Chapter 44 - Di Tian and Xiao Wu


---Three months later---

For the past three months, no problem had hindered Lev from making his empire. Though there were times when Spirit Hall would attack True God's Empire, however, upon many failures and losses, Spirit Hall started to stop. Due to that, Lev's reputation started rising and has been heard by many as was hailed as one true Emperor.

On the other hand, a new palace has been finally constructed located between the border of the former Star Lou Empire and Heaven Dou Empire. This was partially arranged by Lev as he wanted to have his own place that was solely on his own and his lovers.


True God's Palace Hall,

Meanwhile, a group of people could be found gathering in the palace hall of True God Empire as they were having a conversation about the situation of the continent. Lev could be found sitting on a throne together with Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan while looking at the people or to be precise the upper personnel that formed and supported the Empire. Ning Fengzhi, Zhuqing's father, and the Four Subsidiary Clans Heads were among the people present at the gathering.

"I think the Spirit Hall has been avoiding further confrontation. It can be seen in the past three months that their army on the border was slowly retreating. What should we do about this, Your Majesty?" Ning Fengzhi politely said while looking at Lev. The smile on his face could not be hidden as it was really a piece of good news.

"Spirit Hall has been only facing failure and failure. I think we should advance and take advantage of this situation. Spirit " Strength Clan Head said. He had thought that this was an opportunity to strike back now especially since the two empires had been once again merged but this time, it was Lev as its center.

Following that, the others then also brought up their own opinions about this matter as Lev just kept on looking and listening at them however, it did not last long before he moved his hand prompting the people inside to get silent.

"No need to advance, order the army to just stay in place and be ready all the time." Lev said. He also wanted to stop the stupid war and avoid losing precious lives on the frontlines unless it was necessary. There's no need to sacrifice more life as he had already decided to visit Spirit Hall himself sometime in the near future and settle it with another solution.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ning Fengzhi replied without question while the others also did not complain and completely supported Lev's decision. Though they have questions about it, they just keep to themselves as Lev's decision is a must.

Following that, they talked for several hours and yet they still weren't done as there were several matters to talk about regarding the empire. Since the empire was still in its growth phase, several things needed to be considered and so it was the most concerning matter aside from the war.

On the other hand, Lev was also doing his role perfectly because it was his empire after all but not before long, his senses immediately perked up as he felt a powerful presence coming on the way to the palace. He looked in a particular direction while knitting his brows before saying, "I have some personal matters to attend to. We can talk about the others later. Dismiss for now."

Ning Fengzhi and the others were confused by Lev's sudden instruction but seeing the expression on his face, they then could tell that something really must come up. Right after that, they started concluding the meeting before dismissing themselves and left the place making the palace hall quiet once again.

"We had a visitor." Lev suddenly said.

"Who is it, master?" Sia curiously asked upon hearing Lev.

"It's an old friend." Lev smiles before answering.

On the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan just listened to them but were also curious about who was coming before hearing Lev ordering the three Toads who were guarding outside to welcome the visitors.


Outside the palace,

Meanwhile, a middle-aged man and a beautiful woman stopped for a while and looked at the grand palace in front of them. They had already arrived at the place and only appeared after sensing several people leaving the place. Noticing someone coming out, both of them looked at it and were surprised to see three strange spirit beasts.

The middle-aged man was the most surprised after seeing the three strange beasts because in his whole life, this was his first time seeing such spirit beasts and when he looked at their power, he could immediately tell that they were comparable to those 100,000 years old back in the forest or maybe even stronger.

"Master has been waiting for you inside." Gamabunta with a pipe in his mouth said. Looking at the two people in front of him, he doesn't feel any special about them and so loses interest.

Looking at the attitude of Gamabunta, the middle-aged man frowned. Though it was unreasonable to be irritated by just that, his status really was something that shouldn't be taken lightly. It was his first getting such treatment and so he felt like wanting to teach Gamabunta, however, he stopped himself and swallowed it in after all he was not here to cause trouble.

Right after that, the middle-aged man then started heading inside following Gamabunta and his group while the beautiful woman was still amazed by how grand the palace was as her eyes couldn't stop sparkling.


Palace Hall,

The middle-aged man and the beautiful woman did not take long before they arrived in the hall in which Lev and the others were waiting. They kept their mouth shut as they looked at Lev scrutinizing them while wearing a faint smile on his face.

"I can only commend your braveness upon coming here especially since the two of you were spirit beasts. I wonder what's your purpose for coming here." Lev said while looking at the middle-aged man fully knowing who he was, Di Tian, the last Golden Eyed Black Dragon of the continent.

Di Tian looks at Lev, he was already told that he was special but the annoyance that he was feeling earlier had risen a bit seeing that Lev wasn't that different from the spirit beasts that came to greet them.

Following that, Lev then looked toward the other person with a smile and said, "It's nice seeing you again, Xiao Wu. You've become much more beautiful than you were back in the academy."

"T-Thank you. N-Nice meeting you too." Xiao Wu shyly replied. She never would have thought that it was Lev they were going to meet and seeing him in person right now makes her heart skip a bit seeing how handsome he had become.

"Then, what should I owe this visit, Di Tian?" Lev then turned his attention to Di Tian again and directly called his name. Though he had a feeling as to why he was here, he still wanted to hear it from himself.

This time, Di Tian had completely forgotten his mission upon heading to this place as the only thing that he wanted to do now was teach the human in front of him upon casually calling his name. His race and bloodline as a dragon could not tolerate such an attitude since they were prideful and arrogant in the first place. He looked at Lev as he started emitting pressure to show his superiority.

"Y-You. I don't know what you have come here for, but you better behave yourself or I will kill you." Lev said coldly before he activated his skull soul bone and used Dragon God's Might as he looked at Di Tian. Seeing his attitude, though he kind of understood it, Sia was there with him and so he would never allow to see her getting hurt again.

"W-What!!?? T-This is impossible." Di Tian's eyes widened upon looking at Lev. He had already been kneeling on the floor as the spirit pressure was very terrible, but it wasn't the thing he was surprised about. The feeling and aura Lev had released was something he was very familiar and so he felt like his mind completely became in chaos.

"Is this the strength of the loyal guard of the Dragon God in this generation? How funny. Given enough time, my three toads outside would plummet you to death." Lev amusingly said while looking at Di Tian. Knowing the power of his skull soul bone, this meeting has already been settled. There's no way Di Tian would not recognize this power and so he wanted to see his reaction.

Di Tian was completely shocked again upon hearing what Lev said. He was now sure that the person in front of him was someone he would not disrespect but he really could find himself to do it as it was really unbelievable. Different emotions filled his mind and it started to cloud his ability to think.

Right after that, Lev then takes back his spirit pressure seeing Di Tian's condition. He then just lost interest and said, "Go back. I have already guessed what you have come here for."

Being freed from the heavy pressure, Di Tian then adjusted himself before looking at Lev once again before leaving the place and completely forgetting that he had someone with him. He was completely out of his mind from what he just witnesses and so he wanted to calm himself and bring this news back to Star Dou Great Forest.

"Looks like you've been abandoned, Xiao Wu. Don't worry, I have become the emperor of this place, you can stay here no matter how long you want. I promised that no one would lay a finger on you." Lev suddenly said thinking this must be the first in over many years that she visited a human territory again. The thought of wanting to let her stay and live like a human once more comes into his mind as she must be feeling very lonely out there in the forest.

Hearing Lev, Xiao Wu was very surprised and scared as he looked at Lev. Lev's spirit pressure was completely out of her expectation however, unlike Di Tian who was completely shocked, she felt a presence that made her want to worship him. Though she didn't know how he did it, seeing how Di Tian left without even saying a word, one thing remained a fact and that is she somehow completely trusts his words.

Seeing Xiao Wu, Sia was the first one to move seeing her immediately greet her before Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan joined afterwards. Xiao Wu, on the other hand, was completely overwhelmed by how cheerful and kind Sia was before looking at the other two who she was familiar and saw them smiling at her.

Lev looked at them with a smile before he said that he wanted to visit a place for a while, but it was actually just an excuse to make some time for them to get familiar with each other, especially Sia and Dugu Yan.



Dining Hall,

What Lev did earlier was to call on Ning Fengzhi and the others to continue what they left behind and the meeting continued until night. As the meeting has been finished, Lev finally has the time to relax again seeing him now eating dinner together with Sia and the others.

"Is your life good in Star Dou Great Forest, Xiao Wu?" Lev suddenly asked while eating. He has been wondering how her life has turned upon heading back to Star Dou Great Forest.

"I-I'm doing good, but it was boring unlike living in the city." Xiao Wu answered with truthfulness while enjoying the food on the table as it was something she had never tasted in her whole life.

"That's good then. This place is my home, you can choose any room you want and treat this place like yours. " Lev replied with a wry smile since he was the reason she had to go back there much earlier and could not enjoy her time in the city, and he felt a little guilty for that.

"Xiao Wu, are you really a spirit beast?" Sia curiously asked whereas Dugu Yan was also curious as they looked at her as it was their first time seeing a genuine 100,000-year-old spirit beast in a human form.

"W-Well, yes." Xiao Wu answered. She didn't even try to deny it since Lev and Zhu Zhuqing already knew about it. She even didn't feel any worries or fear admitting such a thing and it made her surprised herself about feeling that way.

Following that, Sia and Dugu Yan bombarded Xiao Wu with questions while they enjoyed their dinner with something a lot to talk about before they finally decided to rest. It was completely an ordinary night in the palace however, someone actually could not sleep properly as she could hear some weird noises coming from somewhere.


---One week later---

Star Dou Great Forest,

Inside the core of Star Dou Great Forest, Di Tian could be found kneeling on the ground while reporting at the beautiful woman on the bed. Though he was completely fine on the outside, his mind was actually in turmoil as he didn't know what to do.

"You seem afraid and conflicted, Di Tian?" The beautiful woman asked while looking at Di Tain with her eyes shining. She could feel how tense Di Tian was while kneeling in front of her and it made her think that something might have happened.

Di Tian remained silent as a large bead of sweat appeared on his forehead and back. He recalled what happened back then before his eyes turned serious and relayed every single thing. He didn't know what would happen to him afterward, but he didn't care as it was a matter of great importance.

After half an hour, Di Tian left the cave with relief. The beautiful woman, on the other hand, was left with a shocking expression on her face upon hearing everything. Just like Di Tain, her mind has also become chaotic as she really couldn't make herself believe but she doesn't have a choice since there's no way Di Tian would lie to her.

"I-It's impossible." The beautiful lady muttered as she thought about it.



Lev's Palace

Just like any other day, Lev was doing their sparring routine once again but this time it was now in his very own palace. After three months of training, Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan's coordination became superb, but they still could not defeat him or even make him sweat, it was only natural as he was powerful, to begin with.

Meanwhile, Sia and Xiao Wu were looking at them in the corner. Xiao Wu, however, was surprised after seeing Zhu Zhuqing was already this strong after the years they had not seen each other from which she could only guess that Lev must have helped her in every way. She was also surprised to see Dugu Yan as she also didn't know that she was this strong. Seeing the both of them, she could not help but feel bitter after comparing herself to them.

After a while, Lev, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan stop as they finally decide to eat breakfast making Xiao Wu wake up to reality once more. Living with them for a week, she was still not comfortable while looking at Lev because every time she looked at him, her heartbeat would become faster especially when she remembered the weird noises every night for the past week that kept hunting her every time she closes her eyes.

Following that, Lev, Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, and Xiao Wu headed straight to the dining hall after resting for a while. Nothing beats a good breakfast after having a small break and so spending the rest of their time peacefully and relaxed.


---One year later---

Douluo Continent,

A year passed like a breeze from which Douluo Continent has been in peace in that span of time. No major wars broke out for the past year completely making it like it never happened.

Meanwhile, True God's Empire's development would be the major news all over the continent as they continue growing not just their reputation but also in some aspects. Following the peacefulness of the current time, spirit academies started opening while some clans opened their doors once again.

Spirit Hall, on the other hand, was the only one who felt bitter about this development as their current standing and power would no longer help them accomplish their mission. Though they haven't shown it outside, they have already admitted that Emperor Lev was very capable prompting them to halt all their plans and focus on some other things seeing Emperor Lev wasn't showing any signs of attacking.


Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well,

Meanwhile, Lev could be found having his time at the core of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. For the past year, he has trained Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, and Xiao Wu in this place making their cultivation progress and their battle experience rise as he trained them hard without stopping.

Right now, however, they could be found relaxing in the hot spring seeing Lev and the others naked while drinking some wine. Xiao Wu, after a year, had finally graduated from her shyness as she had gotten used to living with them even when they made love out in the open.

As they were relaxing, Lev could not help but look at them with a smile before thinking, 'I think it's already time to unite the mainland and then set my attention to God Realm afterward."

Lev looked up to the sky and stretched his hand out. He was afraid even if he made out an enemy against the Gods which is completely probable. Having Dragon God's soul bones, it was only a matter of fact before they would know about it and so he was sure that they could not tolerate someone having that power.

Also, Lev felt like fighting against them was his only choice as he could not think of any other way for him to get stronger. Upon becoming a Titled Douluo, his level became stagnant unless he planned on wiping out all the spirit beasts on the continent. For that reason, he needed a stronger opponent, and one great example was them.

"Lev, what's the matter?" Zhu Zhuqing curiously asked while moving towards him. It was the first time she had seen him making such an expression again and so she knew that something was up.

Upon hearing this, Lev looked at her and smiled as Zhu Zhuqing's body figure was very sexy in every way and no man could resist it. He could not help but move his hand and hold her waist before moving his face closer and kissing her lips.

Zhu Zhuqing was surprised a bit, but she still kissed him back which turned into a passionate one. Their kissing lasted for a while before Lev broke and saw Zhu Zhuqing breathing heavily.

Lev then just looked at Sia and the others completely amused upon seeing their red faces, especially Xiao Wu. He then smiled and said to everyone, "Well, I think it's already time."

"Then, let's enjoy this precious time while you are not still busy." Dugu Yan said before moving closer to Lev and kissing him immediately. Hearing what he said, she and the others immediately understood what he was saying. Not knowing how much time he would take, she wanted to make the best of their remaining peaceful moment.

Seeing everyone's excitement, Lev could not help but smile at them from which he immediately grabbed them and threw them towards the bed he had bought not long ago and started an orgy.

Following that, several moans then could be heard throughout the place. Sia and the others felt that Lev was more aggressive and domineering today but they all liked it and decided to satisfy him to their very limit.

Meanwhile, as they were having the best moment of their life, Xiao Wu, on the other hand, was left in the hot spring listening to their moans while pleasuring herself. Though she wasn't showing it obviously, she started having romantic feelings towards Lev, especially after being constantly encouraged by Sia and the others.

Lev fucked Sia and the others for three hours before finally stopping as he could now see them all fainted on the bed with satisfied looks on their faces. It wasn't their first time having this kind of sex however, the longer they did the faster they would surrender and the more he became hornier.

Right after that, Lev pulled his cock out from Zhu Zhuqing as he looked back toward the spring and saw Xiao Wu closing her eyes while pleasuring herself. Still affected by his bloodline, he silently got out of bed. He walked back to the spring and headed towards Xiao Wu's position.

Meanwhile, Xiao Wu didn't notice Lev as she was so immersed in pleasuring herself. She was already on the verge of cumming when suddenly she felt someone touching her breast.

Xiao Wu opened her eyes and saw Lev looking at her. She then woke up and felt embarrassed after knowing that Lev might have seen her pleasuring herself. Though she kind of felt nervous, an excitement she hadn't experienced before filled her mind.

Lev, on the other hand, just looked at her before found it cute. As he could no longer stop himself, he then slowly moved his face forward before finally kissing her. This is their first time kissing each other and he could feel a different taste on her lips while Xiao Wu herself also felt great after feeling a different kind of pleasure.

Kissing for ten seconds, Lev then broke the kiss and saw Xiao Wu's red face looking at him. After a year of being together, he already knew about her feelings as there was no way he would miss it especially since Sia and the others keep on teasing the both of them. Though he doesn't know if he really likes her or not, the possessive feeling he has is already proof that he wants her.

"Xiao Wu, be mine." Lev said seriously while caressing her cheeks. He could stop doing it as she was portrayed in the story, she really has become a woman beautiful enough to be called a goddess.

Hearing Lev, Xiao Wu's heart beats faster than how it originally was. It was a feeling foreign to her and she felt very happy hearing it which made her subconsciously hug him with excitement.

"Good. I promise to give you the life that you wanted." Lev said with a smile while hugging Xiao Wu in his arms feeling how happy she was as he could feel her tears flowing down her eyes.

Following that, Lev and Xiao Wu just stayed in the hot spring and continued what they were doing seeing them kissing each other passionately while waiting for Sia and the others to wake up. Lev then told Xiao Wu that they still wouldn't take the last step as he wanted to make her first special.