
There was a brick wall at the end I pushed the brick in the center to the left as the wall moved aside and I walked inside as I could see a hall way I continued down as I reached an open area with tables a few people were sitting there some talking in hushed voices I walked to the counter I looked over the missions there some were to assassinate some nobles in the city I notice one to kill the city lords son well I will take this one the son was a pig so I would take him out when he goes to the whore house to have some fun I will take him out , how much for this mission well its 20 000 gold reward once its complete you have to pay a 5 000 gold in case you fail the mission what must I bring back for proof of death we only need the ring on his finger as proof very well I will complete this mission as I departed from the cult heading to the location .

Were the son of the city lord would be dying I began to plan the whole thing in my mind I could escape with dark step but I would have to escape the npc guard, well I guess I will bind the npc , I jumped onto the roof tops as I rushed to the whore house, the smell of drug's , liquor and sex filled the air , I waited patiently for the lord's son to came bay , a few hours in the evening I could see some carriage with the city lords emblem on it , I waited as the target got off and walked accompanied by a guard well no time like the present as I adorned the mask of mystery I rushed forward jumping off the roof as I slashed at the lord's son , blood went up in the air as.

I rushed grabbing the lone ring on his finger , I avoided a strike aimed at me shoulder blocking it with my sword dark bind I spoke as I trapped the npc guarded I used sky slash on him -3000 hp I cast fire ball on the area so I could escape , as I used dark step with all my might vanishing from the area appearing near an in I took the mask of hiding it in my inventory , System announcement a player had killed the city lords son reward issued to the one who had information on him . Please note the city is now on lockdown a curfew has been placed. Well, I guess I will have to escape from this city until things cool down, I changed my clothes as.

I walked off heading to the cult once I arrived I took out the ring as I was given a gold badge for the cult as well as a map to the other cult offices in the other cities along with the 20 000 gold reward I took a look at the other missions none did interest me so I left the cult , on the way I purchased some ores and herbs for the health potion as I went to the inn I usually rent out as I rested and logged of the game it was almost evening with a smile on my face I got out of the pod as I walked out of the room I headed to the kitchen I began to make some food , as I began to think on future plans , maybe I should establish a workshop ?

hmm and a guild but I will pull the strings from the shadows yeah that will work I can used the guild for wars and other menial task I have to do hmm this will be a good investment I would keep all 95% of the shares the others would be diluted hmm as I continued to think I will poach some of the members of powerful guilds back in my day well that is a good idea as I finished up I went to kayuyas room.