Chapter 46 - Rakshasa

Seeing Lev unharmed, Bibi Dong could only look at Lev fiercely. It took her a month to gather all this power to prepare for this opportunity and yet it still wasn't enough and now they need everyone to take to end it as they have already moved against him and there is no way to turn it back. She thought that it was now or never.

Bibi Dong then shifts his gaze towards her people before deciding to deal with him herself as she immediately uses a spirit ability. She said, "8th Spirit Ring Ability: Spider Emperor Clone."

After activating the skill, another Bibi Dong then came out exactly the same as the original, but she was not done yet as she followed it by using her 4th Spirit Ring Ability, 'Thistle Spider Armor'.

This time, two Bibi Dongs with multiple dark purple spikes covering their bodies as armor were facing Lev. Anyone would feel tremendous fear just by seeing it as it was giving off an icy and dreadful feeling.

"The outcome of this fight will determine the direction of the continent. Stay in formation and assist me!!" Bibi Dong said with determination as she decided to go all out. Although she was confident with her strength, it was better to use everything she had, or she would regret it later.

Seeing Bibi Dong's serious face, Lev scanned the palace and felt surprised to see that aside from the people who were in the hall, the whole palace was completely empty from which he then realized that this surprise attack was carefully planned.

"Then, let me see how strong the Spirit Hall really is." Lev upon saying then releases his spirit rings. Alas, violence really was still the end point of everything. As long as pride and arrogance exist, there is no way peaceful means would come out the winner.

Seeing the spirit rings above Lev, Bibi Dong, and the others were a bit surprised about it. They have already known that they were all white after hearing about such news but seeing it in person really was different.

Setting aside her surprise, Bibi Dong then started to move. Two Bibi Dong dashes towards Lev while the Titled Douluos inside supports her by using their spirit abilities to distract him planning on making a way for her.

[.... has been learned.]

[.... has been learned.]

[.... has been learned.]

[.... has been learned.]

[.... has been learned.]

On the other hand, several notifications continued to sound in Lev's mind, but he wasn't that excited about it as his attention was completely focused on the battle. He looked at the incoming attack before he used a spirit ability seeing him moving his hand to write something.



Activating the skill, two dragons then appeared in a flash and directly moved towards Lev where one of them became a fire whip while the other became a blade-shaped fire. Without waiting any seconds, he then made the whip wrap around his body as he formed more blade-shape toward his two arms and his feet.

Upon seeing Lev, Bibi Dong, and the others were surprised by his transformation, but they immediately calmed down and stayed focused because one mistake could lead to a severe casualty.

Without holding back, two Bibi Dongs use spirit ability, "1st Spirit Ring: Half Moon."

Following that, a half-moon-shaped dark green light cut moves forward toward Lev's direction.

[Spirit Ability: Half Moon has been learned.]

Lev completely ignored the others as he looked at Bibi Dong's attack but instead of evading, he directly confronts it head-on as he was confident with his fire. As if it was nothing, he slashes it easily before dashing forward to one of the Titled Douluos in the hall thinking that they were in the way.

With that in mind, Lev leaped behind a group of Titled Douluos and used Bibi Dong's ability against them. He said, "Spirit Ability: Half Moon."

Just like Bibi Dong's attack, a half-moon-shaped dark green light cut moves towards the Titled Douluos in the hall. Several Douluos did not react on time and were hit seeing them crashing to the other side of the hall. They were not dead yet but just severely injured whereas, others evaded on time but felt surprised after seeing such power thinking that two similar attacks yet the power behind them was completely different.

Without waiting for them to react, Lev then uses another spirit abilities seeing two huge ice spears forming on his back. It was one of the abilities of the people inside and so wanted to test it out before seeing him throwing them out towards the injured ending them once and for all.


Two giant sickles suddenly slashed off the ice spears as two Bibi Dong appeared on time saving the Titled Douluos. She then just looked at Lev fiercely seeing him just using two spirit abilities and yet it already damages them much.

Seeing how serious this battle was, Bibi Dong then canceled out her clone as she looked towards the Titled Douluos around and those several injured ones who got caught up by his attack. She had already witnessed the disparity of their strength and she thought that more casualties would only occur if they stayed inside so she decided to do this alone.

"Everyone, get out and bring the injured. Leave the place and evacuate the people." Bibi Dong ordered seriously. As one of the most powerful people on the continent, what she was doing until now was nothing since if ever she released her full power and turned serious, destruction would be indestructible.

"S-Supreme Pontiff, this." One of the Titled Douluos reacted. No matter how powerful she was, it was still Lev they were talking about here.

Bibi Dong, however, just looked at him and did not say anything, but the Titled Douluo immediately became afraid as they reluctantly heeded her orders seeing them leaving the place like shadows.

Lev, on the other hand, retracted his flame dragons as he thought that it was finally over but that was when he suddenly felt something ominous coming from Bibi Dong that made all his hair stand up. He looked at her with a frown as he felt a murderous aura surrounding her together with her appearance changing and radiating some evilness on it.

'So, this is what a Godly Power feels like. I don't know which test Bibi Dong does now, but it looks like this is the side-effect of using the power of Rakshasa God.' Lev thought in his mind seeing that aside from the outside transformation, he could tell that she was in pain upon seeing the expression on her face.

Without doing anything, Lev continues to observe while frowning after seeing Bibi Dong in front of her as the Bibi Dong who was stunning before has now become fiendish. He wanted to look at how it ends but seeing her suffering makes him feel bad so he used Sonic Minimum.

With a flick of his finger, Lev appeared right behind Bibi Dong before knocking her out trying to stop her from finishing her transformation. He knew that there was a price for using the power of Rakshasa and he would not let her experience it.

Seeing how quiet the hall had become, Lev then immediately held her in his arms and carried her toward the place she was staying. As he already knew the layout of the palace, finding her room was completely easy.


Elder's Palace,

Meanwhile, the commotion in the Supreme Pontiff Palace was also being observed by none other than Qian Daoliu together with another old man. They were inside the palace when it happened and didn't make any moves as they only observed the situation.

"The battle has ended, I never thought that that kid was this strong to force Bibi Dong to use the power of Rakshasa. Seeing how fast it ended, I don't know how but even if we combine forces and fight him, I think we still could not defeat him." Qian Daoliu said with a sigh. Even though he was an Extreme Douluo himself, he knew that he would only suffer the same faith as Bibi Dong.

"Really? Then what will happen now? Is this the end of the Spirit Hall?" The other old man said while being surprised by Qian Daoliu's words. This old man was actually a Hyper Douluo known as Golden Crocodile Douluo, one of the powerhouses living inside the Spirit Hall.

"Hmmm, I think this is it, but somehow something is telling me that he wasn't completely a bad person. How ironic." Qian Daoliu said with an awkward smile before he walked back as he headed to a particular room in the palace.

"Let's just wait what will happen from now on." Qian Daoliu left such words before disappearing in the hall leaving the other person just looking at him curiously before shaking his head.



Bibi Dong's room,

After all that happened during the day, Lev could now be found sitting on the bed while staring at Bibi Dong lying comfortably on it. The room was completely covered by a barrier that no one could see what was happening inside. He, however, didn't mind what was happening outside.

With that, Lev continued looking at her face for a while now as he could not help it. Though he has the urge to take this opportunity, he could still stop himself from doing so as he could still control himself.

"Sigh. You're more beautiful when you're this quiet." Lev lastly said as he closed his eyes wanting to rest for the night. He wasn't even worried about her doing anything as she should have already done since he knew that she was long awake and just pretending.

Hearing Lev, Bibi Dong could not help but twitch as a small blush appeared on her cheeks. Though she really wanted to get out, she found herself unable to do a single thing as if she couldn't control her body. Wondering how it happened, she immediately thought that it was the effect of using Rakshasa's power and so she could only bear being in the room.


---The next morning---

Upon coming of a new day, Lev could be found kissing Bibi Dong on the bed. Going back to what happened earlier, Lev woke up upon sensing a deadly attack from which he saw Bibi Dong trying to attack him while he was still sleeping. In this small room, both completely fought once again from which it turned to this after Lev could no longer stop his lust upon getting more skin contact with Bibi Dong.

Anyone could tell Bibi Dong still struggling seeing her both hands wanting to push Lev but the latter's kissing skills gradually weakened her as she even started kissing back. Her mind has gone completely in chaos as to how it ended up like this as she can no longer think rationally as her body already stopped listening to her as she continues to get drowned by the kiss.

Lev and Bibi Dong kissed passionately for a while before the latter broke it with her last remaining will and softly said, "S-Stop."

Lev, on the other hand, already lost his mind as what was left was to push Bibi Dong down the bed and get this done already. Seeing her face, however, brings some clarity to him upon seeing a tear run down her eyes.

Bibi Dong, for the first time once again, experienced the feeling of helplessness as she looked at Lev. This feeling was something she had already forgotten and yet Lev brought it back to her a sudden anger burst inside her and she wailed in pain.

Lev, who had regained his composure a little, looked at Bibi Dong releasing the power of Rakshasa again. He didn't know if it was intentional but seeing her expression made him feel that it was not.

Seeing how evil the aura Bibi Dong was releasing, Lev immediately moved but unlike what he did yesterday, he took another path this time seeing him embracing Bibi Dong before kissing her lips.

Slowly and miraculously, the evil aura started fading and fading as Lev continued to kiss Bibi Dong. Not long after that, Bibi Dong also started regaining her composure but somehow, she came back completely different seeing how she cooperated with Lev as they started kissing passionately.

As if they had gone wild, Lev and Bibi Dong started taking off their clothes seeing them now completely naked when the former suddenly broke and backed off a distance with haste. Looking closely, a faint black mist started fading inside after they broke off.

Lev, whose eyes have gone black, fought the evil that suddenly possessed him. It took him a while before noticing it from which he immediately fends them off before looking at Bibi Dong who was the same.

Seeing Bibi Dong seductively crawling towards him, Lev immediately frowns before knocking her off and seeing her then turning normal. After that, he then helps her dressed while breathing heavily as he really was very horny at the moment. No matter how much he lusted over her body, he would not force himself, especially to someone who was unconscious.

Settling everything inside, Lev then immediately put off the barrier and used Instant Transmission as he disappeared into the room leaving Bibi Dong comfortably lying on the bed alone.


True God's Empire,

Meanwhile, in the training hall inside Lev's palace, Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan could be found training as usual. Both fought seriously before they stopped upon seeing Lev's sudden arrival with no clothes on. They were completely surprised upon seeing him but before they could greet him, Lev had already one step earlier seeing their clothes being ripped.

"Zhuqing, breakfast is ready." Sia, who had just appeared inside, happily wanted to tell the two that it was now time for breakfast but what she had witnessed was something she hadn't anticipated.

"…aahh…aahh…aahh….aahh….aahh" Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan could be found on the floor moaning as Lev kept on pounding them alternately. Though they were quite surprised, they were also happy and excited as they hadn't done such a thing for a month already.

Without moving herself, Sia suddenly flew over to Lev from which her clothes also ripped apart, and not before long, moans of pleasure then continued to echo in the training hall as Lev started to release his pent-up desire and insatiable lust.



Supreme Pontiff Hall,

Inside the palace hall, Bibi Dong could be found alone sitting on her crumbled throne. She has already given tasks to everyone, especially regarding the reconstruction of the place. Looking closely, her hand could be found shaking while she bit her lips as a hue of red could be seen on her face.

"H-How could that brat do this to me?" Bibi Dong remembered all that happened in her room. Though she was sure that it had something to do with Rakshasa, what she didn't or couldn't accept was the fact that everything was still fresh to her and the fact that she felt good about it.

No matter how and what Bibi Dong thinks, she will always remember Lev's tongue rummaging inside her. Also, from the fact that she had a glimpse of how mighty Lev's weapon was. Just thinking about it, Bibi Dong couldn't help but bite his lips while blushing.

"Lev, you're dead if you appear again in front of me." Bibi Dong angrily murmured before she stood up and walked back towards her room wanting to take a breather. Though she could be found walking normally, right under her robe, however, a trace of love juices could be found gushing out of her pussy.