
Meanwhile the team are preparing to go for another 7 mysteries adventure.
Keti: alright, you guys, I hope you're ready to go on a mystery hunt.
Fey: [yell] let's go.
Keti: our next target is "Shijima" of the art room.
Puri: say, are the 7 mysteries much dangerous than evil spirits?
Wreck: you can't kill a belief nor exorcize it, but all you can do is either do the trial and succeed or convince them to leave you alone, right to now we're about to battle "Shijima", a girl who loved drawing for her entire career, she was so fixated into searching for the masterpiece.
Keti: yup, for this trial we will be drawing the masterpiece, we need to convince "Shijima" to sign the paper if we want to get closer to the truth.
Seth: [raise hand] quick question.
Keti: what's your question?
Seth: what's going to happen to us if she didn't like our paintings?
Wreck: you will be cursed then kicked out, the worst part is that you wouldn't know the curse till you understand the changes.
After strategizing, the team went to the art room and sees the picture of "Yukine".
Fey: "Yukine"?
Keti: why is there a painting of him?
Wreck: it seems she peaked his interests, inspired by his ambitions, the real question is why would he come here of all places?
Puri: that would mean, someone is already doing the trial, but to draw a picture of someone then abducting them?
Wreck: further cases come with further complications, if we tampered with the painting, he will be stuck on the other side forever, unless he finishes the trial, he'll be kicked out immediately.
Keti: [yell] hey "Shijima", we're ready for the trials
"Shijima" did not respond nor take them to her domain because she's busy with "Yukine".
Seth: I think she's busy with that kid.
Wreck: alright then, let's go around that and use a different method to enter.
"Wreck" draws the "Egress" gate and everyone went inside.
Keti: the world between worlds, but you can only travel to outskirts of the overworld, how can we go to other realms like the underworld or a domain?
Wreck: that's where realm drop comes in.
"Wreck" opens a hyperspace warp gate.
Wreck: with this we can enter "Shijima's" domain without her permission.
Seth: so that's how you entered the "Misaki" stairs! Is it possible to land without hitting the ground too hard?
Wreck: no, you can either go in while thinking of the desired location where it would spit you there randomly, or you could just go into the sides and enter as quick as possible, that is if you want to risk your ear drums.
They all held hands and went with "Wreck" into the hyperspace, they kept going straight to reach the end point, "Puri" just touched the sides and sucked her head in, as they leave the hyperspace, it spat them in the skies.
Seth: [yell] is there really no other way to land safely?
Wreck: [yell] when it comes to this, you have to be prepared for it.
"Puri" unleashes a giant snake that would swallow them completely, the moment it hits the ground really hard it disappears and everyone is safe.
Keti: way to go "Puri", you saved us.
"Puri" couldn't hear because of her shattered ears drums, "Wreck" heals her and she begins to try testing her ears.
Wreck: she must've touched the sides, good thing she thought carefully about landing.
Keti: now all we need to do is find "Shijima" and have her sign the paper.
Fey: are we gonna skip her trials?
Wreck: I don't think that's possible, convincing her with art work is the only option there is than to tell her to sign.
Seth: since we entered without her permission, do you think she'll notice?
The team sees "Yukine" doing a different kind of trial that she provided to him.
Wreck: in this trial he is going to have to kill the main character of that story to escape…isn't this story about "Sherlock Holmes"?
"Keti" was shocked when she noticed it, suddenly "Shijima" arrives disappointed seeing them around.
Shijima: this is unexpected, it's not possible to have uninvited guests to enter my domain.
Keti: we're here to draw for you a masterpiece, in return you have to sign this paper.
Shijima: [smile] "Yukine" looks forward to understand you completely, too bad you took interest to a boy who didn't take the exams too seriously, what's so special about him?
Keti: can we please start the trial?
Shijima: [sigh] and here I am was about to figure out what's that boy made of, but whatever.
"Shijima" summons 5 painting stands with painting palettes, they all sat down so they can start painting.
Seth: alright, "Shijima", what sort of masterpiece are you after?
Fey: [humming] … what do we need to paint again?
Shijima: I'm curious, why do you follow that boy who lazed around? Is he somehow…special because he got this far while doing so?
Keti: you'll know soon enough.
Shijima: you're not going to tell me? people bring such wonderful stories when coming here, with those kinds of real stories I could find the pieces, one by one.
"Shijima" sees "Wreck" not painting as if he's done.
Shijima: you can take your time thinking about what to paint, but seeing as to take so much time, who would wonder what goes through that thick head of yours.
Wreck: oh, I'm actually done, it's not that hard to paint up a masterpiece.
Shijima: is that so?
As she goes around to check the paintings, everyone's work wasn't that perfect since it was individual, she sees "Wreck" painting a blank sheet with only a single dot in the middle.
Shijima: [angry] are you mocking me right now? I thought you said you painted the masterpiece, what is this?
Wreck: [point at the dot] look closely, only true painters will be able to see it, with one painting holds millions of things, right?
as she looks closely at the dot, she couldn't see anything special about it, suddenly she realizes that there are stories hidden within it which makes it more of a shock than a mockery.
Shijima: [terrified] what is this? (He just made a single dot, nothing more nothing less, and yet I can see many things within it) …what the hell are you?
Wreck: my name is "Wreck Veganson".
Shijima: (how does he know about something like this? There was no human who can think like that…this boy is dangerous), what's your objective?
Wreck: long have someone asked this question…I'm only here to a help a friend, I wasn't expecting that we should be involved into this.
Keti: this won't do, "Wreck", her curiosity might be dangerous, don't you think?
Wreck: …I know all 7 mysteries, I know what their ambitions, what they were doing since no souls would ever dare to interfere with them, we just need to get the job done then we can leave you alone.
Keti: hey, "Shijima" …isn't this what you're looking for?
"Keti" made a painting of "Shijima's" final work.
Shijima: [shocked] …how do you know of this painting?
Wreck: it was your lasting work before you died, what I showed you was just a motivational figure, but for someone to draw the masterpiece that you made, doesn't that mean anything?
"Shijima" felt a bit terrified after looking at "Keti's" painting, but that fear overwhelmed her when she looked at "Wreck".
Fey: what's going on? I haven't even shown her my work.
Seth: "Keti", what did you do?
Keti: what is happening to her, why does she look so terrified?
Wreck: she can't handle seeing us around.
Keti: does that mean she can't trust us anymore?
Shijima: [terrified] I think you should go now; trial is canceled due to some circumstances.
Wreck: "Shijima".
Keti: [panic] wait, you need to sign the paper first.
Shijima: [yell] I said leave.
She kicks everyone out of the domain including "Yukine", suddenly they find themselves in the art room.
Yukine: "Yamazaki"?! what's going on? I haven't even killed the main character yet.
Wreck: it seems having me inside of any domain makes them wary of me too much.
Seth: looks like we failed the mission.
Fey: did we win?
Keti: no…give her time to think, I'm sure she'll come around.
Yukine: "Veganson" …[inhale] I believe you know what I'm about to say.
Wreck: it's very clear to me.
Yukine: good, then I shall take my leave for the moment [leave].
Keti: he doesn't need to know what we're doing, he'll come around eventually.
Wreck: yup…we can't keep this for long, can we? We should wrap things up for this week as quickly as possible.