Chapter 27 - Leaving and Invitation


When the battle began, they each found their own respective opponent, but this was a part of Tang San's plan. On the other hand, the Emperor team, unlike the original, was seriously fighting the Shrek Team because of the constant reprimanding of Dugu Yan and Teacher Qin, however, it wasn't just them who were different. Shrek Seven Devils, because of Lev's interference, were all eager to train hard and become stronger than normal.

As the battle continues, a bunch of notifications continuously ring on Lev's head before he faces off against his opponent seeing him appear in front of Dugu Yan surprising the woman in return.

On the other hand, Dugu Yan regains her composure before looking at Lev's eyes behind his mask. For some reason, she feels that the person's eyes in front of her are very familiar, but she can't tell what it is.

Exchanging some spirit abilities, Lev keeps on observing Dugu Yan as somehow, he feels like something has changed from the way he thought she would be. He thought, 'Does Dugu Bo have something to do with it? Now that I think about it, I think I need him in my plans.'

Lev looked at Dugu Yan with a smile and suddenly asked, "How's your grandfather?"

Hearing Lev, Dugu Yan frowned as she replied, "How do you know about my grandpa?"

"Well, we met accidentally in the past." Lev replied while still smiling.

Dugu Yan was now thinking unreasonably about why this person was talking about her grandpa so casually as no matter how she saw it, there was nothing special about the boy in front of her aside from his familiar eyes.

"Your grandfather might not tell you everything about me. So, let me show you instead." Lev said before using a spirit ability.

"Jade Phosphor Serpent Body Enhancement." Lev used which immediately made his constitution that of a snake seeing his two feet combining into one and becoming a tail with his body covered with a jade-like armor all over it. This is the ability he learned from Dugu Bo back then as he also wanted to copy it.

This time, Dugu Yan was very shocked to the core after seeing Lev's transformation. She saw how Lev did it with her very own eyes that he became just like her grandpa. Seeing this, something suddenly hit her head as she finally remembered why she felt familiar with his eyes. She thought, 'I-Is he the person Grandpa was talking about? I can't believe I would see him this way.'

Immediately after that, Dugu Yan stopped what she was doing as she kneeled down before saying, "Dugu Yan meets the Young Master."

Seeing it happen, everyone was completely dumbfounded by Dugu Yan's action. Teacher Qin and the other Emperor team members all looked at her as if they couldn't comprehend what was going on and because of the shock, Tang San and the others found the opportunity to finish them off.

With that, the Emperor team can no longer go back and focus on the battle anymore which completely causes them to lose the fight after being bombarded by the Shrek Seven Devils' teamwork.

Lev, on the other hand, was also surprised by Dugu Yan's sudden actions as he never thought that she would do such a thing. He could only smile wryly before saying, "Follow me."

Hearing Lev, Dugu Yan then stood up and without waiting for anyone, she then started following Lev leaving the Seven Shrek Team and the Emperor Team completely shocked.

Meanwhile, the announcer finally woke up and awkwardly announced the result.

"S-Shrek Seven Devils won the fight!!!!"

With that, the audience didn't know how to react, but cheers and shouts slowly filled the arena despite how peculiar the battle had ended. They never thought that such a turn of events would happen in the battle which caused them to laugh and shout Shrek Seven Devils team's name.

Yu Xiaogang and the others were also surprised upon hearing that they won in such a way, and they could only awkwardly smile at it while looking at the Arena with a conflicted expression on their faces.



Getting outside the Great Spirit Arena, Lev brought Dugu Yan to a fine restaurant so they could talk about things seeing them eating together like no fight had happened. After the atmosphere started getting weird, he then looked at Dugu Yan and asked, "Strange. Do you know about me beforehand?'

Dugu Yan, however, did not reply as her eyes were completely charmed by staring at Lev's face. She had seen his portrait several times but seeing him in the flesh really was something else or maybe it was because he has grown up now and become more mature.

"Dugu Yan." Lev called her again upon seeing her still in a trance.

Hearing her name, Dugu Yan woke up and blushed a little. She then answered, "My grandpa was doing good, and he was always looking every day hoping to find the Young Master."

"Haha. You're completely not listening at all. Well, it doesn't really matter." Lev said as he laughed at Dugu Yan's response as he was completely sure that Dugu Bo might have something to do about her change.

With that, Dugu Yan could only look at Lev while blushing as they continued to have some conversation while eating.

Not long after that, a woman suddenly came over to their table. It was Zhu Zhuqing whom Lev had told earlier to follow them behind after settling things done on her side. Seeing the two, she then sat beside Lev and looked at Dugu Yan fiercely.

On the other hand, Dugu Yan also stared back at Zhu Zhuqing with a frown upon thinking about what this woman had come here for and was what her relationship with Lev.

"YanYan, this is Zhu Zhuqing, one of my lovers." Lev then introduced which made Zhu Zhuqing's face red as she looked at Lev shyly upon being called his lover in public however, she then immediately adjusted as she was not there for that.

Meanwhile, after hearing Lev, Dugu Yan, felt something was wrong with her. She was very familiar with this feeling and she could not believe that she really felt jealous of Zhu Zhuqing. She didn't want to admit it but after seeing Lev right now, she really fell in love at first sight.

With that, Lev then started telling them the whole story, especially to Zhu Zhuqing who would be hearing it for the first time. He also used this opportunity to make the two know each other since they will probably get more in contact from now on.

"I think we were out for some time now. How about we go back first and continue this later." After a while, Lev then said before standing up. Though he wanted to listen more to Dugu Yan's story about his grandpa, he felt like there was a right time and place for that.

"Mmm." Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan simultaneously replied. Though the two felt quite awkward at first, however after a couple of exchanging words, they somehow feel and maintain neutral since they still haven't it would be weird for them to get close already after only meeting just now.


Great Spirit Arena,

Arriving at the waiting room where they were arranged, Lev, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan saw something unexpected as aside from Yu Xiaogang and rest, teacher Qin and his Emperor team were also present, and seeing from their expressions, the group might have already made an acquaintance.

On the other hand, the people inside the room also noticed Lev and the others' presence. Tang San's group feels nothing after seeing them, but the Emperor team is slightly mad upon seeing Dugu Yan together with Lev, especially Yu Tianheng who had a crush on her.

Ignoring their gazes, Lev, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan then find a seat inside the room when a question immediately bombarded them after sitting.

"Yan Yan, do you perhaps know him?" Teacher Qin curiously asked while looking at Lev who was the source of the sudden change of Dugu Yan which resulted in their team losing.

Teacher Qin's question piqued the interest of everyone as they all looked at Dugu Yan for answers since they were also curious about it however, unlike the Emperor team, Yu Xiaogang and the others have a different thought about this matter upon recalling Lev saying that he has met Poison Douluo, Dugu Bo, himself.

"When and how?" Teacher Qin asked again upon seeing her remaining silent which only supported his claim that it was true since this wasn't the kind of Dugu Yan he was teaching for how many years.

Even with that, Dugu Yan still remained silent before she felt pressured and could only look at Lev. Though she really doesn't mind telling them, since it was about Lev, she felt like she needed to ask for him first.

Seeing Lev shaking his head, Dugu Yan then looked at Teacher Qin and answered, "I'm sorry Teacher Qin but I cannot answer your question."

Seeing this, Teacher Qin and the others then felt like something was amiss. They then all looked at Lev thinking that it must be because of him however, the question remains on how he could order a Titled Douluo's granddaughter and even make the latter bid his orders.

Seeing that they could not gauge more information, they then shifted their attention and talked about different matters. However, something happened on the way after teacher Qin came up with the idea of letting Shrek students come to their academy which created a problem as Flender immediately declined and argued angrily. It was only Yu Xiaogang's strong persuasion that stopped him after stating that they really needed to enroll in an academy that could make them a high-grade spirit master so they could compete in the Annual Continental Spirit Tournament.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's reasoning, Flender could only reluctantly accept before walking out of the room to calm down which Tang San and the other Shrek students to follow and comfort him thinking that it must be really hard for him to let them go.

With that, Teacher Qin then also bade his farewell and hoped to see them in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. Yu Tianheng and the others also feel the same leaving Dugu Yan feeling reluctant to leave but can only do so after Lev tells her that they will meet again soon and tells her to tell her grandfather about it.

After everyone left, only Yu Xiaogang, Lev, and Zhu Zhuqing were inside the room creating a sudden awkward situation after that sudden offer of a master-disciple relationship a month ago.

Seeing everyone going their separate ways, Lev then looked at Yu Xiaogang, and said "Grandmaster, I think it's now time to say goodbye for real as we've already decided to leave the academy and journey on our own from now on."

Hearing such sudden words, Yu Xiaogang was completely shocked to the core and could not help but stand up and look at Lev and Zhu Zhuqing with his brows knitting not knowing what to say as if his mind was thinking if they were just making a joke of it.

"The academy can't make me and Zhu Zhuqing strong. In fact, these four months felt like a waste of our talent. So, I have planned on going our separate ways and living by ourselves from now on." Lev followed.

"I-If that's the only problem, y-you can head with us to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy where you can enjoy better resources and facilities." Seeing that Lev was serious about it, Yu Xiaogang panicked as he knew the importance of Lev in the team. Though he felt hurt hearing such honest words from Lev, he really didn't care about it all as his leaving was a completely different matter.

"It was all the same even if I go there. It's not like I have learned something when I'm with Shrek. " Lev replied that learning doesn't really help him at all since the only way for him to grow strong was to kill more spirit beasts and experience more of the outside world and regarding Zhu Zhuqing's growth, he already has something in mind to help her about it.

After saying that, Lev stood up and looked at Zhu Zhuqing while the latter looked back at him with a smile as they had already talked about it beforehand.

"This will not be our last meeting, Grandmaster. If fate allows, we might meet sometime in the future, but even I don't know what will happen after that." Lev, after saying those words, then started heading out together with Zhu Zhuqing.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang was left dumbfounded as he just stood there alone looking at the exit. His mind couldn't process all that happened within this day and he could only sit down and think about things.

After a while, Flender and the others came back with smiles on their faces but upon entering the room, each one of them was surprised to see the place empty leaving Yu Xiaogang sitting alone with a completely solemn look on his face.

"What happened? And where are they?" Flender asked didn't have the feeling of getting in a good mood after seeing Yu Xiaogang since he knew him better than anyone. The look on his face clearly told him that something had happened and so he wanted to know about it.

"They have already left and hope to see us in their academy soon." Yu Xiaogang solemnly replied.

Dai Mubai looked around and asked, "Where's Lev and Zhu Zhuqing?"

"They left." Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened a second before returning as he sadly replied.

"Hmmm. Let us wait for them in Tang San's room tomorrow and then plan when to go to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy." Flender then said while thinking that they might leave to take a rest which he sighed in relief thinking something might have happened again with those two.

Yu Xiaogang did not reply as he lowered his head instead.

"Is there a problem, teacher?" Tang San suddenly asked as he really felt something wrong with his master.

"Sadly, Lev and Zhu Zhuqing won't be back anymore. They bade their farewell to me and said that they will head their own way from now on." Yu Xiaogang said as he looked at Flender.

"W-What!!?" Flender and the others reacted at the same time.

Wanting to answer their curiosity and inquiry, Yu Xiaogang then repeated what Lev had said earlier which caused Flender and the others to have different kinds of expressions. Flender was sad after knowing that they really left. Oscar and Ma Hongjun were as shocked and sad as him. Ning Rongrong, on the other hand, was also sad but surprised when she knew that Zhu Zhuqing really followed Lev.

Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Zhao Wuji, however, were frowning. Dai Mubai did not mind Lev leaving but he was concerned because Zhu Zhuqing really followed him. Tang San like him felt conflicted by their sudden decision while Zhao Wuji felt the same because even until now Lev was still a mystery to them and the fact that they still had a small thing to settle.

"A-After all these months, did we really just been holding Lev back?" Flender sighed as he questioned himself upon hearing Yu Xiaogang. Though he didn't notice it before, Lev's words said otherwise.

"Let's not talk about them anymore and finally take a rest. Don't worry I will try convincing Lev tomorrow. Everyone dismissed." Yu Xiaogang then concluded after seeing the mood became heavy.

With that, Tang San and the others then withdraw and head back to their Inn leaving Yu Xiaogang, Flender, and Zhao Wuji behind the room together as they still have things to talk about regarding this matter.

"Xiaogang, didn't you want Lev to be your disciple?" Flender suddenly asked while Zhao Wuji listened carefully as this was the first time he knew about this.

"Yes, I asked him last month, but he directly rejected saying that he can't find his future in me." Yu Xiaogang sadly said while clenching his fingers upon recalling about it.

Flender and Zhao Wuji were completely shocked after hearing what happened. They then became dead silent and decided that they wouldn't ask about it any further as it would only make him feel worse.

"Let's go back." Flender said before walking towards the exit which Zhao Wuji then also followed.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang stayed in the room for a while before following them.


Rose Hotel,

After settling everything, Lev could now be found inside his room pounding Sia hard. They have been doing it until now after arriving as he suddenly felt in the mood.

'I thought they would come here and talk about it. I guess we really weren't that close.' Lev thought while looking at how Sia kept on moaning. This would be their last night together and so he wanted to make their last memory of this room. With that, Lev and Sia kept on doing it until they both felt satiated.


---The next morning---

Without even waiting for the sun to rise, Lev, Zhu Zhuqing, and Sia finally left the hotel as they were now outside of Suotuo City. They decided to leave this early since they wanted to evade Yu Xiaogang and the other's eyes and were forced to listen to their words. With that, they were now on their way towards their next destination when suddenly a carriage stopped in front of them.

Lev looked at the carriage and thought that there wasn't any ill intention coming from it. They looked at each other as they waited until an old man suddenly came out. He had a head of silver hair neatly combed behind his back, with a simple and unadorned appearance, both eyes not fully opened but slightly shut. His gestures in between give off a very special feeling together with his aura that could be described as a sharp edge.

The old man looked at their group before shifting his attention to Lev. He was actually not here as a coincidence since he had been waiting for this opportunity as he had been told to come here to observe Lev.

Lev, on the other hand, is surprised by the sudden appearance of the old man as despite seeing him for the first time, he really has an idea of who he actually is given by the smallest clue about his appearance.

"Boy, I am Chen Xin from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan. I came with no harm however I would like to have some of your time and visit our place." Chen Xin introduced as he looked at Lev. It wasn't really his intent to act this respectfully towards a young person, but he was told to do so as they have to be careful when dealing with this particular youth.

"Junior meets the Sword Douluo and it was our pleasure to be invited by the famous Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Clan." Lev then also greeted. Though he didn't know what's the meaning of this, since their destination was on the way, he wanted to take this chance to have a free ride.

With that, Chen Xin then looked intently at Lev surprised by the fact that he didn't feel any ounce of fear and nervousness from him. He then could only surmise that there really was something special about this boy which he smiled as they let them get inside of the carriage before leaving the place.