Chapter 15 - Progress

[Spirit Beast: Silver Wolf has been slain.]

[Spirit Beast Ability: Agility has been learned.]

[1,000 True God Coin earned.]

"System, does my trait God's Talent have any limitation?" Lev suddenly asked. He wasn't that shocked upon hearing the notification of getting a skill however, he then thought of something that he wanted to know from the system.

[Yes, the host can learn any type of skills, talents, etc. however, abilities inherent to other systems and Golden Fingers are exceptions unless otherwise, extracted.]

"Then, what about those skills unique in every bloodline, can I also learn them?" Lev immediately prepared the following question since he was quite excited to know how much his cheat limit was.

[Yes. The trait "True God's Body" can bear any powers in the whole omniverse. Learning bloodline-related skills was nothing in the face of the system as having a bloodline will only strengthen the host body and a shortcut to becoming strong.]

"So that's how this trait really works. Unless it was another system or Golden Finger's inherent abilities, I could learn them all up. That's scary. Just how strong True God can really be?" Lev finally understood how overpowered his cheat is now, and it excites him to think just how powerful he would become in the future.

"Then, is there any way to copy or extract other systems' or Golden Finger's ability?" Lev then since the system mentioned something like this thinking that it was also an important thing to know. Though True God's Creation System was top-notch, there were systems and golden fingers out there that also had their unique capability and the thought of having their ability was something he found very exciting.


"How?" Lev immediately asked.

[Based on the System/Golden Finger rankings, True God Creation System is placed at the very top as it is the only True God Level system ever created. Being the top system, extracting other systems was nothing but a simple task. In addition, it also had the capability to bestow to others the systems/Golden Fingers that it extracted.]

"So, there are also rankings in the creation of systems. Looks like there's a need for me to rework my plans. Well, I need to survive this place first place." Lev muttered before closing the system window. No matter how excited he was after knowing how capable his system was, he still needed to get strong and survive this place. All other things, he set them aside for now and brought them up later.

Calming himself, Lev then started focusing more on the problem at hand for which he tried using the skill he just learned 'Agility'. He didn't see how it worked earlier as the spirit beast was killed off immediately but after using it right now, he doesn't even need to try moving, as he could clearly tell the difference without using it.

"System, give me the list of the conversion rate of True God Coins that I could earn from killing spirit beasts and for the worst, spirit masters." Lev then ordered. True God Coins were something he was lacking right now, and he wanted to amass them knowing how important they are for his growth.

[0-100 years old = 1,000 True God Coins

101-500 years old = 10,000 True God Coins

501-1,000 years old = 250,000 True God Coins

1,001-10,000 years old = 500,000 True God Coins

10,001-50,000 years old = 750,000 True God Coins

50,001-100,000 years old = 1,000,000 True God Coins

100,001 - 200,000 years old = 2,500,000 True God Coins

200,001 - 500,000 years old = 5,000,000 True God Coins

500,001 – 700,000 years old = 7,000,000 True God Coins

700,001 - 1,000,000 years old and above = 10,000,000 True God Coins]


[Spirit Scholar = 10 True God Coins

Spirit Master = 100 True God Coins

Spirit Grand Master = 1,000 True God Coins

Spirit Elder = 5,000 True God Coins

Spirit Ancestor = 10,000 True God Coins

Spirit King = 50,000 True God Coins

Spirit Emperor = 100,000 True God Coins

Spirit Saint = 250,000 True God Coins

Spirit Douluo = 500,000 True God Coins

Titled Douluo = 750,000 True God Coins

God Officer = 1,000,000 True God Coins

3rd Class Gods = 3,000,000 True God Coins

2nd Class Gods = 5,000,000 True God Coins

1st Class Gods = 7,000,000 True God Coins

God Kings = 10,000,000 True God Coins]

"I don't know how the system categorized them, but it doesn't matter." Seeing the conversion rate of True God Coins, Lev then thought that he might need to massacre an imaginable number of lives in order to accumulate enough wealth to buy skills in the system as no matter how he looked at it, it was a surefire way of becoming omnipotent.

"Sigh. Well, where should I hunt to level up? Star Dou Forest is off-limits for now as the Silver Dragon King reigns over that area. Slaughter City and Extreme North are also too far from my location." Lev, after asking the important things that he needs to know, finally started pondering on where he would go after this since he didn't choose this world just to sightsee but because he had a quest to complete.

"Looks like that only leaves Sunset Forest." Lev then finally decided but before he would leave the place. He, however, had one more thing to ask the system for clarification.

"System, I didn't feel any drain in power after casting the Agility skill. Is that because I'm not using spirit power but my mana instead?" Lev then clarified that he doesn't really feel even an ounce of discomfort after using it as if it were nothing.

[Yes. All the skills acquired and learned by the host will used up the host's mana regardless of what kind of skill they were. The Spirit Power that could be seen on the host's status screen was only a measure of how much power you can release and display to the outside world.]

With that, Lev then was finally done as he looked at the sky with a smile. He muttered, "Better start traveling as the sun was still up."

Following that, Lev then finally set off toward his first step of becoming True God's Successor. Different kinds of thoughts and emotions were running through his mind and heart at the moment as he didn't know what kind of struggles and hardships he would face but looking at the bright side, he knew that it was all for his betterment.


---5 1/2 years later---

On the outskirts of the Sunset Forest,

Just like how beautiful and mystical the forest was, a young boy with a handsome appearance could be found battling a bear-type spirit beast using a unique spirit skill that the world had never known existed. Throughout the battle, the young boy was constantly moving his hand to write something in the air.

**Nadare, Saiha, Homura**

The young boy wrote down three names from which three dragons suddenly came out, but the surprise did not stop there after seeing them magically combining into one creating a fire sickle that could create fireballs at will. Right after that, the young boy then used the created weapon and attacked the bear-type spirit beast while the former tried to block it with its body but due to the extreme heat, it died regrettably.

[Spirit Beast: Golden Bear has been slain.]

[Nature's Heal has been learned.]

[500,000 True God Coins earned.]

'I've been here for almost 6 years already. Tang San might already be on his way to Shrek Academy. I think it's also time for me to go and find some companions.' The boy thought after killing the spirit beast.

"Show my status." The boy muttered.


[Name: Lev Hendrix

Age: 11 (25)

Spirit Power: 63 (Progress: 58 %)

Race: Error

Bloodline: Ancient Incubus

Title: True God's Successor

HP: Immortal

MP: ∞


True God's Blood: The blessing granted by the one and only True God which gives your body the blood of True God. You are immortal, you are a power yourself.

True God's Body: A body granted by the one and only True God that can bear any power in the universe.

True God's Eye: An eye given by the one and only True God that can see through the status of any entity.

True God's Talent: A talent granted by the one and only True God that allows the host to learn any skills and make them into his own.

True God's Cheat: A trait granted by the one and only True God that allows the host to level his skills very quickly through looking, observing, and practicing.

 Freeze Time: A temporary trait given by the one and only True God that will put every other world to a stop when the host starts his conquest.


* Lifestyle Skill/s: Cooking (Tier 4: Level 45), etc.

* Combat Skill/s: Boxing (Tier 2: Level 13), Swordsmanship (Tier 2: Level 17), Bowmanship (Tier 2: Level 13), etc.

* Spirit Skill/s: Lone Wolf Body Enhancement, Blue Silver Grass, Sickle, Axe, Agility, Web Prison, Wrath, Confuse, Nature's Heal, Hardening, Super-strength, Night Vision, Poison Mist, Dash, etc.

* Supernatural Skill/s: Conqueror's Haki (One Piece), Sonic Minimum (Hamatora).

* Bloodline Skill/s:

1. Ancient Incubus: Incubus' Gaze, Incubus' Tongue, Incubus' Hands, Incubus' Body, Incubus' Cock, Incubus' Semen.

* Spirit Rings

1st Spirit Ring: Nadare

Description: As a dragon, it has thick eyebrows and a long distinctive mustache, and has soulless blue eyes

Skill: Shapes the flames into numerous fireballs that can be shot out at once. The fireballs can be controlled, and the size can be manipulated.]

2nd Spirit Ring: Saiha

Description: As a dragon, he had eight eyes and a horn.

Skill: Shapes the flame into a blade shape. With the power to control the temperature of the flame, the blade can become unbreakable and can cut anything.

3rd Spirit Ring: Homura

Description: As a dragon, he had a long four-jawed mouth with fangs.

Skill: Shapes the flame into the form of a whip. It is not just for offense, but it is also used to enhance strength.

4th Spirit Ring: Setsuna

Description: He has four facial markings and a normally closed eye.

Skill: Shapes the flame into the form of an instantaneous flare. At the moment it opens its eye in the middle of its face all those who stare into it will be burnt. The temperature of the flames can be controlled to control the amount of damage it gives. As a blind flame dragon, it has the ability to sense heat and thus can ignore illusions.

5th Spirit Ring: Madoka

Description: The flame dragon with a third eye.

Skill: Shapes the flame into impenetrable barriers. The nature of the flame is planar because to create a barrier it needs to connect between multiple fireballs. Four fireballs produce a square barrier, three fireballs create a triangular barrier. Even though the surface is invincible the fireballs are still vulnerable. By eliminating a fireball from the barrier, the space of the barrier is reduced.

6th Spirit Ring: Rui

Description: As a dragon, it has blue eyes and rather wild 'hair' and the color of her form is orange.

Skill: It has the ability of the flame of illusion which is a formless flame. It can shape the flame into anything. It can make the opponent relive his or her nightmares or make him live his worst fears. Once the illusionary forms are released the flame, they were made out of can be directed at the enemy.

* Soul Bone/s:

 Skull Soul Bone: None

 Torso Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

 Right Arm Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

 Left Arm Soul Bone: Dragon God [Expand]

 Right Leg Soul Bone: None

 Left Leg Soul Bone: None

 External Soul Bone: None

Inventory: Infinity, Random Summoning Card x 16, World Ticket x 6, Universe Identity Token, Random Car Cards x 20, 150,000,000 Gold Coins, Health Potion x 40, Mana Potion x 35, Soul Bones x 18, etc.

Special Function: Auxiliary Sign-In System

Harem Members: Lilith Hendrix, Sia Yvisia, Kim Hindell, Mia Ember, Alexa Celin, Sera Celin.

Summons/s: Sia Yvisia


Conquered Worlds: None

True God Coins: 1,348,056,920]

'In my almost 6 years of staying here, I only signed in two supernatural skills but despite the pitiful number, they were helpful towards my journey especially Conqueror's Haki as it was very convenient to use. On the other hand, I rarely use this Sonic Minimum as it was too overpowered and kind of hindering my growth.' Lev thought while looking at his status. Throughout the years, one thing that clearly changed in him was his appearance who had a mature aura that was not present in other people of the same age. Though he was still of a teenage stature, the way he handled his actions all had maturity with them.

'I learned so many spirit abilities that I could not remember them all after years of surviving.' Lev was looking through his skills and decided to let them be. In his almost six years of living in this world, the old Lev was already gone after he had experienced several of his first. Killing spirit beast was something he could manage but killing spirit masters was the most challenging event he has ever experienced in his life.

'System, how is my battle power right now?' Lev then suddenly asked. After countless battles and hardships over the past years, though he was clumsy at first, however, after battling and getting chased nonstop in the dangerous forest, the confidence and experience started building up within him that he started not fearing anyone.

[After considering every skill and battle experience the host had, anyone below 95 ranked Titled Doulou was no longer an opponent of the host. However, this calculation exempts those who were with great talent and genius of their own.]

'Hmmm.' Lev wasn't that surprised after hearing the system's reply. Normally, he could not fight a Titled Douluo with his mere strength however, that only applies to ordinary people which he was not because aside from his unique spirit there was also something that greatly boosts his strength that will allow such impossibility to happen. 

'My True God Coins still come short of buying another soul bone.' Lev muttered as he looked at his True God Coins. During his third year after coming to this world, he luckily obtained a soul bone that even he didn't expect to exist, it was Dragon God's Torso Soul Bone. After fusing with, his future direction was already determined and so he started amassing True God Coins to buy the remaining soul bones since his luck probably would run out after acquiring the first one.

'Even though it's only 100,000 years old, the lowest age among the options, its price really was no joke. Well, it's not like I'm in a hurry as I have all the time to amass them in the future.' Lev followed. There are actually different soul bones available in the system store ranging from different ages, but Dragon God's soul bones are a minimum of 100,000 years old at an unbelievable price. On the other hand, the Torso Bone that he acquired from the weekly sign-in was also 100,000 years of age and so he thought that there was no need to choose something older than that.

"Mmmm. One at a time. I will slowly gather them but for now, I think it's time to visit the medicinal garden of Dugu Bo since I'm already here." Lev said as he stood up while looking at the inner part of the forest. Since coming to this place, he never once headed deeper since he thought that there was no need to do so but what was bugging him until now is the fact that he did not ever see Dugu Bo's shadow in the area despite creating commotions from time to time.

"Master, are you done training for today?" Suddenly, a petite woman interrupted Lev. This woman was none other than, Sia, the slime princess of Lev. After five years of living, her innocent and childish personality could no longer be seen as time greatly affected her as she started to mature.

"Yeah. Also, I think it's already time to leave this forest." Lev turned around and hugged her tightly. He only summoned Sia after he arrived at Sunset Forest and built a temporary and safe place for them to stay. That time, when Sia was summoned, she was greatly surprised by how wonderful this world is especially after she knew the background of its history.

"Thank you, Sia. Without you, I could not imagine living in this place alone". Lev said with appreciation before kissing her pink lips. He was very thankful for her as she was the very reason that he could enjoy living in this forest without getting crazy and bored for the past five years by doing nothing but sex every night to satisfy his needs.

"Mmm." Sia shyly replied before wrapping her arms around Lev's neck as she reciprocated his love. Lev wasn't only the one who felt thankful because her appreciation surpassed his because no other thing made her happy but to be on his side.

As their bodies got hot, Lev broke first as he collected the dead body of the spirit beast he had just slayed. Following that, he then immediately carried Sia back to their home wanting to make their last memory in this forest.


---The next morning---

Sunset Forest,

"Sia, I have something to do first. We will be leaving this place when I'm back. So, go get ready since this won't take long." After waking up in the morning, Lev stood up and prepared himself for a quick visit. He already decided to steal the fate of others as he set his eyes on Dugu Bo's treasure.

"Okay, Master." Sia replied while still in bed nakedly. She looked at Lev with great satisfaction after remembering what they were doing yesterday until dawn. This wasn't the first that they were having sex all day, but whenever they did it, Lev's lust really was unsatiable that she would always be the first to pass out.

"Be careful, Master." Sia said as she stood up and moved closer to Lev. She looked into his eyes first before giving him a good luck kiss. She didn't even have the slightest worry since she believed that no one in this place had the ability to harm him after knowing how powerful he had become.

"I will." Lev smiled before leaving. He then opened the system map that he brought from the store which illustrates the whole map of the Douluo Continent and looked through the Ice and Fire Ying Yang Well. This map cost him a fortune, but he thought that it was worth it. Following that, he then didn't stay longer as he started running deeper into the forest.