Chapter 71 - Clara and Jane



Lev's Villa,

This time, Lev could be found in the living room watching a movie that Sherry picked together with his lovers. Everyone could be found munching popcorn as they watched the interest of the story of the movie.

The screen shows the main characters of the movie Avengers. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, and the others could be found fighting against Thanos. Perhaps because everyone hadn't had the time or just because they weren't interested in it before, Sera and the others all felt that it was good.

"Brother, if the world within novel and manga exists then perhaps this movie also exists too, right?" Suddenly, Lilith asked an interesting question and everyone then looked at Lev waiting for his answer.

"Maybe." Lev answered. Unlike Sera and the others, he has heard about this movie or a series of movies before since he felt almost of his age had come to know them. It's just that, he doesn't have spare time and effort to come and watch back then since he has a lot of priorities to do first.

Watching the movie, Lev kind of felt like wanted to come and go to that world however, he also felt like it was too much of a risk to do so especially about the power of the enemy and so wanted to watch more the rest of the movie before deciding.

Following that, with the lead of Sherry, Lev and the others then continue watching all the movies related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They even find help on the internet as to how to watch it chronologically so they can follow the storyline with great understanding.


---The next day---

Lev's room,

After watching movies all night, Lev has come to decide not to choose to go into that world yet. No matter how sees it, the story still has a long way to go and the thought that there were still unknown dangers was the thing he feared the most.

"Though such a world was interesting, sadly I don't want to go to a place that I don't have confidence in conquering. Who knows, maybe I go there in the future. For now, however, I should focus more on accumulating power and getting stronger." Lev stretched out his back as he looked at the computer monitors in front of him which were completely filled with information about the movies they had watched last night.

Not before long, Lev then finally put a stop to what he was doing as he left the villa wanting to see the situation of Sia who was currently under the care of Megatron under how many kilometers deep in the sea.


Marianas Trench,

With a thought, Lev could now be found in the deep-sea trench in the floor of the western North Pacific Ocean and the deepest such trench known on Earth, the Marianas Trench. Appearing directly right beside Megatron, he was overwhelmed by the strong current, but it was completely nothing for him to see an invisible sphere covering him from getting wet.

"How was the situation?" Lev then asked while looking in the distance seeing a white tiger shark hunting down all living creatures in the area making the blue sea dyed in red. Knowing that Sia needs to level up to unlock all the skills of her job, she needs to work hard for it.

"It's good, Master. However, it seems like hunting down sea creatures would no longer improve Sia any further unless she would wipe out all the fishes and other species around." Megatron answered while giving his thoughts about the current situation.

Lev heard Megatron and so he completely understood. He also thought about this problem before and was searching for an alternative method as Earth really was completely ordinary and so he felt guilty from the fact that he had summoned Sia in such a world.

"I have a mission for you, Megatron." Lev then said seriously.

"Go to space and find traces of other living creatures." Lev followed before looking at Megatron. Though he doesn't know if there really were living beings other than them in space, hearing some pieces of information about it on the internet even if they weren't true, he might as well check them out now that he has the power to do so.

"As you command, Master." Megatron immediately followed as he flied up wanting to execute his orders.

With that, Lev then was left behind to supervise Sia while covering up Earth with his sense of observation. Following that, he then thought of changing the hunting place thinking that the sea creatures of this place might have extinct and that would be bad for the ecosystem.



Lev's Villa,

Coming back home at noon, Lev and Sia have lunch together however, not long after that, Sia is taken by Yoruichi to some inhabited Island to train again leaving Lev alone again in the villa seeing him now in the living room playing something that seems like a card.

"Should I use it?" Lev asked himself while holding on to one of the Random Skill Cards. He had been looking at his status for a while before closing it and putting back the card as he thought that his skills were enough for now.

"Hmmm." Suddenly, for some reason, Lev's face turned serious. Following this, he then just stood up and summoned a coat as he disappeared from the living room making the Slyveon and the rest feel curious as to where their master would go again.


Las Vegas City,

In one of the hospitals in Las Vegas, Lev could be found inside a room together with a woman having shoulder-length black hair and clear worried eyes looking at the child who seemed to be a four to five years old girl on the bed.

"Where is her father?" Lev suddenly asked while having a serious look on his face. Looking at the child who seemed to have a heart illness, Lev couldn't help clenching his fist under his coat.

Meanwhile, the woman didn't reply and just continued to hold on to the child's hand but there seemed to be a sad expression painted on her face as she thought about Lev's words. She, however, looked at Lev thankfully as she said, "Thank you for driving us to the hospital."

Lev couldn't help but clench his fist more before he calmed down and planned on leaving the place. He glanced at the child's face again before saying, "Take care of your child."

Following that, Lev then proceeded to pay the bills that they would incur in the place and bought all the necessary medicine afterward. He doesn't really need to go that far for a person, but it was a special case about those two as the woman back then was his mother while the child was probably his sister.


Outside the hospital,

Lev could now be found walking down the street together with his clone who was tasked to supervise his mother's action. It was also because of him did he knew about this situation.

"W-Wait!!!!" Suddenly, a loud shout echoed which prompted Lev and his clone to turn around from which they saw a woman running while panting upon catching up to them. It was his mother's name, Clara Olive.

"T-Thank you. Huff. Huff." Clara couldn't help but give appreciation for the fact of what Lev had done. She was actually about to inquire about the hospital bill but to her surprise it was already being paid in the name of Lev Hendrix. She was sure that she hadn't met a man with such a name and so she felt like it was the man who had helped him.

"Just why?" Clara asked as she looked at Lev. No matter how she looks at it, there's no reason for Lev to do such a thing. She no longer believes that there were still men living out there having a good and giving heart given by the life she has lived until now.

"The child, what's her name?" Lev asked instead.

"Jane." Clara replied while looking at Lev's face. Not knowing why and how but now that she takes a good look at his face, she couldn't help but feel quite surprised. She had seen quite handsome men through the years, but Lev's appearance really gave off a mesmerizing aura, and what surprised her more was the fact that she felt an unexplained familiarity with him.

"Jane. That's a good name. I will be opening up a restaurant soon in this city. If you don't have work, you might as well come by and apply to work with me." Lev said before he turned around and left. Though he couldn't help but feel angry, the woman in front of him was still his mother after all. Also, knowing that he has a sister made him decide to protect her at all costs and make her stay away from the dirty side of this world.

Clara could only stand in place still surprised before she bowed down and gave her appreciation before she looked at his back leaving while muttering, "He hasn't answered my question."

Meanwhile, somewhere in Las Vegas City, Lev could be found inside a four-story building. It was a building that his clone bought for his branch of Star Bright Restaurant in this place. It only needs time for the place to be fully renovated since there are people working inside at the moment.

'Probably in two to three months' time, Star Bright Restaurant would finally operate all over the world.' Lev thought since aside from this place, his clones have already invaded every country. From the money he could get from the shares he had, buying stocks, and gambling, he has enough money to build his foundation. Following that, Lev stayed in the city for a while before heading back.


Inside a room,

On the bed, Lev could be found lying on the bed looking at Chloe riding on top of him. Both were completely naked at the moment seeing how Chloe's breast jiggled as she moved up and down at the same time.

"Lev…. aahh…. Your cock really feels good… aahh…aahh" Chloe said as she continued shaking her hips while squeezing her breasts with her hands. After the end of their last class, she immediately calls Lev and so ends up like this.

Meanwhile, Lev could be seen salivating while being eaten by Chloe. He was quite surprised knowing that Chloe had hidden everything a secret. He doesn't know but thinking how she must feel now made him hornier.

As if Chloe noticed her gaze, she looked at Lev with lust before she moved her body down and kissed his lips. She knew that what they were doing was cheating and yet here she was wanting more and didn't care what everyone would think about.

Following this, Lev and Chloe lusted each other and fucked each other to their heart's content as no one would stop them as they basically owned the place. For hours, Chloe's moans were all over the place as Lev continued making a mess out of her.