Chapter 4 - Magic?

Malia went down the stairs. She was very careful going down as the memory of how she died was still fresh. She might have a hard time in the future dealing with stairs.

It did not take too long for her to spot servants cleaning the hallway. They guided her to the kitchen, which was just a left turn at the end of the hallway.

When she reached the kitchen, she tried to greet the staff and requested a simple breakfast. Malia also took the opportunity to request a creamer that no one had any idea about. She could only make do with milk. The people in the kitchen thought it was weird to mix milk and coffee; they only usually serve coffee or tea. Malia then asked someone to bring the food to her room.

Malia was making her way back to her room when somebody stopped her while approaching. "Miss!", it was a woman wearing a maid's outfit, but her face looked decent. You could see her curves and large bosom behind that clothing.

Malia did not show her confusion and faced the woman.

The woman lightly held her hand and said, "Miss, did you not take the poison? Did you have second thoughts?". Malia was stunned; she could not utter a single word.

'This stupid bitch didn't have the guts to take the poison. If she dies, then the Master and Madam would no longer be able to mend their relationship. I spent two years damaging their marriage and this stupid girl can't even do her job properly!'

Malia's eyes widened. The maid was not moving her lips, but she could hear her well. She tried looking around her and she could see no one around. "Did you say something?", she said, facing the woman.

"I was asking if there was something wrong with the poison. Did it not work?"

"No, you said something after that," Malia said with a serious tone.

"Uhh… I don't remember saying anything else, Miss". The woman was confused.

'What's wrong with this stupid girl?'

"I'm a stupid girl?", Malia raised her voice and took her hand away from the maid.

The maid was shocked and covered her mouth, 'Did I say it out loud?'.

Malia was about to add something when, suddenly, a much older servant yelled, "Arlene! Come here, we need more hands in the garden!".

"Uhm, Miss, I need to go. I have work to do.", the woman quickly bowed, then walked rather fast and disappeared from her sight.

'What was that? Did Malia ask "Arlene" for poison? And what was that something about the Master and Madam which could only mean Malia's parents? I need to further investigate. Also, she was clearly not moving her lips. ARRRGHHH! I don't understand!'

"Maybe I'm just hungry? Yeah… I'm just hungry", Malia wanted to push the idea of gaining some powers, but she'd at least try it later.


Malia went back to her room and a few minutes later, she heard Lily who knocked and served her breakfast still on the balcony. 'She must be my personal maidservant.' Malia thought it was Lily who served her most of the time.

"Lily, do you know a servant named Arlene?"

Lily paused then answered, "… Yes Miss, you occasionally talked to her before. She is your mother's personal servant."

"Hmm, and how close is she to father?"

Lily was shocked by the question and was at a loss for words.

"You can be honest; I want the truth. I promise that your words will not leave the corners of my room." Malia added.

Lily sighed, "Mlady, I don't want to meddle nor create a misunderstanding between you and your father. I only know that Arlene is requested by your father every Wednesday and Friday evening to brew him coffee or tea. That's all I know Mlady".

Malia took Lily's hand.

'I cannot let the lady know that there is a problem with the masters involving that servant. The lady recently experienced heartbreak, she doesn't have to be burdened by her parents' marital issues'

Malia slowly smiled after confirming her doubts earlier. 'Now this feels like a cheat-like system!'. Malia can't believe that she gained some random power like this since she knows that only small fire, water, and wind-related magic were mentioned in the novel. She never read anything outside those three things.

"Lily, you don't have to hide anything from me. I already had some idea about what was happening. Trust me, I can take it", Malia said, assuring Lily.

Lily saw the seriousness on her lady's face. She gathered her thoughts and decided where to start the story. Lily then explained what was currently happening in the house.

Malia learned that her mother was suspecting her father of having an affair. They didn't know who fed her the idea of a possible affair, but she already assumed that Arlene instigated everything. Her father, Alfred Augustus, no longer joins the family for breakfast or any meal at all in the past 6 months. Her father would not visit her mother either. The young master, Matthew, was in the academy, and she did not care about it before.

"Thank you, Lily, for being honest. Now, can I ask you a favor?"

"Yes, Miss, whatever you wish for. I will do my best to comply with your request."

"Thank you. Lily, what I want you to do is follow Arlene for a week. I want to know everything and, if possible, anything that is related to her. I want to know what she is saying to mother and what the matters are between her and father".

Lily nodded, "I will do so, Milady".

Malia smiled and it made Lily's heart warm. 'The lady had never smiled sweetly before; she also never requested anything. Alright, I'll do everything to help the lady in this matter.'

After a while, Lily left her room. Malia locked the door and started rummaging in other drawers she had not checked before.

Malia started reading letters from Cedric, which were so boring as they would only contain simple greetings and uneventful stories of his week. Malia also discovered other letters from someone named "Eliza". 'Maybe she's Malia's friend or could be an acquaintance based on the contents of the letter. This girl, Eliza, seemed to only care about her older brother, Matthew.'

Malia skipped lunch and asked Lily to guide her to the library. Lily was confused at first, since Malia was always in the library like it was her own room. Malia reading Lily's thoughts, as she was holding her right arm, quickly tried to make an excuse, and said, "I just wanted some company today. I'm always alone in the library, you see."

Lily then smiled, then guided her to the library.

Malia also made sure to remember the path to avoid asking Lily to guide her.

Malia was delighted to see the library. It looked like a fancy bookstore or a library from an expensive university. She quickly hides her surprised look to not make Lily suspect her of seeing the place for the first time.

She would occasionally talk to Lily and when it was time for Lily to attend to her other chores, she left Malia alone in the library.

Malia enjoyed roaming around the library and fishing out one or two books that looked interesting to read. She also gathered historical books, which was the main purpose of her visit. She needed to adapt to the new environment by reading history books and lists of prominent noble houses in the kingdom.

Malia spent the entire afternoon reading books. She was busy studying when she heard someone coughing behind her.

She almost jumped out of her skin. She didn't notice anyone coming in.

She looked behind her and saw a well-dressed, attractive young man. His gray, almost silver, hair and blue eyes complement each other. His hair was quite long and was simply tied. He was smiling very handsomely so that it was almost blinding.

She suddenly remembered who it was. 'IT'S MATTHEW!'

--- end of chapter 4 ---