Chapter 40 - Visit


---Two weeks later---

True God's City,

It has been a month since Lev's attack happened. The former Heaven Dou Empire with its Heaven Dou City has now been buried in the past and was replaced by a new one, True God's Empire and True God's City as its center. The progress might be a little slow however, after a month of shaping, the city was now back to normal seeing the brightness and excitement of people living inside like nothing big had happened way back last month.


True God's Palace,

Inside a hall of the palace, Lev and the people affiliated with the new empire could now be seen gathering in one place seriously having a conversation on the current status of the continent.

"That's the end of my report, Your Majesty." Ning Fengzhi politely said to the person who was sitting on the throne while looking at them. He has been assigned to be the advisor of the Emperor with the task of conveying important things and information.

"Good. I'll leave these things to you for a while as I have a business to attend to in Star Lou Empire." Hearing Ning Fengzhi's report, a handsome youth then replied. This person was none other than, Lev, who was hailed as the new Emperor of the newly formed empire.

After one month, the rebuilding of the new palace has already finished, and it wouldn't be possible without the help of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. Them being the spokesperson, the people around the city were convinced to stay as they have complete trust in them knowing that they wouldn't side with someone that would be detrimental to the people.

On the other hand, the last Emperor's schemes were also brought to light and the people gradually got angry after knowing that the former Emperor wanted to use force to control the person who uncovered the infiltration plan of the Spirit Hall to his benefit. For this reason, the people slowly believed and trusted the new Emperor which they did not regret later seeing the progress he had made in his new empire.

Furthermore, many things happened during this month's time. First, was the building of the new palace which was designed personally by Lev himself. Second, Spirit Academies around the city gradually combined together and followed the name "True God's Academy" for their support. Even the four Subsidiary Clans were convinced and announced their assistance to the new Emperor. Lastly, the past empire's army who were on the front lines were slowly called back and were being reorganized as per Lev's instruction.

The only thing that Lev did for the past month was to focus on building and shaping his Empire. He didn't even bat an eye at the neighboring Star Lou Empire and Spirit Hall as he left this mission to Dugu Bo and his men but now that he was done, he could now continue what he had promised and left behind.

"Your Majesty, although I knew that you were very powerful, I still want Your Majesty to retain the relationship with Star Lou Empire. Their support together with your strength, I think we would now have a chance to counter the Spirit Hall." Suddenly, an old man with grizzled hair and a beard said. He has short hair standing out like steel needles at the top of his head.

"Well, it depends upon their decision, Clan Head Tai." Lev smiled and answered while looking at the old man. This was the topic from which they were having a meeting right now and it was of great importance, but it was bound to be conditional.

Hearing Lev, Tai Tan, and the others then immediately remembered that one of Lev's lovers was none other than the daughter of the Zhu Family which made the situation a little bit tricky since they have always known the relationship between the Zhu and the Dai.

"I will leave tomorrow morning and only be back once I finish my business there." Lev already decided as he was now ready to continue his mission and grant the promise he had made to Zhu Zhuqing two weeks ago.

"You're all dismissed." Lev then followed.

"Be careful, Your Majesty." Ning Fengzhi, Tai Tan, and the others then bade their farewell. They didn't even put up an argument since it was Lev they were talking about, he was not just an ordinary youth, he was the youth who brought down a whole empire on his own and no one could change that fact.

After everyone left, Lev then stood up and headed toward the place where Sia and the others were staying.


Living room,

After being freed from work, Lev finally has time to take care of his lover seeing Sia playing with the Pokemons while Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan are quietly cultivating in the corner.

"Master, you're back." Seeing Lev, Sia stopped what she was doing and walked towards Lev, and embraced him. The Pokemons also went and were happy seeing their master as they lovingly pushed their heads on his legs.

"Mmmm." Lev answered as he kissed her forehead before finding a seat from which the two then started kissing passionately while the three Pokemons left the room and headed somewhere.

Not long after that, Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan opened their eyes and saw Lev and Sia making out on the sofa. The two then just looked at each other as they sighed before walking and pounced on them.

Seeing the three of them, Lev couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. Who wouldn't feel happy having these beautiful women in his arms? He then just smiled seeing the three of them getting along with each other, especially Dugu Yan who had just become part of their family.

After one month, though Dugu Yan still isn't part of Lev's harem list, she has already accepted the fact that she cannot take Lev for herself alone. Though there was still time that she felt jealous towards the others, after a month of being together, it didn't concern and bother her anymore.

"Let's have lunch before eating dessert," Lev said with an evil smile while embracing the three of them. His lust who keeps on checking up on him has already vanished in his mind or to be exact, it had completely become manageable. Sometimes he would feel uncontrollable because Dugu Yan, Sia, and Zhu Zhuqing keep him on the right track.

Hearing Lev, Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan suddenly became excited as their face blushed as they understood the meaning behind his words. Though it wasn't the first time they did something together, just the thought of it completely excites them.

Following that, Lev then headed towards his private kitchen whereas the others decided to help him cook as they wanted to finish their lunch as fast as possible.



Lev's room,

As Lev and the others didn't have much to do during the day, they all spent it together in the palace either playing around, training the Pokemons, or meditating. With that, as the night bloomed outside, Lev and the others finally decided to rest back in his room.

"Zhuqing, I've already built the necessary foundation of my empire. We will leave this place tomorrow and head to your family." Lev then suddenly said while caressing Zhu Zhuqing's cheeks.

"Mmm." Zhu Zhuqing who was on Lev's right side replied as she already knew that it was now time for that.

"YanYan, do you want to follow us?" Lev then asked Dugu Yan who was occupying his left side.

"Can I follow?" Dugu Yan looked up and asked. It would be their first time traveling together and she was very excited knowing that she could follow them. Though she was already Lev's woman, she still felt a little off as they still hadn't done the last step unlike the two.

"Hahaha, of course." Lev laughed before caressing her head. Doing so, his cock which was sleeping soundly under the carpet suddenly stood up angrily.

"Hehehehe." Sia, who was lying on Lev's chest, laughed as she felt Lev's cock waking up from which she then moved down wanting to calm it down. She knew this would happen as Dugu Yan started sleeping with them and so it was her duty to relieve Lev during these kinds of situations.

Without further waiting, Sia and Zhu Zhuqing started doing their best while Lev and Dugu Yan kept on exchanging hot kisses. Following that, the temperature of the room started rising before going down as the time pointed at exactly 12 A.M.


---The next day---

Just like Lev had said, he and the others then were now on their way towards Star Lou Empire. They decided to leave at noon as Lev still had something to do in the morning from which he talked to Ning Fengzhi first and left them some tasks, especially to each of the Clan Heads.

Settling all of that, Lev together with his lovers then started their journey towards another exciting story and adventure.


Star Lou Empire,

Inside the main hall of Dai Family Palace, a man could be found sitting on his throne together with some unknown men having a serious conversation. They have been arguing for a while now as something keeps them feeling this way.

"It's already been a month now. I have already sent many messages to meet the new Emperor but why do we still not have his response? Can you suggest any reason behind these actions?" Emperor Dai frowned while looking at the people together with him in the hall.

"Your Majesty, I think the new Emperor is too naive. We knew for a fact that he was still young and naïve. He probably cannot handle the weight of being an Emperor." One of the unknown people replied confidently.

"Your Majesty, how about we force our way and invade them while they were still starting to build their foundation? This is a good chance for us to swallow his forces and make them ours." Another unknown person suggested with his words completely filled with malice and ill intentions.

"Can you use your brain for ones? How could we invade a person who faced the empire alone and killed the Emperor himself? Stupid" Another person replied with complete disapproval while looking at the man who just talked earlier.

"Hmph. Do you really believe that someone a brat like him could actually destroy an empire by himself? We only knew that the Heaven Dou Empire was no more, but we did not see what really happened. And those rumored that a spirit beast dragon appeared were too exaggerated. How could even a human tame that kind of spirit beast." The person who talked earlier rebuttal as he looked back at the man fiercely.

"Though we don't see it in person, how can you explain the suppression we felt that day then." Another unknown person said calmly while looking at them bickering like some kind of chickens.

Hearing that, all the unknown people including the Emperor then became silent after that.

"Enough for that. I will send another messenger to communicate with True God's Empire." Emperor Dai said as he sighed while thinking about it. Following that, the five unknown people then calmed down and nodded after hearing his words. Though they have different sides and opinions about this matter, they would still respect the Emperor's decision.


---Three days later---

Star Lou Empire,

Following their journey, it did not take long before Lev and the others arrived in a city near the center of the Star Lou Empire. With their speed and non-stop traveling, they only took three days to come that far and arrive at their destination.




Inside a luxurious restaurant that could be found in the city, four youths could be found eating together. Though they were just eating normally like normal people would, they were actually the center of attention inside seeing whether it was a spirit master, or an ordinary person was looking at them curiously.

"Zhuqing, are you excited to see your family?" Lev suddenly asked while looking at Zhu Zhuqing. They have been away for many years and so he was curious how she was feeling right now.

"Hmmm. Well, I also missed them a little." Zhu Zhuqing casually replied while thinking about it. Living with Lev was the greatest feeling she had ever experienced, and so other things remained normal and ordinary to her however, remembering her mother, she also felt a little excited.

With that, they just talked for a while and then finished their meal before finding a hotel to stay in for the day as they wanted to have a proper and comfortable rest. They then just wandered around the city before finally taking a rest and continuing their journey tomorrow.


Zhu Family Palace

Meanwhile, inside the Zhu Family Palace, something made the place brought to surprise and happy upon hearing a particular piece of news from one of their people.

"Are you certain?" Zhu Family's Head asked once again together with another person inside wearing a surprise and happy smile on her face.

"Yes, according to the report, Young Miss Zhuqing was found roaming in the neighboring city together with three other youths." The man politely answered.

Zhu family head then dismissed the man and he disappeared immediately.

'It's good that Zhuqing came back but those three youths with her, hmmm, let's just wait when she comes home.' Zhu Family's Head thought while thinking about what to do about those three youths coming with her. He was already perplexed by the fact that all of the people he had ordered to get her a month ago had suddenly gone missing and so he was happy knowing that Zhu Zhuqing was coming home by herself.


---The next day---

After eating breakfast, Lev and the others continued traveling as they were planning to arrive there before noon. With that, it took them three hours before finally saw themselves just outside the Zhu Family Palace. Lev, Sia, and Dugu Yan thought that Zhuqing's family really deserved to be one of the greatest clans in the Star Lou Empire seeing how big and grandiose the palace they had.

"Zhuqing, we're finally here." Lev then looked at Zhu Zhuqing and then said with a smile.

On the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing stared at the palace with mixed feelings before replying, "Mmmm."

After a while, the group was about to enter when suddenly a man wearing typical clothes for spirit masters appeared in front of them.

"Greetings, Young Miss. Clan Head was expecting your presence in the palace hall." The man said as he greeted them before shifting his attention to the people coming with her. He had already been told something about how to deal with them and so he looked at them seriously.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded as she knew that it must be one of his father's men. She then looked at Lev and the others before they started to walk inside but the man interrupted them once again.

"I'm sorry Young Miss, but the Clan Head was only expecting your presence and it does not include your companions." The cloaked man said as he looked apologetically at Zhu Zhuqing. Though he doesn't know what was happening, however, as he was ordered by the Emperor himself, he could only follow his command.

"T-This." Zhu Zhuqing frowned after hearing what the man said. She looked with conflicted emotions at Lev thinking that her father might be the reason behind this and so she wanted to apologize.

Lev, on the other hand, was smiling however, when the man's eyes met with Lev's, he felt his world being devoured. The man tried getting his eyes on Lev but found himself unable to move as fear completely filled his mind.

After a while, Lev then smiled and said, "Looks like it's okay now, Zhuqing."

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing then nodded as she guided them inside the palace. She did not feel any ounce of fear at the moment and was feeling anger instead. Just seeing the man outside, she already knew that his father didn't have any intention of meeting Lev and the other which left a bad impression on her.

After they left the place, the cloaked man who greeted them was finally freed and was now kneeling on the ground while vomiting. He was even gasping as large beads of sweat were dripping down on his head.

'T-That young man was terrible, despite me, being a spirit saint, I can't even stand my ground and move my body. J-Just who is that?' The man thought to himself as he was shocked to the core by what just happened. He could not help but wonder about what kind of monster the Young Miss had brought with her this time.


Zhu Family Palace,

Arriving inside the palace hall, the very first thing that Lev and the others have observed is the fierce gaze of a very imposing man while sitting on the throne. Just seeing by the way he looked at them, they had already understood that they weren't welcome.

"Father, I'm back." Zhu Zhuqing greeted the man with confidence.

Zhuqing's Father, however, did not respond as he was frowning while looking at Lev and the others. He had ordered one of his men earlier and told him to receive only Zhu Zhuqing and give special orders to the others but seeing them here makes him frown and think about what happened.

"Father!" Zhu Zhuqing greeted again but this time, it had a little hint of displeasure.

Hearing that, Zhuqing's father then woke up from which he replied, "It's good that you're back, Zhuqing. I thought you wouldn't be coming home anymore after leaving with someone. Good thing Dai Mubai have told me about your sudden appearance or else I would probably thought that you were dead."

"I see that you have companions with you. How about introducing them to me?" Zhuqing's father then followed while looking at Lev and the others. He was so curious to know who they were that they even passed through the person he sent.

Hearing her father, Zhu Zhuqing then looked back and started introducing Sia and Dugu Yan first before lastly introducing Lev. She was smiling while looking at Lev as she was very grateful for him for the memories and joy that he brought to her.

"This is Lev, the person whom I love and want to follow forever." Zhu Zhuqing proudly and seriously said while looking at Lev.

Zhuqing's father, however, upon hearing the name Lev, shook as his spirit pressure burst out throughout the hall as he had now finally seen the person who abducted her daughter for how many years. He looked at Lev fiercely and directed all his spirit pressure towards him wanting to crash him with it.

Zhu Zhuqing was caught off guard by the sudden release of her father's spirit pressure. She could only bite her lips and immediately released her spirit rings from which seven of them floated above her and tried to contend against her father's spirit pressure.

Zhuqing's father, however, ignored her as he was so focused on Lev as he released more spirit pressure.

Seeing this, Dugu Yan then also releases her spirit rings and helps Zhu Zhuqing fend off the spirit pressure. She didn't know what was happening but since it already come to this, she couldn't do anything but do her best to stay standing.

With that, the battle of spirit pressure continued for a while before Lev noticed Sia getting pale. In the years that have passed, Lev started giving Sia elixirs and medicines to help her body get stronger and some items that could protect her. It was a preparation for her to be ready when she started leveling up back on Earth but seeing her situation right now made him very angry for the first time in his life.

Holding Sia and making her lean on his chest, the temperature inside the hall immediately went down.

Seeing the current situation, Zhuqing's father instantly stopped what he was doing with a frown, and looked at Lev with his heart pumping very fast as sweat started forming on his back from great fear.

Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan, meanwhile, were also shocked by the sudden change in the situation. They then looked back just to see the pale and weak Sia in Lev's arms and that was when they had completely forgotten that there was someone with them with no spirit power but what they were concerned about the most was seeing Lev's cold expression on his face.

Lev looked at Zhuqing's father and coldly said, "Kneel down."