Our house in the middle of the street

One house, 3 cultures

Our home, in the middle of the street

One house, 3 cultures

Love is in the air, every day, every second, every year, every moment. With all the difficult times life brings every day, our home, our house is our welcoming refuge. For many, the final frontier for hoarders, the hideout for killers and robbers.

Everything that has 4 walls and a roof is a house; or a home, as far as it protects you, and keeps you warm and cozy, and welcomes you every time to return from a trip, it's called home.

Smiles, our house; in the middle of the street, so they say, it's the binder for 3 cultures: Chinese, Latino and Canadian.

The result of that?

Great cuisine, music and great resistance to cold weather. Just kidding!

We had to get used to the hard cold winters after coming from a warm hot weather. The peace and love found here it really complemented our lives.

Our house, received us as our honeymoon gift. We got married and our house became the destination for our honeymoon. Maybe one day we will celebrate our honeymoon.

Yeah…. I'm 53 now….

Our house is our confident and witness to our sadness, looses and pain life brings and our confident when life gets tough.

Our house; thinking about it it makes me feel happy proud, fuzzy inside, my happy place. Or son loves it. My husband and I did many things to make it look pretty. Many of our friends thought we were crazy for us to buy a house. We really worked hard and save lots, where ever we could to buy the house.

Then one day the opportunity was there. We made our calculations and applied for it. The house was meant for us. There were other prospect buyers; but the two of us were selected. The keys Oct he house were given to us two days before the wedding. Our honeymoon?

Yes, we left to our new paradise. Our new house. With only a mattress bed and a tv, our new life as a husband and wife started.

I still remember having a bag of frozen chicken wings for our dinner that day. We tried to watch tv, no cable. That got installed 2 days after.

We still live in our 20 year old house, that saw our pains and aches. It's a part of our family.

It keeps our family together. It keeps our love and happiness together.

Here, our house - hard to accomplish to literally own one, is the home to the rest of our lives, our sons life and perhaps his future family.

It allowed us to meet and greet new friends and neighbours, new families, it kept us warm and dried on the most extreme weather.

But it doesn't stop there. It gave a peace of mind. No, no, no; we are still paying our mortgage. Still have bills to pay, still maintenance our house. Like our bodies, we need to maintain it.

Although our house is starting to show the battles that age brings, our house made us stronger, still keeping close to its heart the most wonderful and amazing moments of our lives.

Ironically, like one famous song used in many commercials:

'Our house,

in the middle of the street',

it's located at the exit of a cul de sac, on a street that runs parallel to the highway, in the mid section of houses, some detached, side by side and townhouses

Our house also host for our friends for the most watched play games, bonding and making stronger our friendships.

Our house is a meeting point for our families, and why not their families too!

Every year it was the turn for the next family in line.

Even during pandemic times - of course via internet. Sane method with overseas family.

25 years after, with high spirits and loving for each other and our son, still live in the hose that received us for our honeymoon, saw our happiness, sadness, sickness, birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries; our son's birth, school and college, perhaps his house to own. Our wedding gift.

This is our house, that welcomed us, saw us grow, took us in without conditions and probably will be our last place to rest.

Literally of course; we chose either the cemetery or cremation, depending; that's your choice.

But still; although you might not see it now, your home, your house, has shared more with you than your wife, your husband or your lover….

Think about it.

Just in the joking side of things.

Just in the joking side of life.


Mi casa es su casa.