Chapter 7

By the time he left the company it was already late in the evening. So on the way home Kei Yun stopped by a shop and had a quick bowl of ramen for dinner, before heading straight home.

But who knew as soon as he entered the apartment a liquor bottle would be thrown his way, almost smashing directly into his face. And if it wasn't for his quick reflexes, he would have been seriously hurt.

Knowing this, his expression contorted gravely. Looking up at his drunkard father his eyebrows furrowed coldly. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"What's am I doing you ask. I showed up to your job today and you weren't there. Haru where the fuck were you?! Huh? You inconsiderate little bitch-" He through another empty bottle of alcohol toward his son. "Where's my money!! What am I supposed to drink when your gone. And now your locking doors? You bitch, just who do you think you are! Your just like your slutty mother. I bet you were out with some strange men tonight. Selling your body like the whore you are."

Addiction, was a nasty thing. And Kei Yun knew this better than anyone. The deranged look in their eyes that said they would do anything for a fix. Say the most vicious things in a fit of anger when they were desperate. It was scary yet disturbing to watch.

And right now he could see that exact same look in the old man's eyes. And because of that Haru's father was now exhibiting violent behavior.

Sighing Kei Yun pulled out 2000 Yuan and gave the man his very last. He had nothing else to say to him. He swore not to supply his father's addiction but safety was much more important right now. For both him and the old man. No one needed to get hurt tonight. And to add he wasn't really in the mood for a repeat of this afternoons early incident. One physical fight was enough for him today.

Ignoring the old man and his non ending shouts, he went into his room and closed the door locking it tightly behind him. He then switched into his night clothes, land down on his bed and fell asleep smoothly.

But when the sun rose the next morning, he was rudely awakened by the sound of banging on his bedroom door. Now half awake and annoyed he lazily rolled out of bed wearing only a his pajama shirt and undies.

Barefooted he walked to the door and opened it. "Listen here old man I don't have any more money to give you. Last night was all of it."

"Where your going, money shouldn't be a problem."

Like a cold bucket of water that was splashed over his head, Kei Yun was now fully awake. Staring at the man in front of him with eyes full of daggers he asked cautiously. "What are you doing here? And how the hell did you get inside my apartment?"

The man smiled as he looked Kei Yun up and down. Admiring the work of art in front of him. "Which one would you like for me to answer first?"


Seeing the deadpanned look the other gave him, he shrugged half heartedly, fully unbothered by the menacing gaze directed towards him. "Your no fun, you know that."

"Liam. Why are you here?"

"I've come to collect what I was promised."

'Right... the other half of the deal.'

Kei shook his head tiredly, yawning softly like a cat. "It slipped my mind." He didn't think it would happen so soon.

"Hmm... did it now." Liam narrowed his eyes like a predator looking at his prey, closely taking in Kei Yun's unkept appearance. Long silver-white strands of hair laid toppled over his head in a messy but cute way. With eye's and eyelashes that were equally beautiful and the color of grey moonstones. The thin cotton shirt Kei wore hovered just right over his briefs. Showing a clear sight of long slender legs that were pale as snow. And feet that were pretty to look at. And his lips, the color of rose petals looked soft and fluffy as cotton candy.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Liam asked.

Kei Yun rolled his eyes. Now why would he purposely do that. Not too long ago he was laying in the comforts of his bed, sleeping soundly and peacefully. Until a certain person came running to disturb him. He shook his head. "Don't be delusional."

"I'm afraid it's already too late for that." He chuckled as he hooked a arm around Kei Yun's waist and pull him in for kiss. Prying open kei's teeth he invaded his mouth. Seizing the inside entirely with his tongue, determined to leave no corners left untouched.

Wantonly swirling and twirling through Kei's pink cavern, eagerly tasting and sucking.

The kiss was aggressive and hungry. Appearing to want to swallow the youth whole.

And as for someone whose done very so little kissing, Kei Yun didn't fight it and just accepted what was happening to him.

Liam kissed him with such hurry and ferocity it felt like the man would soon go into heat. The hand that grasped his waist tighten while the other roamed down his back towards his butt and squeezed it.

But before it could lead to anything else Liam abruptly stopped and slowly let go of his hold. Smiling in content he traced his thumb over Kei Yun's slightly swollen lips, and whispered pleasantly. "All mine."


In the car Kei Yun sat in the passenger seat looking out the window with an expression of half boredom. "Where are we going?"

"To work." Liam replied.


"My company. To be more precise, a branch of my company."

'A company.'

If Liam had a company this whole entire time. Why was he still going to college? It's not like he needed a degree at this point in time. Unless he did?...

Now that Kei thought about it, Liam stood out like a sore thumb. Turning around he looked at the man skeptically. He honestly knew nothing about who this person was, just that him and Haru had made a deal. "Exactly how did we meet?"

Liam laughed as he drove down the street, making a quick right. "Would you believe me if I said you approached me first."

Present Haru wouldn't even glance in Liam's direction, less known approach him voluntarily. And Kei would like to think that neither would Haru unless he was desperate. If he remembered correctly, yesterday Liam had said something along those lines when he had asked if he had missed the old Haru. So in a way, Kei could somehow believe it.

"We're not as close as you think. We met a month ago at a private party. A place little you should had never been in."

The younger frowned. By the tone of Liam's voice he could tell that it wasn't an ordinary party. How'd Haru manage to get in, in the first place was mystery.

"You got drunk made your way to my private section pushed my assistant out the way and kissed me. Amused by your boldness and seduced by your looks I let you stay by my side. You poured your heart out to me and begged for help. Thus a deal was made. I'll land you a deal of a lifetime and you'd give me your body for a duration." Liam smiled benevolently. "What I do for pretty faces."

Kei Yun felt dizzy just hearing this. He could tell some things were left out and others exaggerated. But overall it seemed to be the true conclusion of everything. Just explained in a short friendly version. "But why would I willingly make a deal with you specifically?"

A wry smirk drew across the man's lips. "I'd say that's something you should be asking yourself. A CEO with power, status, and opportunities. Your smart, you tell me."

Anyone with the right pair of eyes could see why. It was plain as day for the both of them. And Kei Yun knew this so he tried changing the subject by asking a questioned he had been wondering for a short while now. "Are you and Mr. Zhao close?"

The man raised a brow in question. "Why would you say that?"

"You were able to easily get me an audition for a man who owns Zhao magazines. That's not an easy thing to do unless you know the owner personally."

A small frown graced Liam's lips. "You quite perceptive. But I wouldn't exactly describe our relationship as 'close.' "

"Then what would you describe it as?"


"Partners in crime?"

"Partners in business." Liam stated matter of factly. "Just two people making money."

'Two people making money. From what exactly?'

"How long will I be staying with you?" He didn't want to be tied together too long with this man.

"It's barely been a full 24hrs and your already trying to get rid of me."

"Why wouldn't I? You would too if you agreed to such a deal."

Liam laughed in amusement. The sound loud and melodic. He smirked as he looked over at Kei Yun with bright eyes. "No matter how I look at it, I like you more and more."