Chapter 1

"I think it's been long enough. Don't you?"

Kei gazed at his childhood friend in confusion. It had rained not too long ago, so how come he was called out so late at night to meet up with one another. Sighing deeply he leaned against the bearing of the bridge. "It's been a long night. I'm tired aren't you Ming?"

"Tired?" Ming laughed deprecatingly. "Very. I'm so tired of this. I'm so fucking tired of breathing the same air as you it's ridiculous."


"Ming what are you talking about? Are you drunk? You know your an influential figure now, you can't be out here like this. I'm your manager, how would He Cheng feel when he finds out I let you walk around late at night."

"He Cheng?" It was as if a volcano had erupted within him. His eyes were full of uncontrollable rage. "He Cheng wouldn't give a damn. Why? Because he'd be too damn focused on your well being to care about mine!!"

Reaching an arm out in attempted to calm his friend down his hand was fiercely knocked away causing Kei to hiss in slight pain. "Ming-"

"Why is it that he's my boyfriend yet I feel like the fucking outsider when we're all together. It isn't fair!!!'

Kei watched in shock as Ming stared at him with eyes of envy and hatred. These pair of eye's were deeply unfamiliar to him, resulting in him to reflexively take a step back. "Let's go back to the hotel and talk things out, okay?"

"I don't wanna talk things out. Fuck!" Grabbing his hair in frustration Ming violently pulled at his strands of hair. His voice emotional and livid, he appeared to be losing all of control. "You don't know anything. I hate you! I hate you! I hate you dammit!! Just fucking disappear. It's your fault he doesn't fully love me." Closing the gap between the two he smiled viscously. "I've made up my mind. I want it all. I want it all to be mine. The money, the attention, the awards. And him. But I won't be able to get it if your still here. As long as your alive I'll still feel miserable time and time again. Kei Yun, you need to go."

Seeing Ming suddenly throw himself at him Kei became startled leaning sideways in an attempt to dodge but it was too slow as he was tackled into the railing. "M..Ming what are you doing?!"

"Getting rid of you."

"Aaargh!" Kei let out a painful scream.

'Nn-no way.... t-this can't be?....'

"Ming....." Feeling a warm liquid drip down the side of his arm, Kei slowly looked down to see a small knife embedded in the left side of his arm. If he didn't move quicker then he did in that last half of second instead of his arm it would have been his heart.

Ming Yuan, someone he had known sense middle school was trying to kill him. The same person he walked to school with everyday, the same person he would readily jump into fire for, the same person he protected and willingly got dragged in the media just to protect his image. The same god damn man who vowed to love him till the end of time. But in the end was attempting to murder him. Was their 15 years of friendship worth nothing?

Pulling the knife out of his shoulder, Kei threw it to the floor as he looked up at this unknown man who wore the same face as his friend. Meeting a pair of cynical eyes that had an absence of any remorse or pity. He watched as this person used all their strength to heartlessly push him backward off the bridge. With cold eyes gazing at his body that fell straight to it's death.


Tragically, he plunged into the dark depths of the of the cold river. The strong current pulling him further down to the bottom as he spent each passing moment becoming completely engulfed in the water. The unfiltered hatred on Ming's face being the very last thing he saw in this life.

'Why? Just Why?'

Was all he thought as he began to swim with all his might.



Bursting out from up under the water, Kei struggled to breath as he floated up to the surface gasping for air. With the little strength he did have he crawled out of the river onto a patch of grass. Where he began to violently cough up a ton of salt water that sat within his lungs. Weakly he collapsed onto the ground, rolling over on his back to catch his breath.

He looked up at the sky, his breaths hurried and shallow. Dripping soak and wet his hair and tethered clothing clung tightly to his skin. Causing a shiver to run down his spine from the nights cold air. Yet he wasn't cold in the slightest and instead his body was burning up as if he had a fever.

Laying flat on his back his eyes were cold as glaciers. His childhood friend had tried to kill him. He couldn't believe it. "Ming Yuan." He growled angrily through clenched teeth. "You motherfucker!"

He couldn't take this lying down. A dark bubbling emotion stirred within him as he slowly picked himself up with a bit of struggle. Climbing up the stairs from the back of the valley he came from up under the bridge and stood back on top of it. Gazing down the deck of the bridge his legs wobbled and moved slowly as he walked along the left railing soon tripping over something that felt like a pile of books.

"What the -?!" Glancing down he saw a school book bag with notebooks, pens and an ID card scattered halfway out the bag. Bending down he picked up the ID and saw a picture of a beautiful vibrant youth, with hair snow white and eye's a silver grey. Skin smooth and pale as milk, with long silver-white eyelashes that brushed against his cheek. Hovering over a beauty mole an inch under the right eye.

The boy was gorgeous enough to be amongst the top models in the world.

"Suzuki, Haru." He whispered the name as he softly repeated the information on the card. "20 years old. Student of X University."

It was an ID card belonging to a college student. Yet there was no college student in the vicinity. Looking around the bridge, there was in fact no one there but him.

Gazing over the railing towards the pitch black river, Kei weirdly had a vague feeling that this student was no longer alive. 'Did he-?'

Yet before he could finish his thought, a memory of the youth on the card jumping to his death flooded his brain in first person point of view. As if he himself had jumped. This startled Kei causing him to drop the ID in a puddle and through it he glimpsed a face that didn't belong to him.

Staring back at him through the puddles reflection was the exact face of the college student. Slowly Kei brong both hands to his face and harshly pulled on it. "Ow!" he hissed.

His cheeks stung from the pain and turned a tomato red. This made him even more shocked. He began hitting himself, pinching his arms and thighs then pulling his hair. And in the end of it all he could feel pain, a vivid pain that said what was happening was real.

"This can't be...." Kei looked at his pale thin hands, his shoes and the wet clothes he now wore.

They all didn't belong to him. The tie, the college uniform shirt, the off branded cheap dress shoes. None of these things were his. Yet here he stood wearing them as if it was. And the stab wound he had was completely gone.

'How can I-? No way, no fucking way!'

Coming to a quick realization, he wanted to barf dear near coughing up a mouth full of blood from anger.

He had actually died.

Ming Yuan had succeeded in killing him after all.

Kei Yun was now mad. He was beyond mad. All of his life's work and accomplishments were gone. They were all for not. He now couldn't benefit from any of it.

Why?.... WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY?!!!

Has he not given him his all?!

After all he had done for him. After all he had sacrificed. He was repaid with death.

How could this be? Why is it like this? Why should Ming Yuan live and he dies? Weren't they brothers through think and thin? Didn't they always have each other's back?

Or was it all a lie? Was their brotherhood just a simple lie?

Kei's reflection showed a pair of eyes that were lifeless and chilling to the bone. The vibrant features within his cold expression were now more defined and clean. Bringing out a sharp aura.

He wanted revenge. And he wanted it now.

He didn't care how'd he go about it, who he had to hurt along the way or how long it was going to take. He wanted Ming Yuan to repay him with his life. He wanted an eye for an eye.

Ming Yuan had murdered him. He would now pay for that. With this second chance at life he was going to make sure of it.

That is, if he could get to the hospital before he passed out in the middle of no where.

His body was on fire, he was burning up and the wet clothes he was wearing weren't helping. He had noticed it before hand but didn't think much of it. But it seems that this new body of his was a bit on the weak and mal nourished side. He needed to get off this bridge.

Grabbing his belongings he pushed himself to walk off the bridge and after walking two blocks and a couple of more steps he could feel his vision become blurry and his head begin to throb with pain. He stumbled onto the side of a building and tried to catch his breath as he inhaled and exhaled in attempt to calm his wild beating heart.

'One dive into water and it already feels like I'm on deaths door. Such a weak body.'

He didn't even have strength to raise his head anymore. And instead he kept his gaze glued to the ground watching people steadily walk past.

And at that very moment there was the sound of the door of the building he was leaning against, opening and closing, footsteps pausing at the entrance.

He didn't want help but without it he'd be passed out on the sidewalk somewhere, where anything could happened to him. And he wasn't going to take that chance. Leaving him with no other option but to ask for help.

Gritting his teeth, he reached out his left hand and grabbed the forearm of the person who was leaving. "Excuse me, can I trouble you to take me to the hospital?"

The person's footsteps stopped. With his gaze lowered all Kei Yun could see were the other's lower body, a pair of long and straight legs, wearing black trousers.

On the verge of fainting at this point, Kei Yun's grip on the person's forearm lowered weakly and he fell into their chest. With a strained voice he uttered. "Hospital. Please."

After a long silence.

The other party seemed to finally agree, wrapping an arm under Kei' legs and back he picked him up bridle style and carried him towards an expensive car.

Kei was a bit startled and skeptical about the one who was carrying him. He wasn't being kidnapped was he?

Slowly he forced himself to raise his head and look up to see a face that could definitely be called extremely handsome. At that very moment their eyes met one another, and he could swear he had met this man somewhere before. But he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

But it didn't matter now, as he could feel his consciousness slipping away into a dark void. Voicing a weak thank you he soon fell unconscious in the man's arms.

"Master Zhao?" A middle aged man called from in front of the car. He glanced towards the youth in his master's hands, knowing the other hated touching people he offered his help. "Would you like me to carry him instead?"

The man looked at the sleeping youth in his arms and shook his head as the car door opened. "No need. For right now, just take us to the hospital."

"Right away Master Zhao."