1: reborn of a new life

Darkness that's all I could see the everlasting darkness that embraced my soul and swallowed me as if it was trying to devour me

It felt like an eternity passed

when it had only been seconds

But that's when I felt it the pain that shot through my body was excruciating it was like nothing I've ever felt before it felt like my body was placed in acid and I could regenerate for eternity

What stopped me in my rants of pain was the voice of many people around me who seemed to be shouting

We're losing her!

said one

Bringing out the shocker

said another

Doc what's happening!

The last one said in a worry tone

I was about to continue listening only for a large weight to be pushed on my body slumber quickly came after that as my eyes closed in and out

I couldn't finish as sleep took over


Once I regained consciousness I couldn't see anything I could only here the sounds of other babies either crying or babbling to themselves

I tried to get a grasp on anything as I reached around only to feel cold air hit my skin which made me return my hand towards my body out of natural instinct

I then heard the sound of multiple footsteps entering the room and trying to hush down the babies as one of them walked towards me and picked me up

I nether cried or made a fuss but kept my calm since I was trying to get a grasp of what was happening since I still could feel the searing headache that ached my head

What do we do with him

said the women who held me with a country accent

Well his farther don't want him and his mother is dead it seems nether the mom or dad has any family members

Said another women who seemed to be Hispanic

and head nurse

I'll take him I mean I'll be moving to japan anyways don't wanna be lonely for the rest of my miserable life

said a male voice at the front door

Doctor are you sure

Said the country accent

Yes I'm more then sure

Said the doctor

Well then there gonna be a lot of paper work your gonna have to do before you get custody over the child

Said the county accent

Of course I'm more then aware of that

Said the doctor

Alright then for now we'll take care for the time being then

Said the country voice as she slowly put me down and put me back in my crib

Ay yai yai

Said the Hispanic voice


Said the country accent

Didn't you hear what the mom said she said that child was a demon before she died

Said the Hispanic voice

You really gonna believe that

said the country voice

Honey as a Hispanic I believe anything that has to do with demons ok

Said the Hispanic in a dramatic but funny voice

I had tried to keep my consciousness but my headache had caught up to me making my head hurt which led to the result of me having to rest


It had been weeks ever since i was reborn into this unknown world I've gotten my vision back and my headache had been cleared

Today I'm supposedly about to get picked up by the doctor who is named akari

From what I've gathered he been working here for years but was also in the military i don't know for how long but his eyes show battlefield experience

But we'll see how this goes

Before I could finish thinking a hand picked me up from my crib as I looked into the cold dark blue eyes of doctor akari he quickly carried me out the hospital and into his car

As he gave me a cold look while he put me into my baby seat

I see so you have the same soul as me I knew there was something special about you

Said akari with a hint of happiness before he shut the door going towards the front of the car seat


After a long 2 hour drive to the air port and a 2 day flight to japan we had finally arrived I gazed upon japan as my eyes gave a dark glow

So this where we begin I thought

As I looked down at the beautiful city that glowed in the dark



A/n: hey I'm the author I'm new to Web novel but I'm on wattpad just want to let you guys know if there were any mistakes please inform me of what happened

Also thanks for actually taking your time and reading this I'm not gonna post that often but I will try still