Chapter 7 - Gathering


---The next morning---

After a long night, Lev woke up when he felt something heavy moving on his chest. He looked down and saw Kim lying on it with a bright smile on her face. Seeing her beautiful face, he couldn't help but smile as he recalled what kind of craziness they had last night after remembering how Kim pushed herself to the limit to satisfy him all night.

Following Lev's movements, Kim woke up as he rubbed her eyes innocently before smiling with delight as she looked at Lev early in the morning.

"Good morning." Lev greeted her as he moved her closer to his side and kissed her on the forehead.

"Mmmm." Kim replied as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of Lev's tender kiss.

"We still have time. Let's have breakfast first and then help me choose a villa." Lev followed as he embraced her tight in his arms while having an excited thought of moving to a new house.

"Mmm." Kim replied with a smile.

Following that, the two then fixed themselves up and ate breakfast before leaving. Lev first went back to his room as he called Sia and told her that she could do what she wanted after she cleaned the apartment while he was away. He also told her that her sister would probably come home today and so order to receive her politely.


One hour later,

After an hour of travel, Lev then found himself at Kim's workplace. Following the formalities, Kim immediately introduced him to some decent villa from which he then cut off the chase and told her what his preferences were. After gathering more information, the two of them then went through from villa to villa.

Not long after, Lev then finally chose a villa near a small pond. He was satisfied with it because the environment was soothing, and the layout was grand. Furthermore, the amenities were already well prepared.

The villa he chose has a total of three stories. The first floor consists of the living room, the kitchen, and a gym. The second and third floor consists of the lounge, recreation room, and bedrooms. The villa also has a swimming pool and a garage big enough to park at least five cars. Furthermore, there are nine bedrooms on the second floor with a large bedroom full of romance with floor-to-ceiling windows on the third floor. This kind of window can only see the outside but not the inside which was perfect for having some night activities.

"Alright, I take this villa. You can help me prepare the documents." Lev said with a satisfied smile while looking at the villa where he and his family would soon live.

"Don't you want to have a look at other villas? Though this is very good, this villa cost a total of $ 12,000,000. Can you even afford it?" Kim was surprised and wanted to confirm with Lev if she heard it wrong. Though he sounded very serious, she still felt unbelievable since it was a big amount of money.

"It's fine, you go get the documents ready. I can pay upfront; I want the keys as soon as possible and move immediately." Lev then assured. With this, their future home and his base of operation were now secure and ready.

"If you say so." Kim didn't doubt anymore as she smiled as she headed back wanting to process the documents and draft a contract immediately leaving behind Lev alone in the villa.

After hours of waiting and signing some formalities, Lev then finally had the keys and could now finally move anytime but he was not that in a hurry since there were also things he needed to settle back into his apartment.

Right after that, Lev then excused himself and parted ways with Kim inviting her to have dinner tonight at his apartment which she accepted happily.


After leaving Kim's workplace, Lev then also decided to stop in a particular car shop and buy some for convenience since they probably need it now.

Lev picked up two suitable cars to his liking and directly bought them without questions which made the car shop sales agent say that they would process the license plate immediately and deliver it after three days. He then just gave them the address of the villa since they probably had already moved in that day.

It was now time for lunch and Lev was too lazy to head back to his apartment so he decided to call Mia and invite her to eat outside. On the other hand, the latter happily said yes and told him that she would leave right away.


At the restaurant,

"I thought you forgot about me already." Mia said with a smile as she looked at Lev eating his food quietly in front of her.

"How could I? Well, I have something good to tell you. I have bought a villa just a while back. Like I promised yesterday, I am here to tell you so we can move in together." Lev replied with a smile and thought that life was really starting to move on his way.

"For real? What day do you plan on moving in so I can prepare and vacant my time that day." Mia said with shock and excitement in her eyes upon hearing such good news. She never thought Lev really bought a villa on his own as she knew a little of what kind of life he was living.

"Yes. I plan on moving tomorrow. Is that good?" Lev replied and asked as he looked at Mia's expression which made him chuckle a bit thinking that it must be too hard to believe that a person like him could buy a villa on his own.

"Tomorrow then. I wonder what your little sister's reaction would be when she knows about me being your woman." Mia replied with a smile while feeling kind of excited about tomorrow's event.

Hearing Mia, Lev then just smiled at what she said. Following that, they continued talking until they finished their lunch before parting ways as Mia got back to her work and Lev, on the other hand, went to buy some groceries.


Lev's apartment,

Meanwhile, back in Lev's apartment, as Sia was sitting on the sofa immersing herself in watching the TV, the door suddenly clicked, and not before long, Lilith entered inside and then two pairs of eyes locked at each other as they checked each other's out.

"W-Who are you?" Lilith asked nervously while giving Sia a fierce look since it was her first time seeing her and what was unbelievable was that she was on the sofa watching the TV.

"Are you my master's sister? My name is Sia." Sia stood up and introduced herself politely as she was told to do so by Lev before he left.

"Master? I am Lilith and what are doing in our apartment?" Lilith asked while getting ready to call someone for help if ever the unknown girl was a robber after being sure that her brother was not at home as he texted her this morning that he was out.

"Master instructed me to clean the room." Sia answered innocently while looking at Lilith.

"T-Then, do you know where your so-called Master is?" Lilith was surprised by what she said but she did not believe it immediately as she became more suspicious after saying that.

"Master did not mention anything but he left with the woman next door." Sia answered truthfully.

Hearing Sia, Lilith's brows knitted as she knew the woman living next to them. She looked at Sia once more and started loosening up a bit but before she could ask another question again, the two suddenly heard a clicking sound on the door.


After settling everything on the things that he needs to do, Lev finally returns home seeing him carrying a bag of groceries as he looks at the two girls looking at him. He already knew about their meeting as Sia talked to him through telepathy.

"How are the two of you?" Lev smiled and asked them while heading towards the kitchen with the bags he was carrying so he could place them as they were the ingredients he needed for tonight's dinner.

"I missed you, brother." Lilith said as she ran and hugged him tight before she looked at Sia again and thought that maybe she really was not a robber.

"You were only away for a day. Well, I missed you too but let me put these bags first." Lev replied while smiling.

After putting all the bags on the table, Lev together with Lilith and Sia then rounded up in their living room as Lev started introducing Sia to Lilith while making up a not-so-unbelievable lie regarding Sia's situation. He felt like it was still not the right time to tell her the whole truth so he decided to hide it for now.


In the bathroom,

After briefly explaining to Lilith, Lev finally has the time to take a bath however, his normal bath from before is now completely different seeing him lying in the bathtub with his eyes closed while letting out some groans.

On the other hand, Lilith who was completely naked lay next to Lev with her eyes fixated on the huge cock piercing through the water, and upon looking closely, one of her little hands was stroking it with the difficulty of gripping.

"Brother, does it feel good?" Lilith cutely asked as she looked up wanting to see Lev's reaction while she was pleasuring him.

"Hnnhgg, it feels good, Lilith." Lev said as he opened his eyes and looked back at Lilith. They looked at each other before he moved her face closer to him with his right hand and kissed her lips while using the other one to grab and hold her bare breast and started playing with its erect nipple.

With that, Lev and Lilith were on their own as they pleasure each other inside the bathroom from which a couple of hot and loud moans could be heard all over the place leaving Sia who was cleaning in the living room receive the guests that had just arrived.


---Thirty Minutes later---

Living room,

Meanwhile, inside the small living room in Lev's apartment, Sia and Kim could be found sitting quietly on the sofa as they try to occupy themselves while looking at the TV however, upon looking closely at their faces, a red hue of color could be found together with their ragged breathing as they have them tortured for how many minutes by the sounds coming at the bathroom.


With the clicking sound, Sia and Kim immediately looked at the bathroom where they saw Lev carrying the weak Lilith in his arms. While Sia remained calm about the situation, Kim was greatly dumbfounded by the sight of the two as she never thought that the sibling had such kind of relationship despite being neighbors for almost two years.

"I-I thought you would be late tonight, Kim?" Lev was also surprised by Kim's appearance as he thought that it was still pretty much early, but it wasn't only that, that makes him surprised as he felt kind of embarrassed after being spotted in a very awkward situation.

"My boss praised my performance today and so let me have an early out, but I never would have thought that I would be waiting for thirty minutes to see like you this." Kim replied but she wasn't really mad about what was happening. She really was just surprised seeing Lev and Lilith being together for the first time.

"Eerhg." Lev could not help but put up a tight expression before he headed towards Lilith's room wanting to let her rest for a bit after having wild sex in the bathroom. He then also thought that it was now the right time to tell Kim and Lilith about what kind of relationship they all have.



After tidying Lilith back to her room, Lev then wants to prepare the food for the night however, whenever you look at it, he seems kind of being interrupted seeing him together with Kim making out in the kitchen.

"Lilith, seriously? I could not help but be surprised at how the two of you hid this from me. Hmmm. Now that I think about it, it must have been Lilith's moans I heard the other day, right?" Kim asked with a cheeky smile on her face as she kept on kissing Lev on the lips. As she was being tested just a while back, the built-up lust within her woke up, and saw wanted to release it.

"You didn't see that coming, did you? Well, I hope you will get along with each other since you will all be part of my family from now on." Lev replied with his hands grabbing the ample ass of Kim as he kneads them with delight. He even didn't question how she was not against it as he knew that the system was at work.

"Lilith is already a little sister to me, so it doesn't matter. I am just wondering who and how many women you have right now and also, where in the world did you get that cute little girl over there?" Kim answered as she broke the kiss and looked at Sia who was focused on watching the TV as if she was not bothered by what they were doing in the kitchen.

"Her name is Sia, and she will be our maid from now on. On to the other question, I will introduce you to my other woman tomorrow." Lev answered as he looked at Sia with a smile. Following that he then just gives Kim a deep kiss before breaking since he remembered that they were in the kitchen for a reason.

"Let me cook first. I will let you and Lilith have some time together later." Lev said and gave Kim a kiss on her forehead before turning back his focus on cooking their dinner which Kim gladly helped as she wanted to watch and learn from him.

'I wonder how fast I accept things like this. I really am changing.' Lev thought differently about his situation. It was pretty not acceptable in society to have more than one woman especially now that they were living in a world full of judgmental people and yet, here he was playing with three beautiful women, and even having the urge to want more which he thought quite disturbing and tempting at the same time.