Chapter 31 - Revelation

Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well,

Following their arrival in Dugu Bo's territory, Lev told Sia and Zhu Zhuqing to make themselves familiar with the place first all the while being warned from the harmful plants in the area as he planned on having a serious conversation with Dugu Bo.

"Dugu Bo, as you can see, Spirit Hall and Heaven Dou Empire will be coming for me, what are your plans now?" Lev asked as he looked at Dugu Bo seriously. Though he doesn't know just how much he has submitted himself to him, knowing his loyalty to the empire, things might become complicated for him.

"Y-Young Lord, if I may ask, do you still have the cure that used to heal the emperor?" Instead of answering, Dugu Bo asked instead while looking at Lev with anticipation. He was still hoping that he still had as this was his last hope.

"Yes, I still have them." Lev replied with a smile as he knew where this was going since that was the reason why he had bought three Angel's Tears back then. He then just summoned out one of them and let Dugu Bo see it.

"Young Lord, truth be told, I have only left with one relative as to this day. Her name was Dugu Yan, my only granddaughter. The reason behind our fall was because of the poison that I have which was carried to my descendants. I would like to ask the Young Lord to help her, in return, you can do whatever you want with me." Dugu Bu upon seeing the vial completely feels great excitement as he immediately asks for a favor. He doesn't know if it would really help them but as long as there is hope, then he would do anything to get it.

"Even if I told you to betray the Empire?" Lev asked instead.

"Yes, Young Lord." Dugu Bo has already thought about it as there are no more important things than his granddaughter as seeing her live and grow old was what he wanted the most. Betraying the empire was something he already anticipated if ever Lev would order him to do so.

"Good. We planned on staying in this place for a while and in the meantime, you should go and bring back your granddaughter." Lev then replied without telling him that they had actually already met back in Great Spirit Arena.

Hearing Lev, Dugu Bo's eyes widened from happiness which he then immediately bowed down and bade his farewell wanting to bring his granddaughter as fast as he could. In fact, he has already decided to do it yesterday upon hearing about the situation of the continent.

Seeing Dugu Bo leaving hastily, Lev smiled before he walked around the place and looked for Zhu Zhuqing and Sia. Though this place was good, he wasn't really planning on hiding here all the time as he planned on only staying for some time before leaving since he needed to get stronger.



After having their lunch together, Lev, Zhu Zhuqing, and Sia finally had time to talk about things. As they didn't have anything to do for the day, they felt bored all of a sudden from which they decided to take it easy seeing them lying on the ground while looking at the sky.

"Zhuqing, are you curious about which family I really came from?" Lev suddenly asked. After having this kind of peace, he suddenly feels a great longing from wanting to see Lilith, Mia, Kim, and the others whom he has left back on Earth.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Lev as she felt surprised by the sudden question. She admits that she was curious about it before but after loving and following him, she really didn't mind which family he really belonged to as long as she could be with him and that is all that matters to her.

"Well, I'm a little curious before." Zhu Zhuqing then just answered.

"Then let me tell you. I actually came from another world. A world completely different from this one." Lev truthfully said while waiting for Zhu Zhuqing's reaction but seeing her remaining silent he then continued to tell her his story.

"Putting it simply, there are many worlds out there and this world is just one of them." Lev followed.

Zhu Zhuqing, though confused and surprised by this sudden revelation, remained calm and composed as she asked, "Then, how and why did you come here then?"

"I came here as I have a mission to complete and in order to do that, I need to become strong, and this world just fits it perfectly". Lev answered with a smile seeing Zhu Zhuqing taking this calmly as anyone would probably freak out and will tell him that he's insane upon saying such things.

With that, Lev then slowly explained everything to Zhu Zhuqing all the while answering her questions. He started talking about Earth followed by the reason why he chose this world and how come he knows this world, his mission in this world, and such.

"Then, did you mean that in your world, you already had five lovers?" After half an hour, Zhu Zhuqing got up and looked at Lev fiercely while asking such a question. She was completely surprised hearing the story of Lev however, the only thing that she remembered deeply was the fact that he already had five other lovers in his world.

"I never thought that was the only thing that you're concerned about. Well, to answer your question and to appease your curiosity, their names were Lilith, Mia, Kim, Alexa, and Sera." Lev answered with a smile on his face. He doesn't know what to expect anymore seeing Zhu Zhuqing was more concerned about them than the fact that he came from another world.

"Scumbag." Zhu Zhuqing muttered before pouting. Though she has known about polygamy since this world pretty much exercising this kind of thing, Lev having five more other women really was too much. She could still share him with Sia but hearing that there were five more, she couldn't help but bite her lip while having mixing emotions.

"Hehehe. Zhuqing, you don't really have to worry since all of them were very kind and good. Also, you should feel lucky since you're the very first person that Master has taken a liking to this world. I'm completely sure that many more women would come flock to him soon. Creating your prestige and seniority as the firs----" Sia started encouraging Zhu Zhuqing upon seeing her expression but before she could complete her words, Lev blocked her mouth and could no longer finish it.

"What are you talking about? Huh." Lev laughed as he softly flicked Sia's forehead. He knew that this would be hard to accept since whoever would be in their right mind would allow their lover to be shared with many other women. Though it would be a shame, he would always respect Zhu Zhuqing's decision.

Zhu Zhuqing, on the other hand, suddenly thought about his matter seriously. Though Sia didn't finish her word, she more or less understood where it was going which made her think that it really made sense. Knowing his identity and capability, Lev having many women all over him would probably become a norm and so she felt like she would be the one who would be lost in the end if she forced herself to stop now.

"Well, enough for that. Let me show you something." After a while, Lev wanted to correct the mood so he decided to do something he did not use for a long time now. He then asked the system in his mind, 'System, how many Random Summoning Cards do I have in my inventory right now?"

[The host currently has 21 Random Summoning Cards.]

'That much? Well, I never thought that I had already accumulated that much.' Lev said inwardly. He never once forgot to sign in every week hoping to get some supernatural skills, but luck really wasn't on his side as all he received was something that he really didn't have use for.

'System, use five Random Summoning Cards.' Lev then ordered the system.

[Five Random Summoning Cards have been used.]

Suddenly, a very bright light illuminates the place making Zhu Zhuqing completely curious about what was happening.

After the illuminating light disappeared, a very ugly look could be seen on Lev's face upon seeing the beings that he had summoned this time. He felt like his luck really had something against him and that he deserved such treatment.

Standing in front of them were monsters that could be seen commonly in some RPG games, a group of short ugly and green creatures, the monster that was known as Goblins. After being summoned, the five goblins looked at their surroundings first before staring at Lev waiting for orders.

"Lev, what are those? Are they spirit beasts?" Zhu Zhuqing immediately said as she stood up ready to fight the sudden entrance of an unknown spirit beast and just by looking at their appearance, she felt like they were dangerous and hideous.

"Calm down Zhuqing as they are not dangerous. These five are called Goblins. Well, they are my newly summoned beings. I have told you that I came from another world, right? This is one of my hidden abilities. The ability to summon other beings from another world with complete loyalty towards me their master." Lev immediately said seeing Zhu Zhuqing ready to give it a go. He then just recalls the goblins in their summoning space and thought about what to do about them.

"Summon?" Zhu Zhuqing was confused after hearing about it.

"Mmm, by the way, Sia was my Summon too." Lev smiled while answering.

Zhu Zhuqing was surprised as she then looked at Sia who she saw her nodding her head while smiling. As this was something new to her, her mind had completely become more chaotic as this was much harder to comprehend than listening back to Lev's story.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing, Lev then just smiled before looking at his remaining Random Summoning Cards from which he decided to use six of them leaving behind 10 for other times. He said, 'System, use another six Random Summoning Cards.'

[Six Random Summoning Cards have been used.]

Just like what happened earlier, a very bright light then illuminates the place. Lev, knowing his luck, lost hope in getting a very powerful being, he will already feel satisfied if he summons something useful.

After the bright light vanished, Lev and the other's eyes widened with confusion and surprise after seeing what he summoned. Standing in front of them were divided into a group of frogs and foxlike creatures. Looking at three small frogs in front, Lev could not help but knit his brows thinking that he summons something useless again but that was when he checked their status.

Looking at the frogs again, each one of them had uniqueness on its own, being the center, it had a dull, rusty red color, but around his eyes and on his lips and chest were brighter red markings, and what surprises Lev is the fact that it was wearing a blue happi vest that has the kanji (ebi) on the back.

On the other hand, the frog beside it has a magenta color with black markings on his face, arms, and legs with horn-like protrusions on his head while wearing a black kimono with a white sash and mesh armor underneath.

Lastly, was the most unique among the three as it has an aquamarine skin tone and yellow eyes with grey markings around them and two distinct, circular markings on its shoulders while wearing an orange sash around its stomach.

On the other hand, the other three were of the same species. They were small, foxlike creatures with bushy, brown fur. Its muzzle is very cat-like, with a small, black, and triangular nose. It has a fluffy cream-colored ruff around its neck and a short, bushy, and foxlike tail with a creamy tip. They have round, deep-brown eyes, long rabbit-like ears, and pink paw pads on their little feet. Its paws are small with three toes and no visible claws.

Lev was already lucky summoning the three foxlike creatures as he was very familiar with them but he what he felt was a big surprise was the identity of the three small frogs. If getting the former was something like he won a bet, then summoning the frogs was probably a jackpot.

"Master, what are they? These toads look ordinary, however, the other three look so cute. Master, I want to pet them." Sia suddenly said while looking at the three foxlike creatures as she felt melting from their cuteness.

Zhu Zhuqing on the other hand, also looked towards the three cute creatures that Sia was talking about and also loved to pet them. Just like her, he also felt the same while looking at the three toads as they were really ordinary as there were toads out there with more unique appearances and bigger sizes than them.

Contrary to Sia and Zhu Zhuqing, Lev was actually bursting with joy as he looked at the six of them. Seeing their master happy, the six summoned creatures immediately went and pushed themselves to him as if they wanted him to pet them, especially the three toads that were already occupying his head and shoulder.