
In a gorgeous great hall a hooded figure could be seen walking gracefully.

The figure's body was fully covered, even the patent celestial dragon hair was covered by a thin long throne.

The only thing which was visible about the figure were two ring like red eyes, staring at a piece of paper held by it's gloved hand.

This paper had a bunch of key information written on it and one large photo attached at the top.

This photo was of a celestial dragon named Mark.

Mark Rose.

"A natural King..?"

The figure muttered softly, sadly no one was there to hear it, the voice aimlessly echoed in the endlessly hallways..




The hodded figure calmly watched the data about Mark while walking, before long the figure had reached a throne room.

This throne room contained a grand throne, a throne which was also known as the empty throne to the rest of the world.

"Im sama."

Saint Saturn bowed faithfully to the figure.

This figure was also known as Im.

Im didn't pay attention to the Elder and gracefully sat on the supposed empty throne.

Im's actions felt completely natural but this showed something important, the so called empty throne was never really empty, it was always Im's.

After taking a seat atop the throne, those red eyes kept staring at the only Elder who was called here.


Getting the signal Saint Saturn started talking, he knew his lord didn't like to speak much.

Long life does that to a person, things get very boring, and lord Im had been alive before he was even born.

"Im sama, Mark Rose is undergoing a transformation, his body is naturally reaching it's maximum potential without any training on his part."

"We have checked everything about him, he is the biological son of Luna and Charles Rose."

"He is a pure bred celestial dragon, there is no doubt about it."

Taking out a paper from his suit the Elder referenced some information from it.

"He hasn't contacted any suspicious people recently, this is most likely a natural change."

"Which means his loyalty still lies with the celestial dragon's."

Flipping the pages, Saturn found the part which described what was happening to Mark, or what they thought was happening to Mark.

Saturn and the rest of the Elders didn't know that Mark was not undergoing any natural change, but he was purposely using life return to make himself change.

This made them think in an entirely wrong direction, they were thinking that he was undergoing the type of change someone like Big Mom had experienced.

The world government had some research about big mom's transformation, her data was sent to them by mother caramel all those years ago.

So they were comparing Mark's change to her, in hopes of understanding what was happening to him.

"Mark is changing right now but his strength isn't on the level of Charlotte Linlin."

"While everyone's natural potential is different so this isn't a surprise, one thing is constant for both Mark and Charlotte Linlin."

"Both have the potential to awaken every brand of haki, including conqueror's."

"And Mark has already awakened both observation and conqueror's haki."

Saturn paused and stopped talking, he was waiting for a gesture to continue.

"Go on.."

After Im gave him the nod of approval, the Elder then said the most important point.

"Unless we do something, whatever determination Mark has in his mind at this time.."

Looking straight at Im he spoke seriously.

"That determination will become his dream, as you know Im sama, this might not be good for us."

"If not guided correctly, Mark Rose will have a dream of his own and start working towards it."

"There is a chance that his dream could be against to our cause."

Situations like these was why the world government allowed mother caramel to adopt big mom all those years ago, and why they wanted to get Kaido in the Marines.

Unless guided from the beginning, people with king's haki and great potential will develop a dream of their own, it is impossible to make them loyal to the world government after that.

"We have checked Mark's daily life, his nature is that of a noble celestial dragon."

"He has a stable mind and hasn't degenerated like the others either."

Im softly picked up another sheet, this page contained the thoughts of servants who worked in Rose manor.


From the narrowed red eyes, one could see that Im's interest was spiked after reading this.

The Elder understood this so he elaborated.

"As you can see Im sama, all of his servants have only good things to say about him."

Clearing his throat Saint Saturn concluded Mark's analysis report.

"He is neither a degenerate like his friend Charlos, nor a fool like Homing."

"He maintains noble grace while understanding his position in the grand scheme of things."

Saturn believed that if you are a noble, you should act like a noble, getting power in your head is a critical mistake.

Every elder knows how to avoid such a mistake, that was one of the reasons why Mark was thought to be so important, even before his transformation.

His attitude was something they needed to maintain the long rule of celestial dragons.

"I see."

But Im didn't reply beyond a general acknowledgement.

Im simply kept reading through the details on Mark, what he did, how he acted, how he lived, everything.

After a long life, quick decisions weren't a thing Im was interested in.

" What is this..?"

But when the page containing what Mark did that day two years ago came into view, Im stopped and looked at it closely.

"Did he let them go..?"

"Amazon Lily.."


Im muttered while narrowing those ring like red eyes 

Saturn curiously saw which part of the information Im was reading, and found that it was about the incident two years ago, when that scum fisher tiger had invaded their holy land.

"Im sama, what Mark did that day was found to be a mistake-"

Saint Saturn abruptly stopped speaking when Im raised a hand.

He was just warned not to speak by his lord!

Saturn shivered and bowed lower.

But that page seems to have been the key which made Im reach a decision.


Keeping the page down, Im let it rest upon the empty throne, picking up a stamp of approval, Im pasted it on Mark's photo.

This made Saturn wonder what Im saw in Mark's actions that day, that they didn't see.

'Did Mark not make a mistake that day? Did he let them go by choice?'

'Or is it something in his actions that we cannot see?'

'Is it his connection to Boa Hancock in particular or is it because of Amazon lily..?'

Saturn wondered, but Im didn't bother to explain what they missed in that incident, so he didn't ask.

He will only do what he was told to do.

After Im gave the stamp of approval Saint Saturn ignored all the doubts in his mind, bowed and left the castle.

This castle was something he both longed to come to and was afraid of at the same time.

It was the castle in the middle of the whole world.

Castle Pangaea.