Xing Merchant Group

Archie nodded, understanding the sentiment behind the name. 'Didn't you already tell our friend Qi Zheng your name though?

'Ah.' Michael frowned, 'I'll have to apologise and say I was testing his character or something' he said while ruffling his hair.

'Let me know how that goes' a melodious laugh rang out in Michael's head as Archie said these words.

Emerging from the bath, refreshed and invigorated, Michael donned his new robes. As he stood before the mirror, his gaze met the reflection of a changed man. His once youthful countenance now bore the marks of his trials and tribulations. A scar etched across his nose served as a constant reminder of the injustices he had endured. And yet, his piercing blue eyes held a resolute glint, a testament to his unwavering spirit.