Chapter 65 - The Truth


Dining room,

Despite the delicious food on the dining table, the atmosphere in the room was very awkward as Lilith and the others kept on staring seriously at Sherry sitting on Lev's lap while eating happily.

As they saw Lev earlier, though they felt his appearance had sudden changes, they could still recognize him immediately, however, what surprised them greatly was when Lev suddenly told them that the child with him was his daughter. Hearing it early in the morning was really unbelievable, however, since it was Lev they were talking about, they could only wait as he would tell them the whole story later after they had eaten breakfast.

Sherry, on the other hand, was looking at her mothers while laughing inside after seeing how focused and troubled they were while staring at her. Not before long, Lilith and the others then head towards the living room waiting for Lev to explain what was happening.


Living room,

Wanting to hear the whole story, Lilith and the others immediately take a seat on the sofa while waiting for Lev to talk. They were serious about it seeing them looking intently at Lev and Sherry at the same time.

"How should I put it? Well, I know it's hard to believe it, but she really is my daughter, and her name is Sherry." Lev just casually said as he didn't know when to start and how to properly introduce his daughter to Sheng Ming to them.

"I-Is she really your daughter, brother?" Lilith asked again even though Lev had just told them.

"Well, yes." Lev answered.

"Where's the mother, then?" Mia asked this time. She had started believing Lev even earlier as she could tell the resemblance of the child to him and the weird feeling she was getting while looking at her made it possible but seeing only the child confused her.

Hearing Mia, Lilith, and the others also realized after hearing her question. Lev then looked at them and decided to tell them the truth but started giving small information as he said, "First things first, have you ever wondered where Sia is?"

Hearing Lev, that was when Mia and the others realized that Sia wasn't around even when they had eaten their breakfast. With that, Alexa took the initiative to climb upstairs and call her to find out but returned not having any clue where she had gone to.

"Actually, I had a very big secret that I have been hiding from all of you." Lev followed.

"W-What is it, b-brother?" Lilith asked curiously while gulping hard thinking about what kind of secret he had since she had known him since childhood, and she never found any kind of anomaly in his life.

"Do you believe in other worlds?" Lev asked instead of answering.

"Worlds? What do you mean? Like Venus and the other planets?" Kim was confused after hearing Lev's question.

"No. I mean, do you believe that there were other worlds like Earth capable of harboring life in the universe?" Lev then replied and tried to clarify it seeing the confused expression on their faces.

"M-Maybe?" Alexa did not know what to answer, however, after reading many novels and mangas, she had felt that they might in some sense be real.

"Well, if I tell you that Sherry came from another world, would you believe me?" Lev said and brought down a bomb while waiting for their reactions.

Hearing such an absurd thing, Lilith and the others could not help but laugh at him thinking he must have gone crazy however, their laughter started fading after seeing Lev's serious face which made them quiet.

"A-Are you serious, Lev?" Sera asked this time. Though she was doubtful, she had known Lev was not the kind of person who would spout some nonsense and so wanted to ask if he was about it.

"Truth be told, your sister Sia also came from another world." Lev said before summoning Sia beside him shocking everyone in the room upon seeing a sudden crack in the space which she suddenly appeared like a ghost.

"Nice to meet you again, sisters." Sia greeted them with a smile after seeing everyone again for a long time.

"S-Sia, is that you? H-How?" Kim shockingly asked after not believing what she just saw as the Sia who was adorable before had long gone and was replaced by a mature one seeing how big she had become.

Sia did not answer and looked at Lev instead whereas Lev just nodded at her before she then used her ability to transform into her former appearance before they traveled to Douluo Dalu.

This time, Lilith and the others were completely shocked to the core and couldn't utter a single word after seeing Sia transforming into a face that they had known she looked like, especially, Kim who actually fainted after seeing such an unbelievable thing.

"My name is Sia Syvia, a slime princess of Syvia." Sia then formally introduced herself to them before transforming again into her original appearance.

Each one of Lev's lovers then looked at Lev as they couldn't help but think all that he said was true. Some of them were getting a headache from processing all the information that was popping out and trying to calm themselves down.

Following that, Lev smiled before saying, no, it was more like showing them a sum of the story of his adventure and how he got the power to travel through worlds through the skill that he had bought in the system, "Memory Manipulation" however, he only shows them the general outline so as not to harm them due to information overload.

After half an hour, Lilith and the others could only widen their eyes while watching his story like it was a film since what he was showing them was new, and could hardly process it in their brain.

"T-Then, can we see your powers brother." Lilith said while expecting to see what powers would look like. Though she had seen it in Lev's memory, she believes in the saying that 'To see is to believe'.

Hearing Lilith, Lev smiled at her reaction before he looked at her seriously. Meanwhile, Lilith thought nothing was happening but, the people around her were different, seeing their eyes widening with their mouths open upon seeing her floating in the air.

"Wahhhhhhh, brother I'm floating!!!" Lilith excitedly said after seeing herself floating in the air.

"It's the power of Telekinesis." Lev said with a smile before making her fly around the mansion seeing how excited she was.

"Can you show us another one, Lev?" Kim suddenly asked. She had seen many in his memory and the thought that they were all real greatly surprised her so wanted him to show more.

"Of course." Lev replied before using different kinds of low-level skills on them trying to ease all their curiosity.

With that, Mia and the others then finally calmed down while looking at Lev like he was some kind of God.

"Do you believe in me now?" Lev asked after seeing them settling down. He kind of also felt tired of answering all their questions and finally had the time to rest.

Hearing Lev, Lilith and the others then nodded at him with their eyes sparkling upon knowing that their man really was the best.

"Sherry, come to mama." Sera suddenly called out while looking at Sherry hoping to carry and embrace her.

Upon hearing, Sherry looked at Lev first before directly leaping on Sera's arms. Though she was enjoying herself inside while looking at their reactions, she was also happy upon seeing them.

Right after that, Sera then became happy while embracing Sherry seeing her lifting her up and smiling at her lovingly. Seeing this, Mia and the others then became jealous an instant as they also wanted to carry her after all they were also her mothers.

Meanwhile, Lev just laughed while looking at them getting close to Sherry and it took them another half an hour to settle down after playing with her.

"Lev, then which world does Sherry's mother come from?" Mia suddenly asked.

"Lilith and the others might be familiar with it, it's the world of Douluo Dalu." Lev answered truthfully.

Sera and Mia were clueless about it, but Lilith, Kim, and Alexa were surprised after hearing them as they were familiar with it.

"Ehhhhhh. I-Isn't that a novel?" Alexa asked after realizing why it was familiar as she had read it before.

Seeing Alexa's reaction, Lev just smiled and then repeated what he had experienced back in the white room for which he could choose what world he would conquer and told them that everything was real and existed.

After explaining, Lilith and the others then became shocked after hearing it as they could not believe that the one they enjoyed reading was actually an existing world somewhere in the universe.

Sera and Mia, on the other hand, just listened to them as they were clueless since they were too busy to read a novel or watch animes. They didn't have the luxury to read or watch as they were too focused on making a living, but it was different in the case of Kim, Alexa, and Lilith as they were imagining how good it is to live in the world in their favorite anime or novel.

Following that, the three then asked Lev a lot of questions regarding the other worlds as they really wanted to know more about them. Lev, however, just laughed and thought that today would be a day full of explanations before he decided to show them some of his summons.

With that, three cute creatures then appeared in their sight. These three creatures were none other than Sylveon, Umbreon, and Leafeon, the three Pokemon that have ascended to a God Level. Lev doesn't know how to measure their power anymore if ever he decides to visit their world, but one thing is clear and that is the three of them were strong.

Meanwhile, the three Pokemons looked around before Sylveon directly leaped into Sia's embrace while the other two headed toward Lev as they could not see their masters.

"Wahhhhhhh!!!" Lilith, Alexa, and Kim shouted in surprise after seeing them. They could not believe seeing an actual living Pokemon especially cute ones like them.

"B-Brother, are they really real?" Lilith was the first to get close and wanted to observe them, but her hands were aching to pet seeing how she tried reaching them out.

Umbreon and Leafeon first looked at Lev as this was the first time they saw his other lovers. Seeing Lev nodding at them, they then each head down and went towards Lilith and the others.

"S-So cute." Alexa commented while petting Umbreon. Brushing its smooth fur making her eyes sparkle. It was also the same with Kim and Lilith who were petting Leafeon beside them.

Sera and Mia, on the other hand, though they don't know about them, were also surprised to see such cute creatures and they were sure that such animals could not be found here on Earth. So, it only means one thing and that is it came from another world like what Lev had told them.

"As I told you, they all exist in the universe." Lev said while looking at them taking care of Umbreon and Leafeon like excited and curious kids.

"Lev, you said that they were your summons. Do you still have any others?" Kim questioned once again. Though she was already satisfied seeing the three Pokemons, the thought Lev still has more excites her.

"I have more but they were not suitable to call them as they were pretty big. Hmmm, how about this." Lev answered truthfully as Gamabunta and the others were too big to be in the living room or even outside which he then just summoned Yoruichi.

"What's that cat, brother?" Lilith asked after seeing a black cat in Lev's arms. Its appearance was pretty ordinary and such kinds of cats could be seen in the streets, but it might not be the case since it must also come from another world.

"You might not be familiar with her in this form. Hehe." Lev smiled before telling Yoruichi to transform.

Right after that, the sudden appearance of a naked mature, and busty woman shocked all the girls in the room.

"Mama!" Sherry shouted after seeing Yoruichi because, among her other mothers, Yoruichi was the third mother she liked the most.

"Hehehe. Sherry, are you afraid that I will steal Papa from you." Yoruichi said before embracing Lev with her naked body and kissing his lips. After that, she then looked towards the women in the room with a smile on her face.

"Nice meeting you, sisters." Yoruichi greeted them as she seductively embraced Lev.

Sera and Mia were surprised to see that the woman in front had the same aura as them just by looking at how great her body proportions were however, Alexa, Kim, and Lilith were having stars in their eyes after seeing her as they knew her well.

"B-Brother, is this for real?" Lilith asked after seeing that the great Yoruichi was actually here and seeing by how she acted and greeted them then it was safe to say that she was her brother's woman and would mean their sister.

"Yes." Lev answered before moving his hands and embracing Yoruichi back while savoring the sweet smell coming into his nostrils.

Following that, Lilith and the others started questioning him non-stop about all the things that were happening right now. Lev also cooperated by telling them slowly about the origin of his power and the fact that he already conquered another world.

After Lilith and the others already understand Lev's situation, they then have a problem in their minds.

"L-Lev, if you're immortal. Then how can we---" Sera was the first to react. They all had the same thought after knowing that age doesn't matter to Lev anymore. Thinking that they would all get old and die eventually scared them as they wanted to be with him forever.

"Haha. Don't worry, as I already have it covered." Lev said as he knew what was bugging them. He was sure that he could make them immortal like him and even if he didn't do anything, just having sex with them would do the work because his semen is special.

Immediately after that, Lev tells them the truth about this semen's ability which his lovers become surprised and happy after hearing it. All they wanted was to be with him forever and hearing what he just said made them very excited.

With that, Lev also started telling them what happened during his first conquest of Douluo Dalu world. Telling them about their sisters in that world and describing to them how beautiful that world is. Unfortunately, they became sad a little after hearing that they could not travel to another world with him, but it changed immediately after Lev told them that it might be possible in the future.

Following that, they were also shocked to know that the power Lev showed them earlier was just a small section of his and did not even show his skills that could cause indescribable destruction. With that, time passed quickly and their conversation lasted until noon and only stopped before lunch.



Dining Room,

After everything that happened in the morning, the dining room right now was full of happiness and warmth as Sera and the others were taking care of Sherry as if they were her original mother.

Lev was also happy to see how they cope with all the revelation he said today and could not help but think of a beautiful picture of them all eating together. While he was busy thinking and looking at them, he suddenly felt a hand grab his face.

"Lev." Yoruichi called before kissing Lev on the lips. She had felt something must be on his mind and thought of snapping him out of it. With that, it made Lev woke up and kissed her back not knowing what was happening.

"Mama Ichi, Papa is only mine." Sherry furiously yet cutely said before moving to Lev and sitting on his lap.

"Fufufufu, I will steal him from you later when you look away." Yoruichi teased Sherry after seeing her reaction and could not help but pinch her chubby cheeks.

Meanwhile, Sera and the others were surprised after hearing what Sherry just said. They looked at each other before laughing as they didn't expect such words to come from Lev's very own daughter.

After they've done eating, Alexa and the others then told Lev that they would take Sherry out in the city and show her how their world works which Lev accepted directly after looking at how excited Sherry was with Yoruichi following to protect them.

Following that, Lev then saw them off as he decided to stay in the villa as he wanted to relax and because he still had many things to do so he wanted to start planning them out to make things go smoothly later.