Chapter 38 - Recca

Following the surprise attack, Lev flew outside the palace. Seeing everyone heading out, he didn't go inside again as he flew up to the sky and looked at the place in its entirety instead. This was his first time looking at the place on a higher ground and he could not help but feel amazed at how amazing the view above was.

Right after that, Lev then shifted his gaze towards Emperor Xue Ye and the others who got outside. He smirked seeing Emperor Xue Ye's shocked face which he then shouted, "Listen, everyone. Heed my words, I will do a complete cleanup today. From this moment on, I declare that Heaven Dou Empire will cease to exist.

Lev shouted as loud as he could that everyone living in the empire heard his words. Everyone felt different kinds of emotions upon hearing these words however, one thing is common and that is they all felt fear.


Writing the word in the air, Lev finally summoned out his 9th spirit ring. Lev finally stepped on being a Titled Douluo as the tattoo on his back had already been completed and it really formed a dragon on his back.

[Spirit ring absorbed.]

[9th Spirit Ring: Recca

Description: A full-grown dragon.

Skill: Using the ability, the host could summon out Recca which had the capability of fighting independently by having all the skills of the other flame dragons.]

Hearing the notification, Lev was astonished by the fact that he could summon a dragon outside and could fight independently on its own. He really was very excited about knowing Recca's ability and finally seeing it now makes him shudder with excitement.

Meanwhile, Emperor Xue Ye and the others were still completely surprised seeing Lev was unscathed by their surprise attack. Seeing Lev right, they felt immediate fear upon hearing his declaration. They all look at Lev's 9 spirit rings with astonishment knowing that he really has become a Title Douluo but they are also confused seeing them all white.

Looking at the description, Lev then smiled widely as he looked at them. He said, "Your Majesty if you just let me be back then and didn't plan any ill intentions, this would have never happened. Remember, the empire's fall was completely because of your arrogance and stupidity."


Following that, Lev then motioned his hands once again for which his 9th spirit ring lit up as it rose to the sky before getting bigger than normal. Not long after, a strange occurrence then happened as the sky suddenly turned dark.

Seeing this, all the people living in the empire panicked. They could people flying outside the palace, but they didn't know who they were and what are they doing however, unlike those ordinary people, some spirit masters in the vicinity could clearly see them, especially those who had a high level of spirit power.


Heaven Dou Imperial Academy,

Meanwhile, a group of people could be found together inside the palace looking at the sky. Their behavior was completely peculiar seeing every student in the academy started leaving the place while the teachers were completely doing their best to make the situation calm.

"L-Lev w-why is he attacking the empire? Why is this happening? D-Did he do something?" Yu Xiaogang asked in shock as his eyes completely locked up in the sky. Though he could not see that far, he was very familiar with Lev's spirit power signature.

"B-But Lev's power earlier was very terrifying. He wiped out almost half of the army with just one spirit skill. A-Also, what are those strange spirit beasts?? How could he tame them and fight for him?" Ma Hongjun was already shaking in fear remembering what they just witnessed when they were outside wanting to have their morning training. This was his first time seeing that kind of power and it scared the hell out of him.

Flender and Zhao Wuji also felt the same way as they could not believe what they had just witnessed. On the contrary, Oscar, who already witnessed some of Lev's powers, was still sweating thinking that he might have become stronger than he was three years ago.

Meanwhile, Tang San felt fear and shock at the same time. He never thought that Lev after five years would become such a monster. He knew that he was way stronger than him even in the past, but he still could think that it wasn't that much, however, seeing him fighting against an empire by himself, his confidence and hope of beating him started crumbling in his very eyes.


Outside the palace,

After Lev summoned Recca, Emperor Xue, and the others gasped as a dragon's head suddenly came out on the spirit ring followed by its fiery body. The dragon was so big and long that it was comparable to the palace. Seeing it in the sky, they could only stare at it while the dragon does the same.

Meanwhile, everyone living in the empire was also looking up at this moment as an eastern dragon clad in flames appeared all of a sudden as if he himself was the embodiment of fire. Recca, who is in the sky with its enormous and long body looked down before it roared loudly that it shook not just the empire but the whole continent.


Spirit Hall,

Inside the Supreme Pontiff Palace, Bibi Dong and the others immediately looked toward the direction of the sound. Everyone could not help but frown as they felt a hint of fear just from hearing it. Bibi Dong, without waiting for any second, immediately ordered someone to see and investigate what was happening.


Elder's Palace,

Inside a quiet hall, a handsome person seemingly about thirty or forty years old while wearing a grey robe could be found meditating alone. His calm and serene breath gives people a very comfortable feeling. He is tall with long black hair scattered behind his head, neatly combed.

Hearing the ominous roar, the man stopped his meditation as he stood up with a frown on his face as he looked at the direction which it came from. This was the first time he had felt an emotion he had already forgotten a long time ago and so he was taking this very seriously.


Sea God Island,

Meanwhile, an incredibly beautiful woman could be found sitting on a throne. She wears a white and red gown with long sleeves, adorned with wrought silver. Her golden crown is shaped like a halo around her head, matching her golden scepter. Her ocean-blue hair falls like water down her back and to the ground.

The beautiful woman frowned while looking toward the direction of the sound of the roar. It was the first time such a thing had occurred and so she wanted to see the situation but without the order of the God she was serving, she could only stay on the island.


Slaughter City,

On the other hand, a tall, well-built man with spiked black hair reaching his shoulders, and pale skin can be seen sitting on a rock while looking in a certain direction with a frown on his face. He was staring blankly at the horizon before he continued swinging the sword in his hand.


Star Dou Forest,

At the core and deepest part of Star Dou Forest, an extremely beautiful woman with long silver hair and violet eyes suddenly opens her eyes for some reason. She then looked outside and as if her gaze pierced through, she smiled faintly before waving her hand.

Right after that, a handsome middle-aged man in a black robe with golden lines who possesses black hair with one golden strand hanging, sharp deep golden pupil eyes, an at least 2-meter height body, and broad shoulders appeared all of a sudden. Contrary to his immediate response, he could be found kneeling while sweating at the same time.

"Find out what was happening. I never felt something like this before. How could there still be a dragon with that level of suppression alive in this continent? Go ahead and if possible, bring him/her to me." The beautiful woman said from which the middle-aged man then immediately disappeared.

Following that, the beautiful woman then looked outside again before getting back to sleep as she closed her eyes. She said, 'It's not time yet.'


God Realm,

No one had ever thought that right after that terrifying roar, several Gods living in the God Realm were now having a serious discussion about the situation. No one knew if it was a good thing or bad, but one thing is for sure and that is, the Gods now have their eyes on the continent.


Outside the palace,

Like everyone else on the continent, Emperor Xue Ye and the others who were the focus of suppression were shaking in fear with their body frozen. Despite it not being directed at them, the distance between them was so close that they would pass out anytime if not because of their spirit power.

It was only now that Emperor Xue Ye completely regretted what he had done, he could only grit his teeth while waiting for it to end. He knew that the situation could no longer be negotiated and so he could only look at Lev with his fist clenching from anger, fear, and regret.

"Xue Ye, Emperor of Heaven Dou Empire, just so you know, I only chose to escape back then because I was worried about the safety of my companions. Now that I'm back, way stronger than I was back then, I have no way of knowing any tricks that you could do against me." Lev said while looking at Emperor Xue Ye wanting him to realize just how fucked he was upon making him his enemy.

"A-A-Attack!!!!" Emperor Xue Ye shouted with all his heart overcoming the fear in his heart. His mind was filled with fear and chaos however, he was still hoping that with the help of his trusted Titled Douluos, he could still kill Lev and reverse this situation.

Lev, seeing their futile resistance, just smirked before ordering Recca. Before the group of Titled Douluos could make a move, Recca had already concentrated a huge fireball in its mouth and unleashed it toward the palace.

Seeing the dragon's attack, the people around the city panicked but they could not move even an inch as they were still in trance from its roar. They could not help but thought that their lives would be over now.

On the other hand, Emperor Xue Ye and his Titled Douluos looked in horror at the upcoming attack as the fireball was like a meteor coming from the atmosphere heading towards their direction.

"Levvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!!!!!!!" Emperor Xue Ye could only shout Lev's name before he and his Titled Douluos were completely swallowed by the fire together with the palace, the infrastructure symbolizing Heaven Dou Empire.


With that, the ground shook after the attack hit the palace creating huge destruction and erasing the whole place and its neighboring infrastructures leaving nothing but a place filled with nothing but fire and ashes.

Meanwhile, the people living in the city felt that the world had come to an end. Some spirit masters throughout the place have now already run for their lives while some stayed waiting for what will happen afterward.

Lev, who was flying, looked above the sky, the sky that was unknown to the continent. He stared at it for a while before he flew above the head of Recca from which it roared once again making the ordinary people living in the city cry for help not knowing what to do.

"Listen!!" Lev shouted.

Lev's voice echoed throughout the empire making all the people stop for a while as they looked in the direction of the voice.

"Heaven Dou Empire's era ends here. I, Lev Hendrix, declare myself as a new Emperor and rebuild this empire and name it as True God's Empire from now on." Lev said while looking down at the empire. Setting up a place and showing his might was the first part of his plan and so wanted this place to be the base of his next actions.

"You can leave if you don't want to stay and for those who want to stay, I promise to make the empire to be the safest and strongest empire ever built. Make your choice now as I won't be too kind to accept those who wanted to leave." Lev lastly declared before using instant transmission and disappeared in the sky together with Recca.

After Lev left like the wind, the whole city became quiet as the people were still in shock and scared from what just happened. However, it was only moments after, that different shouts could be heard throughout the city. Some people praised and some didn't. Some were hesitating and some were confused. Different emotions filled the city, and it was all because of what Lev did.


Heaven Dou Imperial Academy,

"T-Terrible, Lev's power is very terrible." Flender said in fear. He could not help but think that if somehow in the past, they forced Lev to tell his secrets, he couldn't imagine what would happen to them right now.

"A-After five years, I-I think Lev was now invincible in this world." Yu Xiaogang followed as he looked at the sky with shock.

On the other hand, Zhao Wuji did not comment but he was sweating very hard after remembering what he did in the past. He couldn't help himself but thought how stupid he was back then and could only hope that Lev would not come to settle such a thing.

"T-Teacher, I think we have a much greater problem than this. Remember, Dai Mubai went back to his home and probably reported that Zhu Zhuqing came back." Tang San seriously said. Despite being shocked, he thinks that there is nothing he can do about it and focuses more on the problem at hand.

Upon hearing what Tang San said, Yu Xiaogang and the others widened their eyes. They knew the disagreements between the two and thinking about what would happen if Lev were to attack to Star Lou Empire, they could not help but feel fear.

"W-We need to leave." Flender said in a panic. Hearing Tang San woke him and the others up. No matter how scared and shocked they were, Dai Mubai was their student and friend. Thus, they would do whatever it takes to stop something before it's too late. With that, Flender, Yu Xiaogang, Tang San, and the rest then immediately left the academy in a hurry.


Dugu Bo's Mansion,

Meanwhile, Dugu Yan, Zhu Zhuqing, and Sia could be found waiting for Lev inside a room. They had heard all the commotion happening in the city, and they themselves were very scared but trusting Lev, they all stayed still inside and waited for him.

As the silence occupied the room, Leafeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon suddenly stood up and looked at the door of the room from which they immediately looked at their master wanting to tell them something.

Seeing this, Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan were surprised by their actions. They looked at each other before wanting to see what was happening and they then left the room completely nervous.

When they arrived outside, the first thing they saw was an enormous dragon flying in the sky looking at them. Cold sweat ran down their spine as they got scared and left the place but when they saw Lev standing on its head, their worries and fear washed out.

Seeing them below, Lev then canceled his 9th spirit ring ability seeing Recca becoming fire and then gradually disappearing. He then just jumped down and appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm back." Lev said with a smile.

Seeing this, Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan immediately ran and embraced him tight as tears fell down their eyes from extreme worry and joy upon seeing him return in one piece. It was also the same with the three Pokemons as they started rubbing their heads against Lev.

"I'm a bit sweaty. How about taking a bath together?" Lev, seeing their reactions, suggested. Though it was not necessary, he felt like he needed to wash himself as the foul smell of blood was all over him.

Hearing Lev, Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan look at Lev but before they could say anything, they were already being embraced and carried by him as they headed to the bathroom.



Lev's room,

As if nothing had happened in the morning, Lev could be found as relaxed as he would be seeing two naked seductive bodies lying comfortably on the bed wearing satisfied expressions on their faces. These were Sia and Zhu Zhuqing who had been knocked out from Lev's attack leaving them no strength to get up.

"YanYan, be my woman." Lev suddenly said while looking at Dugu Yan who sucking up his cock. He has already decided now that he wants Dugu Yan to be his side. Though they have no prior history and memories, nothing of that matters to him.

Hearing Lev, Dugu Yan stopped what she was doing and she looked at Lev with surprise before her eyes fell off a tear. She smiled very happily before saying, "I will."

With that, Lev and Dugu Yan continued what they were doing completely unbothered by what was happening outside. A commotion that big was something that would shock the continent, but they weren't thinking anything about it now as something else was more important to them.