Chapter 68 - Disappointment


---The next morning---


Being free from the university, Lev had all day to do what he wanted. Today, he has decided to agree to a meeting with one of the companies he acquired shares with yesterday. Also, he wasn't alone this time as Sia had come with him to California to broaden her mind in this kind of world.

Things have gone smoothly seeing Lev together with the one and only Mark Zuckerberg and other shareholders of Meta Platform Inc. in one room having a pleasant and professional conversation regarding the company.

From the start until the end, Lev faced such big shots with no sweat and maintained a professional aura. After hearing things from Mark himself about the goal of the company, he felt like the things being shown to the public really were just the beginning and so he felt very excited as to how it would work out in the future.

Following this, Lev then also familiarized himself with the company before finally concluding the meeting as he excused himself. Mark and the others offered lunch, but he refused saying that he had another meeting on hold.



Inside a restaurant,

Searching for a famous restaurant in the country, Lev and Sia could now be seen eating together. Sia's joining wasn't a whim as Lev had promised back in Douluo, he was now planning on strengthening her. However, what he didn't expect was to find something interesting upon seeing a change in her status after looking it up last night.

[Name: Sia Yvisia

Race: Slime

Level: 0 (Progress: 0 %)

HP: 500/500

MP: 2,000/2,000

Innate Skill:

Transform (Active) (Tier 2: Level 15): An innate skill of slime that can copy any living creature's body and figure after seeing it once along with 20 % of its abilities.]

It was only last night did Lev noticed it which greatly surprised him. He knew that the changes regarding her HP and MP must have been caused by his Harem Cultivation title-related skill but what he was very shocked with was the second one, Sia's 'Transform' skill as it clearly wasn't like that when he first looked at her status back then.

Clearly, Lev knew about Sia's limit however seeing such a sudden change in her skill completely crashed all his thoughts about it. It was only then did he recalled the Tier system which explains the changes and thought that the skill might continue to level up after being subjected to the fantasies he had back in Douluo Dalu.

'20 % in Tier 2. If it followed the Tier system, then it would reach 100 % in Tier 10. This is interesting. But before, let us start leveling her up in this world.' Lev thought while looking at Sia with interest. Though having sex is one way for her to get stronger, leveling up would be a surefire method, and like in Douluo Dalu, she just needs to kill any living creatures in this world.

"Sia, do you like fishing?" Lev suddenly said while eating.

"Fishing? Of course, Master. I've always wanted to try fishing." Sia replied with a smile. There were many things she wanted to do, and fishing was one of them. Such activity was something she didn't try once even after coming to Douluo Dalu and Lev's sudden question piqued her interest.

"That's good. How about we go fishing after lunch?" Lev asked with a smile.

"Really, Master?" Sia asked with confirmation while feeling excited.

"Of course." Lev answered. He then saw Sia start talking about fishing and was so excited about what kind of fish she would catch. He, on the other hand, prepared this much since there's no easier way to kill a living being than using the sea creatures to level themselves up.

With that, Lev and Sia gobbled up the food the restaurant had to offer before leaving the place as they headed out to the sea via flying without getting noticed. Furthermore, Lev started planning out their goal for today as to make the best of their time.


At the bottom of the Sea,

As promised, Lev and Sia went fishing however, it wasn't any ordinary fishing seeing them in a completely deep place. Also, something surprising was happening seeing Lev swimming without difficulty in such depth all the while observing Sia, who was currently in a 'shark' appearance upon transforming into one.

'For some reason, Sia's 'Transform' skill couldn't be used on me. How great would it be if she could but there's no need to be disappointed since it is still one hell of an overpowered skill if used wisely.' Lev thought while watching Sia killing and hunting every fish that would block their way thinking that there really is more to the skill than meets the as it completely operates differently.

Looking at how it works, 'Transform' consumes 1 mana every 10 minutes so it would only consume 144 mana a day which is broken in every way. In addition, depending on the creature Sia would transform into, the skills related to the creature would not consume her mana. For example, if she transforms into Zhu Zhuqing, change will happen to her status as Spirit Power would be included and so every skill she used would only consume her spirit power, not her mana.

Thinking about this fact, if Sia exhausted all her spirit power as Zhu Zhuqing, she could just undo the transformation and transform into another in a completely normal state and continue to fight like she never felt tired. Lev, however, thought that it must have some drawbacks since everything comes with a cost so he kept on observing Sia and asked about her situation from time to time.

With that, Lev and Sia dominated the sea all day as they continued calling out fishes with Lev's ability as they leveled up quite a number. It was only after Sia started getting weak and out of focus from the experiment Lev had done did they stopped and left the place.



Las Vegas City,

On top of a luxurious hotel in the city, Lev could be found standing while looking at the place. Despite being already night, the place felt like it was still daytime from how bright the place was, however, the ambiance of the place wasn't the thing that occupied his mind right now.

"So, it would overwork the mind huh." Lev suddenly muttered upon seeing the cost of the skill Sia had. After a couple of transforming into another being and continuing to exhaust their strength, though she was in good condition, her mind would be the center of being overloaded.

"It really was an overpowered skill, but it needs to be used with care. Well, with me by her side, I'll train her how to use it properly. For now, let's focus on the matter at hand." Lev followed and a smile then appeared on his face upon thinking about it. He has already called Mia and the rest about him and Sia not going back home tonight as he has something important to do in this city.

"Well, you already know the mission. Let's make this place lose some money." Lev said before several of his clones all the while having different faces with their fake identities jumped off the building before vanishing. As this place was the center of the gambling world, he might as well earn some by using his clones while he moves on his personal mission.

"I wonder if this would be a good thing." Lev lastly said before jumping off the building and have gone somewhere in the city. He now had a different expression on his face seeing how serious he had become.


Inside a bar,

Walking around the city, Lev found himself inside a bar looking at the people enjoying and having fun together as they followed the rhythm of the beat all the while looking at the several women dancing on the platform.

Lev, with his appearance, was already been surrounded by many hostesses as they poured him drinks to get his attention however, all their efforts were futile as his eyes were only fixated on one of the women dancing seductively on the platform.

"Sigh." Lev sighed before finishing his drink as he stood up wanting to leave the place as he had already seen enough. He then summoned out some cash and left it on the table from which the hostess surrounding him immediately fought to get them.

With that, Lev then finally got out of the bar and was now about to leave when suddenly a group of men surrounded him and just by the looks of them, he was completely sure that it wasn't a coincidence as they had come with an ill intention in mind.

Lev looked at them with a cold smile on his face from which he was then brought to a secluded place away from light and any CCTV however, what came next was something completely different from how it should be seeing several men wailing in pain while having their bones completely broken.

Lev, meanwhile, could be found cleaning off the blood on his hands while looking at them. He has come to this place after following Mia's word of trying to find his parents, however, what awaits him is disappointment seeing his mother, one of the women dancing, while being stared at by every man inside.

Though he wanted an explanation, Lev couldn't bring himself to her now and so decided to leave the place as he wanted to cool off. Just thinking about it made his blood boil before leaving place all the while erasing the memory of the people he had just taken a beating.

Calming down, Lev then left the place and headed straight to the casino wanting to enjoy and forget what happened. With that, he gambled all night with moderation not wanting to gain attention all the while his clones sucked them dry.


---The next morning---

Lev's villa,

Lev could now be found back in his villa together with Sia seeing them having a spar together in the backyard. Unbeknownst to everyone, Lev's profit last night was something that no one would have ever expected even the casino itself as there really were just too many of his clones.

Right now, however, Lev was completely focused on strengthening Sia wanting her to adjust and get used to the strength he just acquired upon leveling up. He also didn't know to what extent her power would reach upon reaching a certain level, but it was already enough for Sia to change that much even though she only leveled up to 41.

By giving her temporary weapons, Lev wanted to know what weapon she would like and compatible with and so ordered her to try everything. On the other hand, he also used the time to learn different kinds of martial arts and have them share with Sia at the same time. Though they were of low tier for now, with their continuous repetition, sooner or later will be useful in the long run.

Sia, on the other hand, felt excited and motivated by what she had become thinking that she no longer hold Lev back and could now fight together with him. Though her strength was still so much behind Lev, it only made her more motivated to catch up and become useful.

All day, Lev kept on training the motivated Sia before finally taking a rest at noon as they headed out to take a breather and relax. They stayed for a while in Mia's workplace and played with Sherry before spending the rest of their time helping Sera manage the recruitment and training period of the restaurant.

Following this, Lev pays back for his absence yesterday and spends a hot and happy night with all of his lovers after getting back home. He, however, told them that he had a good reason behind it and so he planned on heading out again for the days that are to come as he still has nine other companies that he needs to visit.