Chapter 48 - Gu Yuena


Supreme Pontiff Palace,

After settling everything, Lev then left the Elders Palace and directly went back to Supreme Pontiff Palace where Bibi Dong might be waiting for him. As there were more obstacles on his path, he could be found smiling seeing that the first part of his mission was finally completed.

Walking casually inside, it did not take him long to arrive from which he then was greeted by Bibi Dong as she looked at him worriedly. He then shows a faint smile before saying, "Everything's settled. Let's get things done already."

Hearing Lev, Bibi Dong then smiles in relief. She was actually anticipating an opposition but seeing nothing really happened then it was all good. Without the Elder's Palace obstruction, Lev would really soon become the one and only true emperor of the continent.

"I really hate working. Sigh." Lev followed with a smile before walking out of the place. Thinking how arduous his work would be for the following day, he kind of wanted to escape the place but since it needed to be done, he could only endure it and better start now.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but smile before she called out five people in the shadows. She also had things to do as her role was to make Lev's succession as smooth as possible. She knew for a fact that it would shock the continent but what she's worried about was those people who would oppose it.

"You know what to do." Bibi Dong vaguely ordered but the five people immediately vanished in the place. Seeing Lev getting farther, she then just followed behind him wanting to witness the soon-to-be ruler and her lover.


---One month later---

Time passed and a month went away. It was a time that could not be said to be short or long as it was enough for the news to be heard all over the continent regarding Lev's successful acquisition of the Spirit Hall. Though there was still not a formal ceremony about the succession, it was already enough to boil the people with surprise, shock, excitement, and joy.

After a month, though there was still work to do, Lev has left it to his people as he himself and Xiao Wu were surprisingly together heading toward the Star Dou Great Forest. As the matter regarding the continent was already settled, Lev thought that it was now time to see the Silver Dragon King and listen to what she wanted to talk about.

With their spirit power, Lev and Xiao Wu ran through the forest together without any hindrance as the three Pokemons took all the trouble to make an easier path for them. Star Dou Great Forest was completely far from True God's Empire however, it did not take them long before they had already arrived just outside the core of Star Dou Great Forest.


Star Dou Great Forest,

Inside the core of Star Dou Great Forest, a beautiful woman who was sleeping peacefully suddenly opened her eyes. She stares in a particular direction before waving her hand from which a middle-aged man then immediately appears.

"That person was already outside. Pick him up and guide him here." The beautiful woman ordered as she felt a powerful power outside the barrier that she had put through to isolate this place from the outside.

"Yes." Di Tian's eyes widened before he calmed down. He then answered and immediately left as he was instructed to do. Though he kind of felt complicated about this meeting, he could only do his work as the loyal guard of the Dragon God.

Meanwhile, Lev and Xiao Wu have already stopped running seeing them waiting for a while as Lev knew that someone would be coming to guide them. He had already let out some of his power to get notice and so it didn't last long before a black silhouette then suddenly appeared in front of them.

"So, it's you, Di Tian." Lev said as he looked seriously at Di Tian. Seeing how he was behaving strangely, the shock he had witnessed back then might still be lingering on his mind.

Di Tian, on the other hand, could not help but gaze away as he sweated but that was when he noticed the presence of the Pokemons and most surprisingly Xiao Wu which surprised her got stronger than she was before.

"Y-Young Lord, follow me in. The Silver Dragon King has been waiting for you." Di Tian, after a while, then said while already turning back and leaving in a particular direction. He doesn't know what will happen when the two would meet but he knows for a fact that a change would bound to happen.

Seeing this, Lev then just looked at Xiao Wu before they followed behind him as they entered the mysterious core of the Star Dou Great Forest that was completely unknown and foreign to everyone.

Entering inside, what greeted Lev and Xiao Wu was a mystical place with a beautiful ambiance however their surprise then changed as they immediately felt being stared at by many spirit beasts, not just ordinary spirit beasts but strong ones. Their stares were enough to shudder any Titled Douluo but it didn't affect Lev, Xiao Wu, and his summons in particular.

On the contrary, the Spirit Beasts living inside were completely shocked upon seeing that a human had actually entered their territory, but they could only just stare at Lev with curiosity because they were being guided by Di Tian.

On the other, Lev and Xiao Wu were also looking at them while the three Pokemons were greatly surprised upon seeing that the spirit beasts living in the place were much stronger than what they normally killed while following their master. Though they were strong, they were not intimidated at all but became excited instead.

Meanwhile, Di Tian continued to walk before they finally stopped at the entrance of a strange cave. With that, Di Tian then said that only Lev can enter while the others need to stay outside and Lev entered the cave with great expectations.


In the Cave,

Entering inside the cave, Lev first scrutinizes the place before his gaze stops or to be precise is glued and mesmerized by the appearance of the woman in front of him. If Bibi Dong's beauty was akin to that of a Goddess, then the woman in front of him right now was a Goddess herself. Her beauty even stops his brain from processing for a second and focuses on appreciating the woman in front.

The woman, on the other hand, also stares back at Lev. Though it was only a brief moment, the power she had sensed earlier was already far surpassing the current her and so she looked at Lev intently wanting to know what was so special about him.

"You can call me Gu Yuena, the Silver Dragon King. I'm wondering now that I finally see you, are you really a human?" Gu Yuena suddenly said. While she was observing Lev, her every bone, blood, hair, and instinct told her that the person in front of her wasn't a human and wasn't a spirit beast either.

"W-Well. I'm probably still a human." Lev replied wryly to the sudden direct question. He actually also wonders about it since the race section on his status remains an error, so he thinks that he probably isn't human anymore.

"Di Tian told me something very absurd after meeting you back then but it really imps—" Gu Yuena could not finish her words after Lev suddenly interrupted. She then just looked at Lev with her eyes wide open as she suddenly felt a familiar aura coming from him.

"Impossible right? Well, that's true because what I have was only soul bone. A complete set of soul bones at that." Lev butted in before he activated all the soul bones on his body seeing him suddenly have a constitution of a dragon all over his body starting from his legs, torso, arms, and dragon wings.

"Even with that, just how it is possible." Gu Yuena could not believe what was going on even though solid evidence was already in front of her. As the other half of Dragon God, the aura that she felt from Lev was really very familiar to her. And if what he says is true, then it would only turn to more absurd thinking how did he get such soul bones in the first place.

"I don't have an answer to that question and even if I have, I wasn't obliged to give an answer." Lev said before retracting all his soul bones as he looked at Gu Yuena with surprise and curiosity. This was their first time seeing each other, so the flow of conversation shouldn't be this fast but here it is, the two completely clicked like it was normal.

Gu Yuena, upon hearing Lev's response, wasn't offended because even with her strength, Lev could still kill her right here right now. Furthermore, knowing that he fused Dragon God's soul bone even though she found it unbelievable, he wasn't an enemy but an ally instead.

"So, it's really you. I don't know how you end up like that, but I don't really care. You, as the strongest being on this continent, might have already known the consequence of having that power, do you?" Gu Yuena then immediately brought up the matter since not long ago, she felt a familiar presence scattered all over the continent. Also, she was confident that Lev have already known about the existence of Gods and so he might already know about his current position.

"You're talking about those Gods, right? Well, I have known it a long time ago. That is why I visited this place as I wanted to suggest a form of cooperation." Lev then answered seriously as he knew that it was bound to happen soon. Though he knew that those Gods still didn't know about it, it would only be a matter of time.

"Looks like we have the same goal in mind." Gu Yuena smiled upon hearing Lev. She then just got up from her bed as she walked closer to Lev. One thing is for sure, the spirit beast would soon come to rise with Lev's help and cooperation, and she was excited to see that.

Lev, meanwhile, just looked at Gu Yuena getting closer. He could actually fight the Gods himself alone however, what he was worried was it would catch the others up and so he needs someone to protect them and she, the Silver Dragon King would do that for him instead.

With that, Lev and Gu Yuena then talked inside the cave. There were many things they needed to put their concern with but the main point of their conversation this time was completely Lev's situation as Gu Yuena was completely interested in him.

Meanwhile, while they were having a conversation, something was also happening not too far from the cave they were in.



Meanwhile, some sort of reunion was happening outside while Lev and Gu Yuena were having a conversation inside the cave. Xiao Wu could be found wearing wide smiles as she was talking to two people or to be exact creatures since no existence of humans could be found inside aside from Lev.

"Erming, Daming I never thought that you two were now living in here." Xiao Wu surprisingly said as after walking around the place, she had never expected to see and meet them inside this legendary place.

"Xiao Wu, after you left, someone visited and told us to live here as we were now qualified as they said." Daming answered with a smile as he was very happy to see Xiao Wu again. Erming, on the other hand, was growling as he could still not talk properly but it could be understood that he was also happy upon seeing the expression on his face.

"Such a thing happened?" Xiao Wu was surprised after hearing what Daming said. Right after that, she then bombarded them with many questions before Daming's curiosity shifted to the creatures who were together with her.

"Xiao Wu, who and what were these spirit beasts with you?" Daming curiously asked while looking towards the Pokemons who were lying on the ground as if they were sleeping. It was the first time he had seen such kind of spirit beast in the years that he had lived.

"Well, this is Umbreon, Leafeon, and Sylveon. Despite their sizes and cuteness, don't underestimate them as they were all strong especially when they were working together." Xiao Wu answered with a smile while looking at the Pokemons who were eavesdropping on them seeing their ears popping up.

"Yeah. I could also tell." Damind replied while looking at the three of them before he brought out another topic as it was now their time to ask her how she had for the past year since she left the forest.

Sometime later, Lev and Gu Yuena suddenly came out of the cave from which all Spirit Beasts then immediately felt their presence. They were curious about what was happening seeing their lord coming out from her cave so they immediately started heading in their direction.

As all the spirit beasts were now present and were surrounding Gu Yuena and Lev. They couldn't help but show a little hostility as they were surprised to see that a human was actually standing side-to-side with their Lord.

"All of you, follow my instruction as the sovereign of this place. Our time to fight the Gods once more where coming closer and this human here will be our greatest ally and our hope. I want you all to respect and follow him the way you respect me as your Lord." Gu Yuena so declared while looking at them.

Hearing the Sliver Dragon King, all the spirit beasts present were completely shocked from which protests then could be heard everywhere as such a thing was really absurd to hear. Their hostility immediately rose to the peak as they thought the humans might have done something to their Lord.

"Lord, how could we follow a mere human being?" Suddenly, a tiger-like spirit beast asked with a frown. Hearing that they need to follow another person and most especially a human at that, a hint of great hatred could be seen in his eyes as he knew how evil a human can be.

Other spirit beasts were also curious about the order and wanted to know the reason. However, this was only the case for those young and ignorant ones. Di Tian and other spirit beasts who were much stronger and older, on the other hand, could instinctively feel that Lev was very dangerous despite his noble appearance.

"The fact that this human is the strongest human in the continent and also the fact that he is stronger than me is the major reason why you need to follow him." Hearing the opposition, Gu Yuena said as she looked at the spirit beast who was doubting her words before looking at everyone.

Hearing their Lord's words, all the spirit beasts felt shocked and surprised. Their minds could process immediately what they just heard as they could not believe that a mere human was stronger than their Lord as it was really impossible in the very first place.

Di Tian, on the other hand, was also shocked knowing that Lev was stronger than his Lord. He knew that Lev was strong but knowing that he was stronger than his Lord was a different matter, and he does not have any reason not to believe it since it came from their Lord's mouth herself.

"That was all I wanted to say. If I know someone plotting behind my back, just be prepared for the consequences." Gu Yuena then lastly said while emitting her pressure for a bit making all the Spirit Beasts in the place shudder in fear and cower.

Lev, who was beside Gu Yuena, just looked at them with a smile but his mind was actually going through a lot. He could not see the spirit beasts in the area as living creatures but as a place filled with a lot of experience. He was even wondering how many levels he would rise to if he killed them all and so an evil smile appeared on his face making all the hairs of every Spirit Beast rise as a sign of danger.

Not long after that, Gu Yuena then told Lev that he could stay inside to live no matter how long he wanted before she returned back to her cave wanting to rest. The spirit beasts, on the other hand, stayed in place as they looked at Lev warily as they still hadn't moved on from the smile he had shown earlier.

"Greetings, Young Lord." Di Tian, on the other hand, was the first to greet Lev. He could not defy the order of their Lord, especially after knowing that Lev was stronger than her. Furthermore, it was also a given that he would obey him from the fact that he could feel the Dragon God's aura in him.

"G-Greetings, Young Lord." All other spirit beasts then followed nervously whereas Lev just smiled at them before he started walking and headed towards Xiao Wu and the others' location since they pretty much have temporarily done his goal in this place.

Walking casually in the area, the spirit beasts could only make way for him and did not block his path not wanting to get on his bad side. Also, they were curious about what he was going to do and where he was heading.

Erming and Daming, on the other hand, were completely nervous at the moment after seeing Lev walking in their direction. They then immediately run their minds to search for any possible things that they somehow did to him as they couldn't remember anything.

"G-Greetings, Young Lord." Erming and Daming greeted nervously as large beads of sweat started forming on their foreheads and back. They then just looked at Xiao Wu wanting her to also greet the Lord so as to not get scolded especially since they were still new to the place.

Lev looked while being surprised upon seeing them in their human form as he did not remember it in reading back on earth or maybe he just missed it. Ignoring them afterward, he looked at Xiao Wu and stretched his hand out, and caressed her head.

"Are we done now?" Xiao Wu suddenly asked. Though she was quite surprised at what was happening, she set it aside for now as she could just ask him later about it.

"Yeah. So, how about you tour me around and bring me to the place you lived when you're here." Lev replied with a smile as he looked at Xiao Wu. As they all had the time to spare, he kind of wanted to see the entirety of the forest.

"Mmm." Xiao Wu excitedly replied.

"Di Tian, I will stay in Xiao Wu's place. Don't worry, I'll visit here from time to time as we were still not done discussing some matters." Right after saying that, Lev then turned around as Xiao Wu excitedly guided Lev out of the core together with the Pokemons.

After they left, all the spirit beasts were greatly surprised after seeing that the 100,000-year-old Soft Bone Rabbit spirit beast was actually favored by the Young Lord. Erming, on the other hand, was completely dumbfounded as he remembered something in the past.

"Erming, what's the matter?" Daming suddenly asked seeing the situation of his friend. Though he was also surprised about what kind of relationship Xiao Wu had with the Young Lord, he however knew that it wasn't his concern.

"I-I actually met the Young Lord last time when I headed to see Xiao Wu." Erming, after getting very nervous, made him properly talk in an instant. Following that, he then told him the whole story in which Daming felt surprised that such a thing happened in the past.


---One hour later---

Star Dou Great Forest,

Walking in the middle of the forest, Lev could now be found outside the mini house of Xiao Wu. The two could be seen relaxing in the pond near Xiao Wu's house as they embraced each other while appreciating the calmness and beauty of the place and seeing how warm and tranquil the ambiance was.

"Lev, we were finally alone." Xiao Wu suddenly said with her face completely red.

"Yeah." Lev answered before lowering his head and kissing her lips.

Xiao Wu then kissed him back and immediately opened her mouth for which they started kissing passionately while Lev started squeezing her breasts. This was the perfect time for them to do such a thing and so they finally set aside everything as they decided to get wild.

Feeling great coming from Lev's hands, Xiao Wu suddenly broke the kiss and looked at him with her eyes trying to communicate something. Lev, on the other hand, stares at Xiao and completely understands what she wants. With that, he then kissed her lips once more as he picked her up and carried her back to her house.