In the beginning, there lived two Gods Ran and Raya. These two Primordial Gods fell in love with each other. Together they filled the universe with light. Their bright radiance gave birth to the Universe. With that they shaped the entire Universe. As they continued filling the universe with light, a shadow of themselves were cast into the universe. These two shadows merged with each other and gave birth to the great evil beast. Thousands of years later Ran and Raya gave birth to two sons. They were Indra and Asura. Asura was the eldest and Indra was the youngest son. Although Indra was born as the youngest son, he was more powerful and respected by the other Gods. This made Asura envious of his brother. After thousands of years, the GREAT EVIL BEAST made an attempt to take the throne of HEAVEN. The GREAT EVIL BEAST attacked heaven and killed many Gods, Demi- Gods, Warriors and Nephilim's. It took the combined might of Indra, Asura and thousands of other Gods just to defeat THE BEAST and seal it in the Bottomless pit of hell. After that battle, Asura begun to change drastically. He begun to plot a rebellion against his father and rule as king. After years of planning, he finally begun his assault for the throne of Heaven. Asura defeated countless Gods and fought his way to the heavenly palace where he fought it out with his brother. Asura envied his brother to the point where he wanted to kill him as he knew that his brother would succeed the throne. After a long battle, Asura managed to kill his brother, cut his head off and throw it at his father. U ARE NEXT FATHER, THE THRONE IS MINE, he said. Ran who was said to be the strongest Being in the entire universe lost to his son. Asura killed everyone his father, mother, brother and even his best friend as he believed that the only way to become a true King was to rule without any emotion. With his brother out of the way, Asura became the new ruler of the Universe alongside his 7 Deva Generals waiting for the return of his younger whose soul escaped to the mortal realm.